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The Billionaire And The Baby

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The baby was thriving and doing the most amazing things. She was a miracle. Hannah didn’t want to miss a second of her development. Besides, Elizabeth needed her. She depended on her for literally everything…So there was no other choice but to make a difficult situation work, despite the obstacles.

Unfortunately after Hannah’s last trip to the car, the baby seemed worse and refused to be comforted. Hannah had fed her and changed her diaper, but still her tears increased. Maybe she’d caught a cold and her tummy was sick.

“There, sweetheart. Don’t cry,” she crooned to her, reaching out a hand to feel her cheeks and forehead. In this heat Hannah couldn’t tell if the two of them were just hot, or if the baby was running a temperature.

Growing more anxious, Hannah picked her up and started rocking her. When the baby cried harder, there was nothing to do but close the museum an hour early and take her to the nighttime pediatrics clinic in town. No matter how much she needed the money the store generated, Elizabeth’s health came first.

She quickly placed the Closed sign in the window, then emptied the money box in an envelope, which she put in her purse. Grabbing the diaper bag she headed for the door with Elizabeth, only to be bombarded by another group of tourists making their way through the entry.

Hannah couldn’t believe it. In her haste to get back to town, she hadn’t heard another tour bus drive up. The confusion and noise upset the baby even more. She began crying at the top of her lungs.

On the verge of telling everyone they would have to leave because she was taking the baby to the doctor, she heard a deep, rich male voice say, “Allow me.”

The next thing Hannah knew, a pair of bronzed, masculine hands came out of nowhere and plucked Elizabeth from her arms.

Caught off guard, Hannah spun around to find herself looking up at the breathtaking stranger from last night who seemed perfectly recovered after his accident.

He began whispering little French phrases to the baby that made Hannah’s insides quiver for no reason. Slowly he started kissing Elizabeth’s flushed cheeks.

At first the baby fussed, and though Hannah appreciated the stranger’s attempts to help, she was ready to take Elizabeth back when by some miracle she started to quiet down.

Each kiss he bestowed silenced her a little more until a smile quivered on her rosebud mouth and she forgot to cry. Her moist, awestruck green eyes stared at his incredible masculine looks in rapt absorption.

Hannah had to suppress a moan. Even Elizabeth at her tender age had fallen under this man’s powerful charisma and had become mesmerized by him. Within seconds she actually seemed content to be held close against his broad shoulder.

In absolute wonderment Hannah stood there and watched as the baby burrowed her face in his suntanned neck. That telling gesture not only meant Elizabeth felt secure, she craved the attention and comfort this man was willing to give her.

“Your husband certainly has a way with that adorable little girl of yours,” one of the elderly female tourists said loud enough for everyone around to hear. But Hannah was so stunned by what she was seeing, she couldn’t find the words to correct the woman’s erroneous assumption.

The stranger’s gaze found Hannah’s once more. His intelligent dark brown eyes, fringed by even darker lashes, slowly traveled over her upturned features, reducing her limbs to water.

In a quiet aside he said, “This is the least I can do after your heroic gesture for me last night. Go ahead and finish waiting on your customers while this golden cherub and I get better acquainted. What do I call her?”

“E—” Hannah had to clear her throat. “Her name is Elizabeth.”


“ELIZABETH.” She heard him repeat the name in the French way before he kissed her tiny nose and cheeks once more.

The baby’s mouth kept breaking into a smile. She was loving this! If she had a tummy ache, it didn’t seem to be bothering her right now.

Hannah couldn’t believe Elizabeth’s reaction to the stranger. The baby had never let anyone else get this close to her except Hannah. For one ridiculous moment Hannah actually found herself envious of the infant who appeared to have captivated the man’s attention so thoroughly.

He was so natural with her, Hannah imagined he must be a father several times over to know how to stop those tears. Of course a man like him would have a wife and family of his own, ring or no ring! It was ludicrous to believe anything else, let alone fantasize about him.

