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Whisked Away By Her Sicilian Boss

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CHAPTER TWO (#u51bec55f-0cf1-566b-b156-33dae1e7d11d)

CESARE SAT AT the side of his mother’s bed, still trying to comprehend what she’d just told him. “Apparently you and Princess Tuccianna have enjoyed a relationship you never told me about.”

“Only since I started cooking for Bertina two years ago. Until tonight I’d been sworn to secrecy. She needs help desperately, Cesare.”

He reached for her hand. “Don’t you know what a terrible position this has put you in, Mamma? The authorities from two governments are looking everywhere for her. Her jilted fiancé could be dangerous. He has the kind of money and power that could crush you. If her parents found out you gave her shelter, your name could be ruined. You could lose your job with Bertina. They could make life miserable for you.”

“It’s Tuccia’s life I’m worried about, not mine. You know how I feel about titles. It’s a feudal system. No young woman should have to marry a man almost twice her age because of money and power. You can’t imagine how frightened Bertina is for her niece. The comte will impose his will on her. She’s very beautiful. And you know exactly what I’m talking about.”

Cesare was afraid he did. He’d seen first-hand the trouble that kind of will had created for Vincenzo and Vincenzo’s cousin Dimi. The two had grown up together at the castello and had suffered through tragedy together because of overpowering parental dominance over both of them.

After Cesare had become close friends with the two royals he had learned their story, so he understood why the princess refused to be tied legally to a man who could do what he wanted to his young, helpless wife. Cesare was sickened by it himself, but his protective instincts had kicked in for his mother. He didn’t want her to be a part of this and he got up from the bed.

“How long have you agreed to let her stay with you?”

“Until Bertina has worked out an escape plan to get her to a distant relative in Montenegro no one will trace.”

He shook his head. “Of course they will! That’s no plan,” he bit out.

“I agree with you and I don’t like any of it, either. But the princess is desperate. Bertina has told me that the father, Comte Ardois, was promiscuous and notoriously unfaithful over the years. She has it on good authority that his son Comte Jean-Michel is exactly the same way.

“He’s had a mistress on the side for a long time. I can’t bear that kind of life for her. Neither can she! Tuccia is like a lamb going to the slaughter. To me it’s criminal!”

“What you’re telling me sounds like a repeat of the stories Vincenzo told me about life at the castello growing up.”

“So you do understand that Tuccia is a young sweet girl and needs to get far away from him while she still can.”

“Yes, but not at your expense.”

“Someone has to step up. If I lose my job because of this, I’ll find another one. If that isn’t possible, then I will let you take care of me. The point is, the marchesa and her husband have never been concerned about their daughter’s feelings. They’ve spent their whole lives doing their royal duty and expect the same from Tuccia. The princess is alone in this. If Bertina hadn’t chartered that jet for her so she could leave Paris, Tuccia would have been forced to walk down the aisle today and be married to a monster.”

His hands went to his hips. “But now she has you involved.”

“Because I want to be. I like Tuccia very much. If she were my daughter, I’d do whatever I could to save her from such a wretched life. You’re the most brilliant, clever man I’ve ever known, figlio mio. If I asked for your help this one time, would you do it for your mamma?”

Her blue eyes beseeched him. She was serious! He could see it and feel it.

“What do you think I could do?”

“Fly her to Milan tomorrow on the Gagliardi ducal jet with Ciro. Help her find a place to stay in the city where no one will think to look for her. She won’t be traced.”

His eyes narrowed. “Is this the reason you let her stay here tonight? Because you knew I was flying in and planned to use me?”

“Yes,” she answered with her usual refreshing honesty. “Have I ever asked you for a favor like this before? Time is of the essence.”

“Mamma—” His head reared in exasperation.

She sat up straighter in the bed. “I don’t see a problem. Tuccia’s crisis takes priority. That girl needs to be far away from here by tomorrow. It won’t hurt you to take her with you. Be sure she’s wearing a disguise. Signor Fragala won’t suspect who she is.”

He stopped pacing. “He’ll recognize her once we’re on board.”

“So you’ll swear him to secrecy. If he can’t be trusted, tell him you’ve changed your mind and won’t let him have the coveted chef position after all. It’s in your hands. Once you’ve settled her, you can take Ciro to the castello and get on with your business. Is that such a terrible thing to ask this one time?”

Cesare couldn’t fathom that they were having this conversation at three in the morning. “There’s no place she won’t be recognized.”

“Then take her to the castello with you. Smuggle her in a back entrance and hide her in one of the turret rooms for a few days. That will give her enough time to figure out a solid plan on her own. Besides being well-educated and well-traveled, she’s a very intelligent girl and resourceful.”

“And according to the papers, impossible,” he added.

“If you knew the truth, you wouldn’t judge her. Every time her name gets in the news, it’s because she has tried to run away from her family. But she always gets caught and is brought back. Her parents cover it up by saying that she’s an indulged, immature troublemaker. She’s the loveliest girl I’ve ever known, and it’s a tragedy how her life has been.”

Such accolades for the princess shocked him. His mother wasn’t about to relent on this. She was a fighter who had a heart of gold. That was how she’d made it through life.

“You’ll help me to help her, won’t you?”

Cesare loved and admired his mother more than any woman he’d ever known. After the hundreds of sacrifices she’d made for him and his sister growing up, how could he possibly turn her down?

Letting out a sigh he said, “Stop worrying. After Ciro arrives in the morning, I’ll take her to Milan tomorrow with us.” But not to the castello. He didn’t want the guys to know what was going on.

“If you’ll do that for me, I’ll love you forever.”

“I thought you already did,” he teased.

Her eyes had filled with tears. “Oh, Cesare. My dear son. Ti amo.” She started to get out of bed, but her phone rang. Her eyes darted to his in alarm. “Maybe something’s wrong with your sister or my little granddaughter—”

Cesare’s body stiffened. A phone call in the middle of the night could mean anything. Probably it was Bertina calling his mother to tell her the police were on their way over to the villa looking for the princess.

She reached for the cell phone on her bedside table and checked the caller ID. “It says San Giovanni Hospital.”

He stood stock-still while he waited to find out what was going on, but his mother did little talking. Once she hung up, she looked at him with haunted eyes.

“I’m afraid I have very bad news for you, Cesare.”

“What do you mean?”

“Ciro was rushed to the hospital a few hours ago with an infected lung and kidney. I thought he didn’t seem well when I visited the restaurant a few days ago and assumed he had a cold.

“He must undergo an operation to drain off the fluid. The nurse said he had the presence of mind to ask the hospital to contact me before he lost consciousness.”

“Santo Cielo,” Cesare murmured in disbelief. This whole night had turned into a bad dream. “The poor devil.”

“It’s terrible.”

“Get dressed and we’ll drive to the hospital in your car. Since he’s my responsibility, I’ll tell the hospital and take care of his medical bills.”

“Bless you. I’m getting ready now, but I’ll visit him alone and be your go-between until he has recovered. Right now you’ve got to take care of the princess. The sooner, the better. That phone call could have been Bertina alerting me that the police were on Tuccia’s trail. There’s no time to lose.”

There was no time for sleep, either, not while this situation continued. He walked to his suite to shower and change clothes for the flight back to Milan. Afterward he went downstairs to the kitchen to fix himself coffee. He found the delicious sweet rolls filled with ricotta and chocolate his mother always made for him when he came and ate several.
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