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In a Cowboy's Arms

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Your mother and father’s greatest blessing. Let this be a time for all hearts to heal.

Love, Ralph Bannock and all the Bannocks—including the good, the bad and the ugly. Hope you haven’t forgotten I’m the ugly one.

She could hear Ralph saying it. He could be a great tease and she’d forgotten nothing.

A laugh escaped her lips as she put the cards in the pocket of her suit jacket. How she’d loved and missed him and Addie! Sadie had sent purple-and-white flowers when Addie had passed away, and today he’d reciprocated. She would have come for his wife’s funeral if there’d been any way possible, but fear of what her father would do to Jarod if she came back had prevented her from showing up.

There could have been so much loving and happiness in her family, but her father’s demons had put them through years of grief that affected the whole community. Suddenly she was sobbing through the laughter.

Needing to hide, Sadie hurried over to the granddaddy pine where she used to build nests of pine needles beneath its branches for the birds. She leaned against the base of the trunk while she wept buckets. How was she going to get through today, let alone tomorrow?

Her father’s flawed view of life, his cruelty, had occupied so much of her thinking, she didn’t know how to fill that negative space now that he was gone. She felt flung into a void, unable to get her bearings. And then she heard a male voice behind her. A voice like dark velvet. Only one man in this world sounded like that.

“Long ago my uncle Charlo gave me good advice. Walk forward, and when the mountain appears as the obstacle, turn each stone one by one. Don’t try to move the mountain. Instead, turn each stone that makes up the mountain.”


She hadn’t heard that voice since her teens, but she’d recognize it if it had been a hundred years ago. His sister, Avery, had once told Sadie he was known in the tribe as “Sits in the Center” because he was part white and straddled two worlds of knowledge.

Since he’d just picked up on Sadie’s tortured thoughts, she couldn’t deny he had uncanny abilities. But too many years had passed and they were no longer the same people. The agony of loss she’d once felt had been replaced by a dull pain that had never quite gone away. Wiping the moisture off her cheeks with the backs of her hands, she turned to face him.

He was a twenty-nine-year-old man now, tall and muscled, physical traits he’d inherited from his handsome father, Colin Bannock. But the short hair she remembered was now a shiny mane of midnight-black, caught at the nape with a thong. His complexion was bronzed by the sun and she picked out a scar near the edge of his right eyebrow she hadn’t seen before. No doubt he’d received that in the truck accident that left him unconscious.

He wore a dark dress suit with a white shirt, like the other men, but there was something magnificent about his bearing. The powerful combination of his Crow and Bannock heritage meant no man was Jarod’s equal in looks or stature.

She sensed a new confidence in him that had come with maturity. The coal-black of his piercing eyes beneath arched brows the same color sent unexpected chills down Sadie’s spine.

The whole beautiful look of him caused her to quiver. Once she’d lain in his arms and they’d made glorious love. Did he ever think about that night and their plans to marry the day she turned eighteen?

After she’d fled to California, she’d prayed he would ignore the words in her note and call Millie. Once he’d left the hospital and got her number in California from the housekeeper, she’d expected his call so she could explain about the traumatic episode at the ranch with her father.

But Jarod hadn’t called Millie, and there had been no word from him at all. Learning that he was out of the hospital and on his feet again, she’d prayed she would hear from him. But after a month of waiting, she’d decided he really was relieved they hadn’t gotten married, so she hadn’t tried to reach him.

That’s when she’d given him another name: Born of Flint. The Crow nation referred to the Pryor Mountains as the Hitting Rock Mountains because of the abundance of flint found there, which they chipped into sharp, bladelike arrowheads. Jarod’s silence had been like one of those blades, piercing her heart with deadly accuracy.

“It’s good to see you again, Sadie, even if it’s under such painful circumstances,” he said. “Ned warned me not to show up, but my grandfather’s been ill and asked me to represent him.”

And if he hadn’t asked you, Jarod, would you still have come?

“He’s too tired to go out. Do you mind?”

Did she mind that Jarod’s unexpected appearance had just turned her life upside down for the second time?

