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The Tycoon's Proposition

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“If that becomes necessary, I will drive you there myself, señora.”

“Thank you very much. I’ll stay in touch.”

Fortified with a big breakfast, Terri left the hotel for Mr. Herrick’s office. The same receptionist was on duty in the lobby of the building. When Terri explained what she wanted, the other woman shook her head.

“It’s a long way from here and difficult to locate unless you’re familiar with the area. To save you the trouble, I’ll make a phone call to find out if he reported for work this morning. If he is there, then I will give you directions. A moment, por favor.”

Terri nodded.

While she waited, she couldn’t help but wonder if Mr. Herrick had already been bombarded with visitors this morning. At least when they showed up, they would find the same man they knew. Instead of a mummy facsimile.

Terri had tried to imagine what he looked like under all those bandages. But maybe it was better she didn’t know. Better that he remain her phantom friend. The man without a face.

Except for a pair of gorgeous gray eyes.

They were the portals to the inner man with whom she felt connected in an inexplicable way. Yet if she admitted as much to her sister, Beth would tell her she was being ridiculous.

Maybe she was.

“Señora Jeppson?”

Terri turned to the receptionist whose frowning expression clearly meant more bad news.

“According to your husband’s supervisor, he hasn’t been to work for three days, and didn’t report this morning. He thinks your husband probably quit on him because there’s been some trouble with him lately.”

That sounded like Richard and didn’t surprise Terri a bit.

“Thank you for inquiring. Would you do me one more favor?”

She gave the receptionist Captain Ortiz’s number and asked her to get him on the phone. Within a few minutes he came on the line and made arrangements to pick her up in front of the office. He would drive her out to Richard’s apartment.

An hour later the captain pulled his police car to the side of the street in front of the building Terri had visited yesterday.

He turned to her. “You remain here. I will go to the door first. If I think it is necessary, I’ll come back out and signal for you to follow.”

“All right.”

Fifteen minutes passed before she saw him walk toward her. When he got back behind the wheel, he turned in her direction.

“Your ex-husband wasn’t there. The woman in question is named Juanita Rosario. She says she has been living with him for ten months, which could or could not be the truth. According to her, they met soon after he found a job down here with the Herrick Company.

“It seems he left for work four days ago and never came home from his job. At first she wasn’t worried. She said there are times when he parties with his friends and doesn’t show up until the following day. But he’s never been gone this long before.

“When you knocked on her door yesterday, she was afraid you were his wife. He’d told her he’d been trying to get a divorce from you, but you wouldn’t let him.”

Terri shook her head. It sounded like the same old Richard. Lies, lies, lies to suit his particular purpose at the moment. No one hated commitment as much as Richard did.

“I told her you were his ex-wife from America, that you had divorced him a year ago. At that point she broke down. Now she is afraid he’s gone off with some new woman for a while. But she’s certain he’ll be back because he’s excited about their baby which is going to be born next month.”

“I hope she’s right,” Terri murmured. “Unfortunately my ex-husband has a pattern of disappearing when he’s really needed. How is the woman supporting herself?”

“He’s been taking care of her.”

A groan escaped her throat. “Does she have any family who will help look after her if he has deserted her?”

“No. She came from an abusive home and boyfriend.”

“Captain? We’ve got to find Richard. If nothing else, she needs him right now.”

The other man eyed her speculatively. “At the moment it appears Mr. Herrick appears to know more about your ex-husband than anyone else.”

Her eyes closed tightly. “I’m afraid you’re right. If you’ll drop me off at the hospital, I’ll try to find out what else he knows.”

“While you do that, I’ll send some officers to the work site to make inquiries. Maybe one of his co-workers knows something of importance and isn’t aware of it.”

“Before we go, I’d like to see Juanita for a minute.” She rummaged in her purse for her wallet. “I’ll be right back.”

He looked like he was about to say something, then thought the better of it.

She jumped out of the police car and hurried into the apartment building, tiptoeing past the same children who’d been playing on the stairs yesterday. The only cash she had on her was a hundred dollars, but it might help the pregnant woman get along for a few more days.

This time when she knocked, the door opened a little wider because there was no chain guard.


“Si?” She sounded hurt as well as angry this time.

“Captain Ortiz dice que Richard no esta aqui ahora.” Undoubtedly Terri was making every language error possible, but she had to try to communicate.

The other woman glared at her.

“Tengo dinero para usted.” Terri held out several bills.

Juanita didn’t make a move to take them.

“Por favor.”

“Por que?” she bit out.

Why? Because I know exactly how you feel to be abandoned at the last moment.

Maybe if Terri said it was for the baby. “Es necessario para el nino, verdad?”

Juanita’s face closed up. She had her pride. This had probably been the wrong thing to do, but if Richard didn’t come back…

Unable to say the rest in Spanish she murmured, “In case you change your mind, I’ll leave the money here.”

She put the bills on the ground and hurried away without looking back.
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