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Home to Wyoming

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“You’re right, but she doesn’t look like any grandma I ever met.”

“I know. My Grandma Baretta looks a lot, lot older.”

Buck was having a devil of a time coming to grips with that fact. He started the engine and they took off.

“Hey—can we go to town in the Jeep? It’s more fun.”


“Will you take the top off?”

“Why not.” According to the weather forecast, they wouldn’t have to worry about rain for at least three or four days. Buck drove them to the parking area at the side of the ranch house and they got in the Jeep. But before they went anywhere, he had to remove the soft top at the garage south of the house.

Once that was accomplished, they set out for the Forrester cabin. The second they pulled up in front, Johnny threw open the door. “I’ll get them.”

“You do that.” The less involvement he had with Alex Forrester, the better. After they got back from town, he’d turn them over to Carson for the horseback-riding lesson while he helped with the framing. Ross could take them fishing in the morning. A good rotational plan was called for if he wanted to survive this week with his emotions intact.

He didn’t have to wait long for their guests. The ladies came right out. Correction, Jenny practically flew down the steps, her blond ponytail swaying back and forth. “I’ve never ridden in a Jeep before!”

“It’s cool!” Johnny raced after her. “Can we sit in back, Uncle Buck?”


“He’s not really my uncle. Neither is Ross. But Daddy told me I could call them that if I wanted.”

“You must love them a lot.”

“I love them as much as my uncles in Cleveland, but don’t tell my mom I told you that.”

The things Johnny said got to Buck’s heart. More and more, he found himself wanting to be a father. “Ross and I love you, too. Now, make sure your seat belts are fastened.”

“We will,” they said in unison.

Buck stepped down and walked around to help Alex in the front passenger seat. She was wearing a crewneck sweater in a sage-green color with khaki pleated trousers. Although her legs were covered today, the length of them combined with her womanly hips and generous curves made nonsense of his intentions to remain indifferent.

Her fragrance put him in mind of a vale of spring wildflowers, adding to the assault on his senses. Damn. Frank had more than one reason to wish the two of them hadn’t come on this trip. Buck knew he wouldn’t have been able to handle it.

“Thank you,” she said as he shut the door.

He nodded and took his place behind the wheel. “Before we leave, did anyone forget anything? Now is the time to speak up.”

Alex glanced at him with a mysterious smile. “Or forever hold our peace?”

Buck could feel himself falling into those eyes that looked like impossibly dark blue pools. “Something like that,” he murmured.

“Thanks, Buck, for taking us into town,” she said. “You’ve been so wonderful to us and this is such a beautiful day. I can’t believe there was ever a storm last night. It’s getting hot already.”

“It’s always that way here in the mountains.”

“Yep,” Johnny piped up from the back as they drove off. He had big ears. As usual, he was multitasking and could take in every word the grown-ups had to say, while maintaining a conversation with his new friend. “Hey, Jenny? Do you want to go swimming later?”

“Yes. I love swimming.”

Buck smiled to himself. “You mean, after you’ve shown her your pony?”

“Yeah. I think she should ride Mitzi. Have you ever been riding?”


“Do you like it?”

“It’s okay, but the horses are so big. Frank’s friend owns horses and he’s taken us a lot of times.”

“Oh. Who’s Frank?”

“Nana’s boyfriend.”

“I didn’t know grandmas had boyfriends.”

Buck burst into laughter. He couldn’t help it. Thankfully, Alex joined him.

Buck heard whispering coming from the backseat. Alex turned her head. “Jenny? It’s not polite to whisper in front of other people.”

“I’m sorry.”

Johnny had always amused Buck, but he couldn’t remember ever being this entertained before. He turned onto the highway leading into the town of Jackson. The place was crowded with every kind of four-wheel-drive vehicle loaded up with kayaks, bikes and rafts. After he made a left down one of the streets, they passed a movie theater.

“Hey—” Johnny cried out. “Can we go see that after we get her a cap gun?”

“Could we, Nana? See The Big Blue Macaw? It’s that show about those birds from Brazil! My teacher said we should go.”

“Sweetheart, we came to a dude ranch. Buck has more exciting things for us to do than watch a movie.”

“Actually I haven’t been to see a movie in a theater in years. It sounds fun.”

“Yippee!” Johnny exclaimed.

“Mandy says it’s really good.”

“Who’s Mandy?”

“One of my friends from school. But we’ve been off track for a week and I haven’t seen her. I have to go back to school after our trip.”

“My school doesn’t start for another month.”

“You’re lucky.”

Alex shot Buck a glance. “Do you think the theater would even be open this time of day?”
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