“Of course not. Liz told me Ralph has suffered recurring bouts of pneumonia. I love him. Always have. Please tell him the flowers he sent are breathtaking.” She plucked a white-and-purple flower from the arrangement and handed them to him. “These are from me. Tell him I’ll come to see him Tuesday evening. By then I’ll be more settled.”

He grasped the stems. “If I tell him that, then you have to promise you won’t disappoint him. He couldn’t take it.”

She sucked in her breath. You mean the way you disappointed me after you said you would always love me? Not one word or phone call from you in eight years about my note? Surely you knew there had to be a life and death reason behind it.


Another voice and just in time.

She tore her gaze away from Jarod. Zane was walking toward her, holding a fussy Ryan. “Here she is, sport.” The moment he put the little boy in her arms, Ryan calmed down. This child was the sunshine in her life.

Zane smiled at them. “He was good for a while, but with all those unfamiliar faces, he missed you.”

Sadie clung to her baby brother, needing a buffer against Jarod, who stood there looking too splendid for words. She finally averted her eyes and kissed Ryan. “I missed you, too.” She cleared her throat, realizing she’d forgotten her manners. “Zane Lawson, have you met Jarod Bannock, our neighbor to the east?”

He nodded. “Liz introduced us.”

At a loss for words in the brief silence that followed, Sadie shifted Ryan to her other arm. “I’m sorry I left you so long, sweetheart. Come on. There are a lot of people I need to thank for coming.”

She glanced one last time at Jarod over Ryan’s head. “It’s been good to see you, too, Jarod,” she lied. Her pain was too great to be near him any longer. “Thanks for the wise counsel from your uncle Charlo. In truth I have come back to a mountain. Getting through the rest of this day will be like turning over that first stone.”

As Jarod grimaced, Sadie hugged her brother harder. “Please give Uncle Charlo my regards the next time you see him. I always was a little in awe of him.”

* * *

AFTER EIGHT YEARS Jarod finally had his answer. She’d meant every word in the note she’d sent him. Not one phone call or letter from her in all that time. It appeared the sacred vow he’d made to her hadn’t touched her soul.

Gutted by feelings he’d never experienced before, he watched the three of them walk back to the house. They looked good together, at ease with each other. Comfortable. Just how comfortable he couldn’t tell yet. Was there something in the genes that attracted the Corkin women to the Lawson brothers?

But the girl he remembered with the long silky blond hair hanging almost to her waist was gone. Except for her eyes—Montana blue like the sky—everything else had changed. Her mouth looked fuller. She’d grown another inch.

Blue jeans and a Western shirt on a coltish figure had been replaced with a sophisticated black suit that outlined the voluptuous curves of her body. The gold tips of her hair, styled into a windblown look, brushed the collar of a lavender blouse. And high heels, not cowboy boots, called his attention to her long, beautiful legs.

There was an earthy element about her not apparent eight years ago. He hadn’t been able to identify it until she’d caught the towheaded boy in her arms. Then everything clicked into place. She’d become a mother as surely as if she’d given birth. He’d seen the same thing happen in the Crow clan—they watched out for the adopted ones. The experience defined Sadie in a new way. It explained the hungry look in the uncle’s eyes.

Jarod was flooded by jealousy, an emotion so foreign he could scarcely comprehend it, and the flowers meant for his grandfather dropped to the ground. Not wanting to be seen, he stole around the side of the ranch house and had almost reached his truck when Connor caught up to him.

“Jarod? Wait a minute! Where’s the fire?”

His head whipped around and he met his younger brother’s brown eyes. Connor had been through a painful divorce several years ago, but his many steer wrestling competitions when he wasn’t working on the ranch with Jarod had kept him from sinking into a permanent depression. This past week he’d been away at a rodeo in Texas, but after learning about Daniel, he’d come home for the funeral.

“Avery and I looked for you before the service.”

“My flight from Dallas was late. I just got here. Come inside with me.”

That would be impossible. “I can’t, but Avery will be glad to see you got here.”

Connor cocked his dark blond head in concern. “Are you all right?”

Jarod’s lungs constricted. “Why wouldn’t I be?”

“I don’t know. You seem...different.”
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