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The Wyoming Cowboy

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“Mom!” Johnny cried out with uncontained excitement.

“Come on, partner. Let’s get your luggage and we’ll go shopping.”

“As long as you let me pay for everything,” Tracy interjected.

He shook his head. “While you’re here, we take care of everything for the kids.”

“I can’t allow that,” she insisted. “A free vacation is one thing, but I’ll be buying whatever Johnny wants or needs while we’re here.”

His blue eyes flickered before he shoved his hat back on. “Yes, ma’am.”

Johnny had to hurry to keep up with the larger-than-life cowboy whose long powerful legs reached the baggage claim in a few strides.

“I bet you’re hungry. Do you like buffalo burgers?”


Tracy tried to hide her smile. Her son turned to her. “Mom? Are there really buffalo burgers?”

“Yes, but I’ve never eaten one.”

He looked at Carson. “Are they good?”

“Do you like hamburgers?”


“Then you don’t have anything to worry about.” His lips twitched when he glanced at Tracy. “Which bags are yours?”

“The two blue ones and the matching shoulder bag.”

“Here you go.” He handed Johnny the shoulder bag and he reached for the other two. “The van’s right outside.” Her son had to be surprised, but she noticed he carried the bag like a man and kept up with Carson.

They walked outside into a beautiful, still evening. She loved the dry air, but could tell they were at a much higher elevation than they were used to. The mountain range loomed over the valley, so close she felt dwarfed by it.

Their host shot her a concerned glance. “Are you all right, Tracy?”

“I’m fine.”

“The air’s thinner than you’re used to in Ohio.”

“It isn’t that as much as the mountains. They’re so close to us, I feel like they’re pressing in.”

“I had the same feeling in reverse when we reached Afghanistan and I got off the plane with no mountains in sight where we landed. I felt like I was in a constant state of free-fall. Without landmarks, it took me a while to get my bearings.”

“Coming from a paradise like this, I can’t even imagine it. Tony and I grew up on Lake Erie. He told me that after he got there, with no water in sight, he went into shock.”

“We all did,” Carson murmured. “On every level.”

She hadn’t talked to anyone about Tony’s war experiences in a long time and hadn’t wanted to. But this was different, because Carson had made a connection by being there, too. With that photo in his pocket, her son wouldn’t forget, either.

He guided them to the dark green van. It was easy to spot, with the same logo on the side she’d seen on the envelope. He stowed their luggage in the rear, then helped her and Johnny into the backseat.

“First we’ll head to the Silver Dollar Grill for some grub.”

“What’s grub?”

“That’s what the ranch hands call food. After that, we’ll drive over to the Boot Corral and get you outfitted. I think they even sell some mustangs.”

“What are those?”

“Cap guns. When I was little I had a mustang and played like I was Hopalong Cassidy.”

“Who was he?”

“Hoppy was a straight shooter and my favorite cowboy.”

His dark head jerked around to Tracy. “Did you ever see Hoppy?”

Her quick-study son was soaking up all this fascinating information like a sponge. “When I was a little girl my father had some old Western movies and we’d watch them. Hoppy was the good guy who always played fair. He had white hair and wore a black cowboy hat.”

“Hey—” He looked at Carson. “So do you!” Johnny cried in delight.

“Yup. I wanted to be just like him.”

Tracy smiled. “He had two partners. One old duffer was called Gabby, and the young one was called Lucky. I was crazy about Lucky. He was tall and good-looking.”

Johnny giggled.

“All the girls loved Lucky,” Carson commented. “That was mushy stuff.”

“Yeah,” her son agreed with him.

“Now we know where Lucky got his name, don’t we.” Carson winked at her. “I have a couple of old Western movies on CD, and you can see him in action.”

“Can we watch it tonight?”

“No, young man,” Tracy intervened. “When we get to the ranch, we’re both going straight to bed. It’s been a long day.”

“Your mom’s right, Johnny. Tonight we’ll load you up with one of those mustangs Hoppy used to use and all the ammo you want. In a few days, when I take you out riding, we’ll scout for bad guys.”

“I’ve never been on a horse.”



Those blue eyes flicked to Tracy. “How about you?”
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