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Rush to the Altar

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Why were they living on this palatial estate?

Reeling from a tumult of conflicting emotions, not to mention unanswered questions, he rose to his feet.

“Riley Garrow? I’d like to introduce you to my wi—”

“We’ve already met,” he broke in before the other man could finish.

“We have?” Her expression looked totally puzzled as she clung to her husband.

A wave of anger swept through him.

She was pretending not to remember that incident at the studio, but he knew better. There’d been an attraction between them, a strong chemistry unlike anything he’d felt before. She’d felt it, too. It was something you couldn’t hide, but she hadn’t acted on her feelings.

If it hadn’t been for the explosion on another set that had sent him to the hospital, he would have found a way to meet her again and break her down.

At the time he’d assumed she’d reacted as she’d done because the force of her feelings had frightened her. If they’d been anything like his, he could understand. She’d shaken his world, too.

If she was carrying Nicco’s child, then it explained why she was so damn scared. Why in the hell hadn’t she just come out and told him she was living with a man, or was secretly married?

This was a day full of shocks, both good and bad. Right now her acting ability was in full evidence. She even spoke passable Italian. No doubt she was praying he would let go of his determination to force a confrontation.

Out of deference to her husband, Riley decided to play along until the moment when he could get her alone to deliver a few home truths.

“If you don’t recognize me, then I guess I’m mistaken. With that braid, you reminded me of someone I once met.”

She hadn’t been wearing her hair in a braid on the set. It had been arranged long and loose, like one of those cascading waterfalls in Brazil that caught the sunlight, robbing him of breath.

Nicco’s eyes held a mysterious gleam. “Could you possibly be thinking of the woman on the cover of International Motorcycle World?”

At the question, something clicked in Riley’s head.

His gaze darted from the other man to Annabelle. “Of course—the mad vet from Prunedale!”

“That’s my wife.” Nicco kissed her neck.

“Up to my knees in mud.” She blushed in her husband’s arms. “I’m never going to live that picture down.”

“It hooked me,” he said purposely in English because he wanted to jolt her.

Her eyes rounded, giving him the reaction he’d hoped for. “You’re an American! I thought you were a hundred percent Italian like Nicco.”

She spoke English now, playing the innocent to the hilt.

Nicco squeezed her. “Like you, my love, Riley’s a man of many talents. He even has the distinction of winning over Chloe on a first encounter. I think I’m jealous.”

“Dr. Wood won’t believe it when I tell him.”

“Dr. Wood?” Riley drawled.

She smiled. “He’s the vet in Prunedale who hired me out of medical school. He was the only person besides me Chloe would allow to touch her.”

“What about your husband?”

Nicco shook his head. “Let’s just say she was territorial about letting me sleep with my bride. It took her a week before she’d deign for me to stroke the back of her neck. I think it was a month before she rolled over so I could rub her belly.”

His black eyes flashed. “If your secrets translate to the track, Riley, I’m already feeling sorry for the other poor devils when you start to make your moves.”

“So you race?” she cried out with excitement.

She was good at dissembling. The best he’d ever seen.

“Never as a pro like your husband.”

“Why don’t we finish this conversation inside?” Nicco murmured against her cheek. “I don’t know about our guest, but I’m starving.”

“While you show Mr. Garrow where to freshen up, I’ll check to make certain Anna’s asleep, then meet you in the dining room.” She slipped away from Nicco and hurried inside with the dogs at her heels.

No doubt she was relieved to escape before she gave anything away. He couldn’t fault her for trying to make a go of her marriage.

Why out of all the many beautiful, exciting, exotic women he’d known in his life did he have to be hung up on the one female forbidden to him from the beginning?

Though he was no saint, he’d made it a rule never to become involved with a married woman. Little did Riley know another man had already claimed her when he’d met her on the set.

He supposed he should be admiring rather than angry of her devotion to her husband when Riley knew in his gut she’d once been as attracted to Riley as he’d been to her.

Riley was privy to a secret all right, one she didn’t want Nicco to know about.

Back then the head of the Danelli empire hadn’t won his bride’s heart and soul yet, otherwise those green eyes wouldn’t have come alive with desire for Riley when they’d first looked at each other.

He closed his eyes for a moment. He should have known this day was too good to be true.

You are in a great hurry, rushing down a path even more dangerous than the one before.

Riley liked Nicco. He sensed this was the kind of man he would want for a true friend. But under the circumstances, it wasn’t going to work. The wisest course would be to heed Mitra’s warning, excuse himself on some pretext and leave the country tonight.

“Shall we go in?” Nicco prompted him after parking his bike near the bushes. “Earlier in the day my wife told me Ann was making our dinner tonight. Between you and me she’s not as good a cook as Callie, but she’s a lot better than she used to be and she’s trying hard to learn Italian. Be patient with her when she makes the effort.”

Riley blinked. “Who’s Callie?”

“My wife.”

He was totally confused. “Then who’s Ann?”

“My wife’s twin sister. She flew in from the States last night for a visit.”


ANN swept through the door connecting the kitchen to the small dining room of the palace carrying a hot platter.
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