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The Millionaire's True Worth

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“Agreed, but it was false information. In case you were worried, I happen to own that store.”

“What?” Those incredible lavender eyes of hers had suddenly turned a darker hue. At last something had shaken her out of her almost condescending attitude. Did she really not know how he earned his living? Because of her relationship with the Milonis family, he found it hard, if not impossible, to believe.

“I read the incident report written up in the back room. You gave my employee the name of Ginger Moss, age twenty-six. What name will I find if I ask you to show me your passport? It will be important when I pay your hospital bill. They’ll need more information to correct the discrepancy on the record.”

“My insurance will reimburse you.” She rested her hands on the top of her thighs. “I sometimes go by the nickname Ginger.”

“Because of your hair?”

Her eyes fell away. “Yes.”

“Even if I were to believe you, that’s neither here nor there. I want to know why you felt you had to maintain your lie with me when you’re a close friend of the woman who married my best friend.”

The silence deafened him.

“I’ll find out the truth before long. Why not be honest with me now and get it over with?” he pressed.

“Is that the only reason you came over here again?”

“What do you think?”

More color filled her cheeks. “I—I wish I hadn’t told you where I’d fallen.”

“Since I found you here at Chloe’s, it’s a moot point.”

She stirred restlessly. “You want me to apologize?”

Akis had her rattled, otherwise she wouldn’t have asked those questions. He rubbed his lower lip with his thumb. “You want the truth from me? Do you think that’s fair when you’ve exempted yourself from being forthcoming with me?”

She moistened her lips, drawing his attention to them. All night he’d wondered what she’d taste like. “I meant no harm.”

“If that’s the case, then why the deception?”

“Look—” She sounded exasperated. Her cheeks grew more flushed as she got to her feet and fitted the crutches beneath her arms. “I haven’t had a meaningful relationship with a man for a long time because it’s the way I’ve wanted it.”

He walked over to her. “But clearly there’ve been a lot of men who’ve wanted one with you. You think I’m just another man you can ignore without telling me why?” She looked away quickly, letting him know he’d guessed the truth. “A woman with your looks naturally attracts a lot of unwanted attention. It must be galling to realize that whatever you did to put me off, fate had a hand in my showing up at Chloe’s home. Prove to me my interest in you isn’t wanted and I’ll leave now.”

She looked the slightest bit anxious. “Akis—I just don’t think it wise to get to know you better.”

“Why? Because you haven’t been honest with me and there is a man back home you’re involved with?”

“No,” she volunteered so fast and emphatically, he believed her. “There’s no one. This conversation is ridiculous.”

“It would be if I didn’t know that you’re interested in me, too. But for some reason, you’re afraid and are using the excuse of having to fly to California to put me off. I want to know why.”

“I’m not afraid of you. That’s absurd.”

“Last night you cheated me out of a dance. I don’t know about you, but I need to feel your mouth moving beneath mine or I might go a little mad with wanting.”

“Please don’t say things like that,” she whispered.

“Because you know you want it, too?”

Her breathing sounded shallow. “Maybe I do, but I’m afraid.”

“Of me?” He brushed his lips against hers.

“No. Not you. I’m afraid of my own feelings.”

“Shall we find out if they’re as strong as mine?” He wrapped her in his arms, crutches and all. His lips caught the small cry that escaped hers, giving him the opportunity to coax a deeper kiss from her. First one, then another, until she allowed him full access and the spark between them ignited into fire.

“Akis—” she cried softly before kissing him back with a hunger that thrilled him. He’d kissed other women, but nothing prepared him for the surge of desire driving both of them as they swayed together.

“I want you, Raina,” he whispered against her creamy throat, “more than any woman I’ve ever wanted in my life.” He came close to forgetting her sprained ankle until a moan sounded in her throat, prompting him to release her with reluctance and step away.

She steadied herself with the crutches for control. Those enticing lips looked swollen and thoroughly kissed. “That shouldn’t have happened.” The tremor in her voice was achingly real.

“But it did because we both wanted it.” He took a quick breath. “I want to spend time with you, and from the way you kissed me, I know you want the same thing.” His comment coincided with the arrival of Chloe’s parents, who walked in on the two of them.

“Weren’t you over here earlier?” Socus teased him in his native tongue. “No wonder our guest didn’t mind that we had an important business dinner to attend.”

Akis shook his head. “She didn’t know I was coming over again.”

“We’re glad you’re here, Akis,” Nora said in English. “We don’t want her to leave. Please do what you can to persuade her to stay until Chloe and Theo get back.”

Socus chimed in. “If we had our way, we’d insist on your living with us for a long time, young woman.”

Raina’s eyes misted over. “You’re such dear people and have been wonderful to me. But I’m afraid I have too many responsibilities at home to remain here for any length of time.”

“Your ankle needs at least a week to heal before we let you get on a plane,” Chloe’s father declared. “But we can talk more about this in the morning. Good night, you two.”

After they left the room Akis said, “Your ankle could use more rest. There’s nothing I’d like better than to help you pass the time.”

He sensed she knew she was defeated, but that didn’t stop her from darting him a piercing glance. “What about your work?”

“My brother will fill in for me. We do it for each other when necessary.” He stood there with his hands on his hips. “You look tired, so I’m going to leave. If I come over in the morning, will I still find you here?”

Her eyes flashed. “Perhaps the question should be, will you show up since you have a disparaging opinion of me?”

“You mean after you told me I should stick with my own kind and background?”

She stirred restlessly. “I can see you still haven’t forgiven me for an innocent remark.”

“There was nothing innocent about it. But the way you kissed me back a few minutes ago confirms my original gut instinct that you know something significant has happened to both of us. Good night, thespinis.”

He left the house for the limo. On the way to his penthouse his cell phone rang. One look at the caller ID and he clicked on. “Vasso? How come it’s taken you so long to get back to me?”

“Nice talking to you, too, bro.”
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