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Wedding Vows: Say I Do: Matrimony with His Majesty / Invitation to the Prince's Palace / The Prince's Outback Bride

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“I know.”

She could hear the tears in his voice.

“Do you like it here, Phillip?”

“I love it. Do you?”

If ever she heard a searching question, that was it. “Who wouldn’t love Switzerland. It’s out of this world.”

“Dad’s so fun. I don’t want to leave, but I don’t want you to go.” Moisture bathed his cheeks. He burrowed his head in her shoulder.

“I have to go home, sweetheart.”

He sniffed. “Then I guess I’ll go with you. Isabella won’t want me around for all their wedding stuff.”

Such a gut-wrenching dilemma for a twelve-year-old. It thrilled her he loved Darrell that much, but her heart ached for him.

“Tell you what. I’m not feeling as nauseous as before. Let’s spend the rest of today with your father.”



Because Phillip had made a decision, she could get through a few more hours in Alex’s company knowing other people would be around.

“When he comes back with us to say good-night, then you can tell him we’re flying home the minute we can make reservations.”


“Think of all the fun stuff you have to tell your friends. You can show them the pictures you’ve taken. They’ll love all the souvenirs you bought them the other day with the boys. Especially all that Swiss chocolate!”


With the matter settled for the time being, they both freshened up before leaving the castle. Phillip knew the way to the pale yellow palace located on the west end of the grounds. It lay nestled amidst a grove of giant trees like a hidden jewel.

“Hey, Mom—don’t you think this place looks like that house in Sound of Music?” They’d just entered the courtyard where water had pooled here and there because of the storm.

“A little, but this is much grander.”

“Vito said their grandparents live here with them.”

“How lucky the boys are to have Evelyn’s parents around now that their father is gone.”

“Not her parents, Mom. They live in Bavaria. I’m talking about dad’s aunt and uncle, but they’re away on a trip right now. Jules says his Grandpa Vittorio is mean.”

“Is that description yours or his?”

“His. He says Vito’s afraid of him.”

That didn’t sound good.

Phillip knocked on the door, breaking her train of thought. Soon a maid answered followed by the boys.

Once inside the elegant foyer flanked by various rooms, Darrell marveled over the twin staircases on either side rising like a swan’s neck to the second floor.

The beauty and symmetry of the architecture was stunning.

“I’ve always loved this palace.” Alex’s deep voice came from somewhere behind her.

She swung around and discovered him standing next to a very pretty brunette woman. She appeared to be in her early thirties.

“Evelyn and Darrell? It’s time you two met.”

“Hello,” Darrell said first and extended her hand. “Thank you for inviting us to your home. I’ve been anxious to meet you. Your boys are charming.”

Evelyn flashed her a friendly smile. “So is Phillip. I don’t believe this family has ever had so much excitement.”

“I’m sure you haven’t,” Darrell said.

Thankfully the other woman didn’t sound judgmental, which was more than Darrell could have hoped for.

“Come in and sit down.”

The room they entered was surprisingly comfortable and modern in its decor. Darrell found the nearest chair. Alex remained standing while Evelyn took a place on one of the couches opposite her.

“We’re expecting Aunt Katerina any minute. I was so wishing you would recover enough to make it.”

Alex’s mother was coming, too? Darrell had hoped to avoid meeting her this trip, but maybe it was better to get it over with. After all, she was Phillip’s grandmother.

“I’m feeling better, thank you. It will be an honor to meet her.”

Evelyn cocked her head. “I can’t believe Alex talked you into going down under the castle. Charles could never get me near it.”

“I’m afraid Phillip wouldn’t have let me live it down if I hadn’t joined in.”

“Jules was very impressed with you. It was the boys’ first time ghost hunting. He told me I had to go next time.”

Alex chuckled. “If you two will excuse me, I believe mother has arrived.”

After he left the room Evelyn confided, “Another Valleder in the family has already transformed my boys’ lives. What’s amazing is how much they look alike. All three could be brothers.”

Darrell nodded. “That’s what I was thinking earlier. If I didn’t know better, I would have thought they were all Alex’s children.”

“Vito reminds me of Alex’s father, very serious and steady. Jules on the other hand has a happy-go-lucky temperament, more like my husband’s.”

Darrell’s glance darted to a credenza against the wall. “Is that a picture of your husband?”

“Yes, that’s Charles.”
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