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The Baby Proposal

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“Later,” he murmured. “Right now I want to dance with you.”

Her heartbeat accelerated to a galloping pitch as he grasped her hand and drew her into his arms.

She’d heard “La Vie en Rose” many times in her life, but she’d never danced to the live music of an authentic French accordion player before. Gabe’s hard muscled body seemed to meld with hers. She buried her face in his shoulder.

“Are you having a good time, Andrea?”

The question made her a little crazy. She was in heaven, but she couldn’t tell him that. “Thanks to you I’m having an unforgettable experience.”

“Then look at me.”

She clung to him even tighter. “I’m afraid to.”


“Because I smell of garlic.”

His body began to shake with silent laughter. “We both do, so there’s no problem.”

She finally raised her head, but the slight motion caused her to feel dizzy. “I—I wish I had some gum.”

“I’d rather taste the champagne on your lips.” In the next breath his tempting male mouth closed over hers in a warm kiss that seemed so natural, she opened hers involuntarily.

While they moved around the dance floor, their kiss slowly deepened and became a part of the total magic of the night. One song turned into another, one kiss grew into another. Andrea had no idea how long they communed in that halcyon state.

Gabe had begun kissing her cheeks and neck and hair, and she was making little moaning sounds while she let him. She’d forgotten they had an audience until they’d stopped dancing.

A wave of heat engulfed her at her loss of control. Breaking away from him, she walked past other diners to their table on unsteady legs to get her purse. She hadn’t drunk that much wine and couldn’t blame the alcohol for her reckless behavior. It was Gabe who’d turned her into some kind of sybarite.

Without waiting for him, she left the café and headed for the hotel. Pierre’s father stood behind the front desk, thank goodness. He nodded to her. She flashed him a smile and kept walking.

Gabe caught up to her on the staircase. When she sensed him behind her, she ran up the last few steps.

“What’s the hurry?” By this time they were both standing outside her door. She was breathless.

“I got a little carried away on the dance floor and figure it’s past my bedtime.”

His low chuckle resonated to her bones. “I should have brought you to Paris long before now. It’s wonderful watching someone else react to it for the first time.”

“You made it wonderful by bringing me here, Gabe. I’ll never forget it.” Her voice was trembling again. “Good night.” She put her key into the lock and opened the door.


Her heart thudded in her chest. “Yes?”

“Thank you for giving me a memory. I’ll come by for you at eight-thirty in the morning. We’ll raid that pastry shop next door before we do anything else. Sleep well,” he whispered before walking off.

There was no possibility of that now. He’d made the night too magical for her.

Grabbing her toiletries, she hurried down the hall to get ready for bed. But she knew she would stay awake most of the night reliving every thrilling moment with him.

A creature of habit, Andrea woke up at six-thirty though her body craved more sleep. Gabe wouldn’t come knocking for another two hours.

Unwilling to lie there in fresh anticipation of seeing him without being able to do anything about it, she dressed for work in a matching cotton blouse and skirt in a khaki color. When she’d done her hair and makeup, she packed her bag and carried it downstairs.

This time she encountered a woman at the front desk who was probably Pierre’s mother. The older woman greeted her.

“Bonjour,” Andrea responded in kind.

“Monsieur Corbin is next door eating breakfast.” Gabe was already up? “You are welcome to leave your suitcase with me while you join him.”

“Thank you.”

After the woman came around to take it from her, Andrea walked outside to an overcast sky filled with the most amazing cloud formations. She discovered tables and chairs set up in front of the patisserie. Gabe sat at one of them dunking a croissant in his coffee before eating it while he read the Figaro.

In thigh molding jeans, a burgundy T-shirt and sneakers, he gave off a sexual male aura that made her heart leap. But it was hardly the attire she expected him to wear to work.

Since her talk with him yesterday morning, nothing had gone the way she’d thought. There was no possibility of second-guessing him. It was one of the many aspects about him that increased his desirability.

As she approached, he looked up from the newspaper. His glance was swift but thorough, otherwise she wouldn’t be feeling this sudden weakness. He got to his feet in one lithe movement and helped her to sit down.

“I can never sleep in, either,” he murmured before removing his hand from her arm. Her skin continued to feel his imprint even after he’d taken his place once more.

“It’s just as well. I’m sure Emile wants to get started as soon as possible. If we hurry and settle down to business, he won’t have to keep his team working through the whole weekend.”

Gabe poured her a cup of hot coffee from the carafe without commenting. Apparently he’d been expecting her at some point. Unlike him, she was as predictable as the sun rising every morning. After last night she feared her attraction to him was transparent.

The woman who ran the shop brought out a plate of golden croissants.

“Try one,” he said. “They’re filled with spinach and feta cheese.”

She trusted him to know what was good and took a bite. He was right. It was a gourmet’s delight. But she had a fluttery sensation in the pit of her stomach that robbed her of an appetite. She reached for the coffee instead.

Gabe appeared so calm, it convinced her he’d forgotten what had gone on between them last night. “It feels like it might rain.”

“But it won’t,” he said, eyeing her over the brim of his cup.

“How soon is Emile expecting us?”

“He isn’t.”

She almost choked on her coffee. “I don’t understand.”

“Then I’ll clarify things for you.” He put down his cup and leaned forward, staring at her through veiled eyes. “I brought you to Paris for one reason only.”

She didn’t know Gabe like this. “If you’re talking about seducing me, you had your chance last night—” she joked because she didn’t have the slightest clue what was going on in his mind, let alone where this conversation was headed.

To her shock he didn’t laugh or even smile.
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