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Italian Groom, Princess Bride

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She shook her head in terror. “Don’t make me do this.”

“Hand me your cell phone, or do I have to take it from you.”

Her eyes filled with liquid despite all her efforts to maintain control. “Dizo—”

“Tears won’t work. You’re about to be married to another man. End of story!” He grabbed her purse and felt inside for her phone. “Do I surprise your brother who might not be in the right circumstances to hear my voice coming from the other end? Or do you find a way to get your brother down here without causing him any more stress than necessary? The decision is up to you.”

He meant it—every word of it. She hadn’t expected him to go this far. Once Lucca knew…

“Time’s up.” He pressed button one, her private line to her brother.

In the last second she took the phone from him and put it to her ear. She could hear Lucca talking. “Regina? What are you doing? Where are you? Alexandra’s about to give Catarina her bath. Come and join the fun.”

Her brother sounded so happy she couldn’t bear for that to change, but it was going to.

“I-I’d love to—” she stumbled over the words “—but right now I’m at the greenhouse trying to decide on the trees to plant at Papa’s grave. Dinozzo is here.” She could feel his eyes impaling her, forcing her to carry out his demand. “If you could come f-for just a minute and help me make the final decision before he has to leave?”

After a definite pause Lucca said, “You don’t sound yourself. Something’s wrong. I’ll be right there.” He clicked off. Her brother’s uncanny radar picked up on anything and everything. It was in full force tonight.

Regina averted her eyes. “He’s coming,” she whispered shakily.

Like a drowning victim she saw her life flash before her eyes. The one with Dizo. To imagine the rest of it without him was incomprehensible to her. How could she marry Nic?

While she stood there in agony, her body started to ice up and she felt sick to her stomach. Then she heard a strange ringing in her ears. The next thing she knew Dizo had lowered her into a chair.

“Put your head between your legs.”

Dizo’s hand had gone to the back of her neck giving her no choice. For a minute her head swam. He leaned over. “Princess?” he whispered anxiously. She hadn’t thought there was a particle of concern for her left in him, but she was too light-headed to analyze it.

When the world finally righted itself again she lifted her head. “I’m all right.”

Lucca chose that moment to walk in on them. After one look at her he muttered, “You’re as white as a ghost.” He hunkered down next to her and grabbed her hand. “What’s wrong, piccina?”

Regina didn’t know where to start. Her brother’s worried gaze shot to Dizo for an explanation.

“Your sister has something to tell you, but before you arrived she came close to fainting. I’ll get her some water.”

She shook her head at Dizo, unable to believe he could be this cruel. He pulled a bottle of water from the minifridge. After removing the top he handed it to her. Needing the sustenance she drank thirstily. “Thank you.”

“I’m sending for the doctor.” As Lucca pulled his phone out of his trousers, she put a hand on his arm.

“I don’t need medical help.”

She must have convinced him because he ended up lounging against the edge of a table with his arms folded and waited. Dizo stood a few feet away with his legs slightly apart, his hands on his hips in the ultimate male stance.

Regina was too devastated by his betrayal to speak. Somehow she’d believed he’d loved her enough that he would risk everything for her the way she had him. Not true. By summoning her brother, he’d caused her to question the belief system she’d clung to all her life.

In flying to Sardinia to let him know how much she loved him and couldn’t live without him, she’d totally humiliated herself for nothing!

Dizo was marking time until she made her little speech. She’d already shown weakness by losing it in front of him a few minutes ago, but that was the last time it would ever happen.

She took a deep breath and stood up. Without giving Dizo a glance she faced her brother. “I did something foolish and went to visit Dizo in Sassari last night without being invited. Kind of a twist on the droit de seigneur thing, but he didn’t appreciate it. Have no fear. He sent me on my way so fast my head is still spinning. It’s clear he’s terrified I compromised him and his family.

“Since it’s evident he’s afraid I won’t leave him alone, he flew here this evening and demanded that you be told about it. Actually I’m glad he insisted you come down to the greenhouse. That way I can swear on the love of our dead father that Dizo has no more reason to fear me embarrassing him or his family again. After sixteen years he’s free of me, so help me God.”

Regina’s head jerked around in Dizo’s direction. “Does that satisfy you, or were you hoping I would give him chapter and verse? Before tonight I could have sworn you were my friend at least. However, all that has changed now that I’ve found out I made an earthshaking error in judgment by placing any faith in you.

“That’s what’s so sad about growing up in one night. You discover you can’t depend on anyone but yourself. Papa gave me that warning more than once, but I thought he was talking about his own life as king.

“Arrivederci, Dinozzo Fornese.”

To her joy his face had gone as pale as hers beneath his tan. The bleak expression in those black slits was cause for celebration. While she was still energized by excruciating pain, she left the greenhouse on her own power.

* * *

Gina’s footsteps faded on the gravel outside, leaving an emptiness inside Dizo he couldn’t begin to describe.

“You were right to come to me about this,” Lucca spoke at last. “I’m not unaware my sister has always done the chasing where you’re concerned. This was a lesson she’s been needing for a long, long time.”

Dizo had gone numb.

“My father often talked about his admiration for your family, for you. Before he died, Regina told him you passed at the head of your class. It made Papa very proud.”

He couldn’t take much more of this. “Thank you. I felt the same way about him. He was a wonderful man. We’re all sorry for your loss.”

Lucca nodded. “It’s been hard, but he’s out of his misery now for which our family is grateful.”

“Of course.”

He felt Lucca’s eyes on him. “You’re a fine man, too. There’s none better. If I know my sister, and I do, with her marriage to Nic soon to take place, she’ll never come near you or embarrass you again.”

A shudder racked his body. Though Lucca had spoken the truth, Dizo already knew she’d keep her promise. He’d done the unforgivable to ensure she stayed away permanently. Now that she was out of his life for good, the feeling had left him beyond desolate.

“Tell me your plans, Dottore Fornese.”

Dizo took a steadying breath. “There are several veterinary practices in Sassari I can join, but I’m looking into other locales, too. In the meantime I’ll stay with my uncle and grandmother. When I’ve found the situation that seems right, I’ll get a place of my own.”

Lucca extended his hand. “Congratulations on becoming a vet. Your father hides his feelings well, but he makes little comments here and there that let me know he’s bursting his seams with pride over your accomplishment.”

“Thank you, Your Highness.”

“I’m Lucca. Surely after all these years of reminding you, you can finally bring yourself to call me by my first name.”

Dizo liked and respected Gina’s brother more than any man alive except his own father. “Grazie, Lucca.”

“Prego, Dizo. I know that’s Regina’s name for you. It’s a good one. Clever, just like my incorrigible sister.” He stared directly into Dizo’s eyes. “You have my undying respect for the way you’ve handled her attention to you all these years. Any other man would have taken advantage long before now.”

“I’ve hurt her by coming to you,” he muttered, “but I didn’t know any other way to protect her.”
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