She quickly looked away and began waiting on the tourists lined up in front of the counter. For the next twenty minutes there was a steady stream of customers.

Every so often she stole a glance at the arresting stranger who moved back and forth with a slight limp while he rocked Elizabeth in his hard-muscled arms. Obviously content, the baby’s eyelids had lowered to half-mast. So far not one peep had come out of her.

Judging by his demeanor, you would never have guessed he’d been semiconscious from a car accident last night.

Eventually the museum emptied. His gaze captured hers. “Are you going back to Laramie tonight?” There was a hint of compassion in his deep voice and eyes as he scrutinized Hannah’s hot face.

She felt at such a disadvantage. Not since noon had she touched a brush to her curls or freshened her lipstick. With such intense heat she needed a shower and a change of clothes.

At one point Elizabeth had spit up. Part of it had come off on her blouse instead of the diaper she’d placed on her shoulder. Though she’d rinsed the material with some bottled water, she couldn’t wait to get back to the apartment to start a wash.


“I am, too. When you’re ready to close, why don’t you let me help by taking the baby out to your car while you lock up. Then I’ll follow you into town. Perhaps after you’ve put her down for the night, we can talk.”

Her heart started to trip over itself. “Talk?”

“Yes. Yesterday I came out here for that very purpose, but you were busy. So I decided to ride around while I waited for that tour bus to leave. I’m afraid my concentration wasn’t what it should be, and you know what happened.”

Hannah was very much afraid that she did. The incident had started up a curious ache that wasn’t about to go away.

“But I’m not complaining,” he murmured in a husky voice. “Last night I found out for myself there really are golden-haired angels.” His intent gaze traveled down the length of her curvaceous body, filling her with a different kind of heat. “I just didn’t know they came to earth wearing cowboy boots.”

Hannah swallowed hard at that sensual perusal. “Perhaps it would be better if you stated your business now, Mr. Giraud.”

“The name is Dominic. And yours?” he inquired mildly.

“I—it’s Hannah,” she stammered. “Hannah Carr.”

She hadn’t meant to sound so defensive just now, but it was the only way she knew how to deal with her chaotic emotions. While he stood this close to her, she was too confused to think straight.

Hannah couldn’t take much more of this or she would lose any objectivity she had left. “If you don’t mind my asking, why did you bother driving all the way out here again?”

“To thank you properly for saving my life.” He reached in his back pocket. The next thing she knew he’d placed a five-hundred-dollar bill on the counter next to the infant seat.

She didn’t make a move to pick it up. “I didn’t save your life, Mr. Giraud, and I would never take your money.”

“Please allow me to repay you in some small way. Spend it on this precious baby if you won’t use it for yourself. You played the good Samaritan, and I’m very grateful.”

Hannah shook her head. “Are you aware I might have done real damage by removing you from the accident site without knowing if you had a broken neck or spine or some such thing?”

His penetrating eyes narrowed on her classic features. ‘The memories are somewhat vague, but I do recall insisting on getting to my feet. You couldn’t stop me. Which means I didn’t leave you with any other choice than to assist me. Let’s be clear about that, shall we?”

His voice had taken on an edge that held more than a trace of steel. For a brief moment she had the strongest suspicion he was an intimidating, powerful force among his peers.

Some men were natural-born leaders who lit their own fires. He was that kind of man, and all the more intriguing because of his unfeigned display of loving tenderness with the baby.

Some of Hannah’s male neighbors and friends had been around Elizabeth enough times for her to recognize them and respond. But she always shied away from any attention they tried to give her.

“If you’re still insistent about not taking my money, will you at least allow me to buy you dinner tomorrow night to show my gratitude? That invitation includes your husband and Elizabeth, of course.”

She sucked in her breath. “There’s no husband. It’s just the baby and me.” Until Lisa comes back on her own, or is found. Please, God, let her be safe. Let her return home soon.
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