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Pregnancy Proposals: The Duke's Baby

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“What did they do? Remind you that you weren’t one of them in order to dampen your sails when you got something they didn’t?”

“How did you know?”

“Corinne pulled her ‘poor me’ stunt the first night I met her in the hope I’d feel guilty for having been born a Du Lac.”

Lance’s problems had been so much worse, Andrea didn’t have room to complain. “Now that the girls are married, things have been better.”

“I wish I could say the same where Corinne’s concerned.”

Andrea shivered. “Wouldn’t it be wonderful if she just gave up and went home to her mother.”

A strange sound came from his throat. “I thought you were the one who said no more fairy tales.”

“I’m sorry. What do you suppose she’s doing right now?”

“Let’s not worry about it. Go to sleep. You’re safe with me.”


If there was anyone in the world who could protect her, she knew it was Lance. The knowledge helped her to relax. At some point oblivion took over.

When she awoke, she couldn’t believe it was midmorning already. Lance had already gone. Knowing he’d been with her all night must have been the reason she’d slept longer than usual.

The absence of nausea prompted her to take her pills. She wanted this feeling of well-being to continue.

As she started across the room there was a rap on the door. “Andrea?” Lance’s deep voice permeated to her insides. “Are you awake?”


“I brought you breakfast.”

He shouldn’t have. “I don’t need waiting on.”

“What if I like doing it?”

“Then I’m very grateful, but I need to shower first.”

“Go ahead. I’ll bring the tray in and wait for you.”

“Okay. I’ll hurry.”

Excitement welled up in her that he was going to show her his mother’s house today. It would be her baby’s home. Her home with Lance.

Three weeks from now and she wouldn’t have to see Corinne again except on the chance meeting at the château. In the meantime she and Lance would be occupied getting ready to be parents.

She grabbed a blouse to wear with her skirt before scurrying into the bathroom to shower and dress. He was going to get tired of seeing her in the same outfit. When they went to Rennes today, she would ask him to take her to a store where she could buy some loose fitting outfits.

After brushing her hair, she let it hang free from a side part. After applying lotion she was ready.

He’d put the tray on the bed. Cold cereal and grapefruit. “This looks good.”

“So do you,” he murmured, eyeing her thoroughly.

He did, too, but she refrained from telling him and started to eat.

This morning he’d donned a light blue suit with a darker blue shirt. No tie. With that burnished skin and blue eyes hot enough to cut steel, she wouldn’t be surprised if the women in town formed lines just to get a look at him.

“Thanks to your presence throughout the night, I slept well.”

“Your body next to mine had the same effect on me. It must be comforting for the baby to be all snug inside you.”

A section of grapefruit caught in her throat before going down. “The problem is, one of these days soon I’m afraid I won’t be able to say the same thing. But I’m not complaining.”

“I’ll give you back rubs. Maybe that will help.”

No. All that would do was arouse certain longings better kept at bay. After their conversation last night, she was a mass of feelings and emotions spiraling out of control.

“Are you the kind of woman who wants to have the baby the natural way?”

She shook her head. “No. I’m a coward and plan to avail myself of the latest epidural.”

“That means no Lamaze class for me?”

“Would you want to do that?”

He studied her over the rim of his coffee cup. “I want to do anything that helps me feel closer to the baby.”

“You can come to all my doctor appointments. I’ll be getting the ultrasound next month.”

“I was already planning on it. Needless to say I’ll be driving you to the hospital when your time comes. I’ve never seen a baby born. Giles and his wife had a little girl last year. He said it was the greatest experience of his life. I’ve envied him that.”

Her heart told her this wasn’t an act on Lance’s part. Having been denied the possibility of creating a child from his own body, he was willing to do whatever it took to be a part of her pregnancy. Andrea was one person who understood that need.

With the last bite of cereal gone, she went over to the dresser where she kept her purse. Reaching for her lipstick she said, “Did you happen to see Corinne while you were downstairs?”

“No. Papa said she had breakfast with him before going for a horseback ride.”

“Does she do a lot of riding?”

“From what I understand.”

“How’s your father this morning?”

“Euphoric. I left him on the phone with Helene.”

“Did he say anything about Corinne?”

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