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The Magnate's Holiday Proposal

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“Dino?” the man asked in a deep voice that penetrated her body. “Aren’t you going to introduce us?”

His son looked at both of them. “Gabi? This is my papà.”

CHAPTER THREE (#u8e94ccb2-2aad-58d4-b61b-4aeb50f60895)

GABI CHUCKLED. “SINCE you two look like each other, I figured he has to be your father. I’m delighted to meet you, Signor Berettini.”

The CEO of the Berettini empire had dressed in a charcoal-colored suit with a gray pullover and probably had to shave twice a day. No man’s looks or masculine aura had ever given her such a visceral reaction.

Amusement lurked in his eyes fringed with sooty black lashes. He took her breath. “After hearing about Gabi this and Gabi that, I’ve been the one anxious to meet you,” he said, shaking her hand.

She felt the contact zap through her like a bolt of lightning. His blue gaze traveled over her as if he were trying to piece everything together using his son’s assessment of her. In truth she’d been doing the same thing to him and hoped to heaven it didn’t show.

She looked down at Dino. “Edda told me you wanted to spend the day with me. Guess what? She gave me permission to leave.”

“Evviva! Do you know where we should go?”

“Since I’ve lived here all my life, I have a lot of ideas. One of my favorite places is the insect museum in Brusegana.”

“Insect—” His reaction was comical.

“That’s right. When I was in school, we took a field trip there. I thought it would be stupid until we arrived on the bus. Was I ever wrong! It’s a few kilometers from the center of the city.”

“Does it have real insects in it?”

“Thousands! Of course, most of them are dead, thank goodness.” His father laughed. “It’s an amazing museum, Dino. Maybe we could eat lunch at DaPretta’s first. It’s only a few blocks away. They do fast food and make the most delicious bacon and potato panzerottos.

“Afterward we’ll drive to Brusegana and spend part of the day there. If you want, we can watch a movie about insects while we’re at the museum and buy something in the book shop to add to your collection of books in your family room. I never saw so many. You’ll love visiting there!”

His face lit up with excitement. “Papà? Have you been there?”

He shook his dark head. “It’ll be a new experience for me, too.” His gaze focused on her again, and she felt an instant awareness of him that went deep beneath the surface. “Are you ready to leave?” She nodded. “Then let’s go.”

Gabi followed them out to the parking area, where he headed for a fabulous dark red Lancia luxury passenger car. While Dino climbed in the backseat and strapped himself in, his father helped Gabi in the front passenger seat. She felt his gaze on her legs as she swung them inside.

His interest was that of any normal male, but she hadn’t been with a man in two years. If she was going to be this affected by his every look and touch, maybe she’d made a mistake in not accepting dates from guys since her divorce. But Luca Berettini wasn’t just any man.

She’d heard of the expression coup de foudre, love at first sight. Gabi had never believed in such a thing, but if it existed she feared it had happened to her.

When they stopped to eat and find a table, she’d noticed every female in sight, young or old, staring at Dino’s striking father and eyeing her with envy for being in his company. She needed to get herself in hand and concentrate on his son. Before long they were served and Dino seemed to like his food.

In a few minutes one of the male servers who was probably Gabi’s age left the counter to walk over to them. He stood by Luca. “Excuse me for interrupting, but I know you’re Luca Berettini. I saw you win the gold medal in the downhill when I was sixteen. I can’t believe you just walked in here. Would you let me take a picture with my phone? My friends won’t believe it.”

Gabi saw a clouded expression enter Luca’s eyes. “I’d rather you didn’t.”

The guy nodded. “Excuse me, then. But I have to tell you that seeing you has made my day.”

When the man walked off, Gabi looked at Luca through shuttered eyes. “I imagine that must happen to you often.”

“More than I’d like. If I were alone, it would be different, but not when I’m with my son.”

“I would feel the same way,” she said in a quiet voice. Every mention of skiing had to be a reminder of Dino’s suffering and what his life had once been like before the avalanche. “Luckily he’s enjoying his food and didn’t seem to pick up on anything.”

He darted a glance at Dino. “These panzerottos are a definite hit and have provided the needed distraction.”

“I’ve loved them forever. What are your favorite dishes?” Gabi found herself wanting to know everything about him.

His eyes played over her with a definite gleam. “Pizza patate.”

“Potatoes on pizza. I’ve never tried it.”

“It’s the specialty of a place near my work.”

She smiled at him. “You mean you don’t have your secretary bring in fabulous meals for you every day?”

“Afraid not. I can hardly wait to get out of there and go home to eat. But sometimes I have to stay longer, and a pizza patate helps get me through the rest of the long cruel hours.”

“I see.” Gabi drank the last of her coffee. “Are you telling me you don’t like being the CEO of one of the most famous companies in Italy?”

“Would it shock you if I told you it’s the last place I want to be?”

Gabi averted her eyes. “Actually it wouldn’t, not when you’ve had something so serious on your mind for the last two years.”

He shook his dark head. “That’s not the only reason. Before I was forced to take over for my father, I’d been building my own skis and boots manufacturing business. I still run it on the side and have little interest in my family’s company. I’m afraid I never will. One day soon when my father is able to take over again, I’ll walk away and not look back.”

That sounded final. Gabi wiped her mouth with a napkin. She couldn’t help but wonder about the history behind it and how his father felt about that, but it was none of her business.

Luca put some bills on the table. “That was delicious.”

“I want to come here again,” Dino replied.

“Maybe we will. Shall we drive to Brusegana now?”

Dino got up from the table. Luca helped Gabi and they left for his car. It had been a long time since she’d been anywhere with a man, and never with one as appealing as Dino’s striking father.

When she’d come to work this morning, she couldn’t have imagined his driving to the foundation with his son in order to thank her and give Dino a chance to apologize, let alone spend the day with her. The whole situation had caught her completely off guard.

After a short drive, they pulled in the parking lot of the museum. Luca had a devastating smile. Her pulse raced when he used it on her. “This ought to be interesting.”

“I hope so,” she said in a slightly breathless voice.

From the moment they walked inside the doors, the three of them were mesmerized by the hundreds of insect displays. For the next hour Dino ran from one to another, marveling over the varieties and colors.

“Gabi—look at this big black one with the orange stripes! Ew. I’d hate to meet that in the forest.”

“It’s probably pretty harmless.”

“How about the sculpture of this giant cicada standing upright?” his father called out. They hurried over to look at it. “He could be a soldier.”
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