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Protecting Her Secret Son

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“Could the boy’s father be the kidnapper?” Grant asked, echoing a theory Daniel shared. “Maybe he found out and decided he wanted to be a dad after all.”

“No.” Shannon sat up straight. “He would have been furious to learn I was pregnant. I left him—left town—before he found out.”

As she nibbled on her lower lip, Daniel sensed she left something dark and ugly unsaid.

“Why?” Grant pressed. “You were afraid of him?”

“Yes.” She closed her eyes, her hands fisted on her knees hard enough to turn her knuckles white under the spattering of gray paint. “He turned into a different man after the wedding.”

Daniel could see she wanted to leave it at that. Just as he could see Grant’s cop instincts were humming. He had his teeth into this now and wouldn’t let up until he had all the facts.

“Who is the boy’s father?”

“It’s irrelevant.” She sniffled and another tear rolled down her cheek.

Grant’s chair squeaked as he leaned back. “I don’t think so.”

“Can you help me find my son?”

Daniel wanted to give her another hug and let her cry it out, though it wouldn’t help anything. He recognized the defeated look in her eyes, the utter helplessness dragging at her, having seen it in the faces of people certain they were going to die even as first responders did everything possible to save them.

“If you give me the whole picture, we have a much better chance of success.” Grant drummed his fingers on the desktop, watching her. When she refused to volunteer any information, his penetrating gaze shifted to Daniel. “How did you meet Shannon?”

“She’s a Jennings employee,” he replied, taken aback.

“How’d you get yourself involved in this?”

Daniel didn’t care for his tone and his temper started to simmer. “This isn’t her fault.” Grant flicked his fingers, urging him to answer. “I was talking with her on the job this morning when the kidnapper first made contact.”

“So you trust her?”


“I’m right here,” Shannon snapped.

“I know.” Grant gave her a cool stare. “Until you give me what I need, I’m forced to tackle this from a different angle. How can we help you if you don’t help us?”

“The kidnapper said no police,” she replied.

Grant pointed at himself. “I own a nightclub.” He aimed that same finger at Daniel. “Firefighter and contractor, right there. I don’t see any cops here.”

Again, her silence stretched, filling the room.

Grant opened his mouth and Daniel knew what was coming. “Not so fast,” he said to both of them. “She needs us,” he said to Grant, then shot a glare at Shannon. “No disrespect intended, Shannon. You’ve done a great job on your own from what I’ve seen, but this isn’t a matter of independence or providing. You’re up against hard men, criminals who’ve done this before, in my opinion.”

“I’d agree, based on the sitter’s account,” Grant added.

“Shannon, you need Grant’s connections to get your son back safely.”

“They will send Aiden back to me in pieces.” She curled into herself, rocking a little. “It doesn’t matter who has connections.” She hiccupped as tears slid down her face again. “I h-have no influence over Aiden’s father. When the kidnappers realize it, Aiden is no use to them.”

Grant pushed to his feet, sent the chair rolling back as he leaned over the desk. Daniel had never seen him take such an intimidating tack with a person asking for help. “Tell me who the father is.”

Shannon’s shoulders trembled and her eyes were locked on her work boots. “Bradley Stanwood.”

“I’ll be damned.” He yanked his chair back into place. “Stanwood of New York.” The chair protested with another loud creak as he dropped into it. “I knew you looked familiar.”

“Pardon?” Daniel looked from Grant to Shannon and back again. Had she been a celebrity or married to one? That wasn’t something he kept up with, though there were people on his crews that did. “You know her? How is that?”

“Her ex-husband has ties to organized crime up and down the East Coast.” Grant rubbed at the lines creasing his forehead. “When I was still a cop, Stanwood and his less-polished associates were connected to more than a few crimes here in Philly. My guess is one of his enemies grabbed their son for leverage.”

With better context, the name clicked into place for Daniel. He managed to smother an oath before it slipped out.

Shannon sniffled, rocking gently again. “You can’t help me at all, can you?”

“On the contrary,” Grant said, fingers drumming on the desktop again. “Now that I know what we’re dealing with, I’ve got a few ideas brewing already.”

Chapter 2 (#uf0b5f15f-4b9a-5b8c-a496-3ef6fdede900)

Shannon stared at Grant, wishing the floor would open up and swallow her whole. This was the first time since leaving New York that she’d faced someone who understood what a big mistake her marriage had been. Settling in Philly, she’d been able to start over with a new name and a clean slate, free of Bradley’s unpleasant baggage. From the sound of it, this former cop knew her husband better than she had before she’d said her vows.

Yes, she’d found her backbone and negotiated a divorce before their second wedding anniversary, but that victory felt small and empty now.

“What sort of ideas?” Hope warred with caution. Her ex had a long reach, obviously, and serious connections as well. What a fool she’d been to think Philly was far enough removed from his circle of power in New York.

Grant studied her, the anger and intimidation replaced by kindness and compassion. She felt small and petty for being irritated by it. Her wounded pride did Aiden no good. She needed Grant’s help, his plans, if they were to rescue her son quickly.

The former cop countered her question with another. “There hasn’t been a true ransom demand?”

She shook her head as Daniel said, “No.”

Sliding a look at her boss, she still couldn’t figure out why Daniel hadn’t bolted. “Shouldn’t you get back to the site?”

This time, the “no” came from Grant and Daniel simultaneously.

Grant leaned forward in his chair. The sympathy in his warm, brown eyes made her want to rage and scream. Yes, she’d been an idiot to marry a madman, but she was different now, older and wiser after the harrowing experience. She didn’t want anyone to see her as helpless, no matter that it was true. She checked the urge to pound on the nearest wall. Barely.

“I may run a nightclub now, but I still have connections within the police department.” He barreled on before she could launch a protest. “I’m going to make some discreet inquiries about your ex-husband. I’ll find out if he’s been seen in the area, catch up with any gossip on the latest investigations, that sort of thing. I can couch it within the context of the business. Not everyone doing business near the river is legit.”

She turned her phone over and over in her hands, willing it to leap to life with some news of Aiden. “And what do I do? Just sit at home and wait?”

“Actually, I’d rather you didn’t sit at home,” Grant said.

Shannon raised her head in time to catch the glance Grant exchanged with Daniel.

Daniel rolled his eyes. “Fine.”

“What’s fine?” She didn’t appreciate decisions being made on her behalf, without so much as a discussion. Although the two men in this room were honorable, nothing like her ex-husband, the lack of input or control only stressed her out more. “This is my son’s life we’re talking about.”
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