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Rags To Riches: At His Bidding: A Home for Nobody's Princess / The Rancher's Housekeeper / Prince Daddy & the Nanny

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“God help us. Another family meeting,” Bridget said to her sister, Phillipa, affectionately known as Pippa as they walked down the palace hallway toward Stefan’s office. “Do you think he found out that we smiled at Coco Jordan? I’m starting to wonder if he used a hidden camera in the room while we were having tea.”

“That would explain why he scowled at us just before he left yesterday,” Pippa said. “It’s ridiculous that he insists that we can’t be friendly with her.”

“I know,” Bridget said. “I felt like I was kicking a puppy. She seemed very nice. I have a hard time believing her goal is to bring down the House of Devereaux.”

“Someone has got to get through to Stefan,” Pippa said.

“Good luck,” Bridget said with a sigh. “The only one who can reason with him when he’s like this is Eve, and she’s having so much nausea from her pregnancy right now, I can’t bring myself to bother her.”

“I know,” Pippa said, placing her hand over her own pregnant belly. “I had a few bad weeks, but it seems to have passed. Eve’s just seems to be getting worse. Stefan’s terribly worried about her, and I can’t say I blame him.”

“Well, here we go,” Bridget said and knocked on Stefan’s office door. The door immediately swung open and she was surprised to see Eve sitting in the room, eating a piece of toast. Stefan was on the phone.

“Eve, how wonderful to see you. How are you feeling?”

“Fine,” Eve said, clearly fibbing. “I’m just not used to being restrained from regular activities. Plus, according to all the books, the nausea is supposed to have passed.”

“I’m so sorry,” Pippa said, hugging her sister-in-law.

“I am, too,” Bridget said, reaching down to brush a kiss over her sister-in-law’s cheek.

“How’s the ranch coming?” Eve asked.

Bridget smiled at the fact that Stefan’s wife hadn’t forgotten the outrageous project Bridget and her Texas-born husband were pursuing. A ranch on Chantaine. “Thank you for asking. As you know, we’re in the house. The whole ranch and animal thing will take a while.”

“I’ll help when I stop feeling so terrible,” Eve said.

“Concentrate on taking care of yourself,” Bridget said.

Eve made a face. “So boring.” She glanced at Stefan, who was still on the phone. “So what did you think of Coco? Is she a villain in disguise?”

“I’d be shocked,” Pippa said. “She was refreshingly genuine. I think you would have loved her. She says she loves to go fishing in her spare time, although she rarely has any spare time since she’s taking care of a motherless baby. These are all clearly signs of a sociopath.” Pippa scowled at her brother, who was too busy on his phone call to be aware of her.

“She did seem quite nice,” Bridget said.

“What did Fredericka think?” Eve asked.

“Fredericka has more experience masking her emotions,” Bridget said. “She’s already gone back to Paris.”

Eve’s face fell. “What a shame. I would have liked her to meet Coco in better circumstances. That’s why you’re here. I insisted that Stefan allow you to meet Coco in a more natural, welcoming way. Her fiancé was ready to take her back to Texas. I think if dueling were still in style, he would have challenged Stefan.”

Bridget gaped at Eve. “Engaged? I didn’t know she was engaged.”

“Apparently, she and her employer fell for each other. Easy to understand with the devotion she’s showing to his daughter,” Eve said.

“Hmm,” Pippa said. “She didn’t mention an engagement.”

“We didn’t exactly invite her to overshare, especially after Stefan showed up and gave us his devil glare,” Bridget said.

“True,” Pippa said and leaned toward Eve. “So what’s the plan now?”

“We’re going to have a family gathering today,” Eve said. “With everyone. All the children.”

“The twins?” Bridget echoed. Her beloved stepsons were sweet, but terribly active toddlers.

“Everyone. Even Stephenia,” Eve said. “And we’re inviting Coco and her fiancé and his baby. I believe her name is—”

“Emma,” Pippa said. “I read the dossier,” she added.

“Are husbands required to attend?” Bridget asked.

“It’s not expected, at such short notice, but if you can coerce them, that would be wonderful,” Eve said and munched on her toast.

“I’ll try to tear Nic away from his satellite meetings,” Pippa said doubtfully. “If he knows there’s a time limit, I’m more likely to be successful.”

“Ditto,” Bridget said, thinking of her doctor husband’s demanding schedule.

Stefan hung up his phone and turned to the group. “I have an announcement. We’re going to have a family gathering this afternoon with Coco Jordan, her fiancé and his daughter.”

“We already know,” Bridget said. “We just need to know the start time.”

Stefan frowned. “How would you know?”

“Did you really think we were going to sit here quietly while you talked on the phone?” Bridget asked.

Stefan narrowed his eyes. “There’s no need to be disrespectful.”

“There’s no need to keep us waiting, Your Highness,” she said, giving in to the need to needle her brother. She was the one most likely to push back besides Eve.

“Darling,” Eve said, scrubbing her arm with a brush. “You were busy, so we already discussed the plans.”

Stefan, clearly distracted by the way she scrubbed her arm, switched focus. “You’re not feeling well, are you?”

“I’m fine,” she said for the umpteenth time. “Your heir just likes sitting on my liver. Which makes me itch. It will end in a few months.”

Stefan went to her side and cupped her cheek. “How can I make this up to you?”

“I’ll think of something,” Eve said and rubbed herself with the brush again.

* * *

After lunch, Coco, Benjamin and Emma entered the office of a palace advisor, George Singleton. “Welcome,” he said, waving his hand to the two seats across from the desk. “It’s my privilege to inform you of your inheritance from Prince Edward.”

“Inheritance?” Coco echoed as she balanced Emma on her knee. She glanced at Benjamin in surprise.

“Just let Mr. Singleton bring you up to speed,” he said.

She nodded. “Okay. Thank you, Mr. Singleton.”
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