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Pony Express Special Delivery

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Clayton laid a hand on her shoulder. His gaze moved from the doctor’s to Maggie’s.

“He is a happy, healthy baby,” Maggie answered. Her smile seemed to brighten the already sunny afternoon.

The doctor cleared his throat to get Clayton’s attention, then said, “Mr. Young, I’d like a few minutes of your time.” He motioned for Clayton to come closer to the porch.

Clayton felt his face burst into flames as he realized the doctor had caught him staring at Maggie. He had no business staring at a new mother, even if she was the prettiest woman he’d ever met. Where were his manners? He walked up onto the bottom porch step.

“You did a fine job with the baby.”

Clayton rested an arm on the porch railing. “Thank you. But like I said, it was God’s doing, not mine.”

The doctor nodded. “Yep, that’s how I feel every time a life is spared.” His gaze moved off into the distance for a moment. “I’m glad you were here for these two. Read and study those books I gave you. I’ve a feeling you are going to be a great doctor.” Doctor Anderson stepped around Clayton and into the yard where Dinah still stood.

“Thank you, sir. I will.”

The doctor knelt in front of Dinah. “Thank you for helping Clayton out in the barn while you waited for us. Here’s a bit of candy for all your troubles.” He handed Dinah a small peppermint stick and grinned at her before standing again.

Dinah looked to Maggie, who nodded her permission for the child to keep the candy. Clayton tried to hide his grin as the child immediately stuck the treat in her mouth.

“What do you say?” Maggie asked.

She pulled the candy out with a frown, then said, “Thank you, Doctor Anderson.” Dinah turned her attention back to the candy.

“Did you know that peppermint is good for an ailing stomach?”

Clayton watched as Maggie opened her mouth to answer but then realized that the doctor was talking to him and not her. He answered, “Yes, sir. It’s also good for colds. Ma always kept a little peppermint around for hot tea when any of us came down sick.”

The doctor slapped him on the back. “She sounds like a wise woman. When you get done with the books, come on back to town for more.”

He turned to Maggie. “Remember what I said, get some rest over the next few days and ease into your regular routine.”

“I will, Doctor. Thank you.” Maggie motioned for Dinah to come to her. Dinah looked up at Clayton one more time and then walked slowly to her side.

Clayton frowned. Dinah had told him that Gus had come by the house earlier in the day and that he was a mean man. He planned on talking to Maggie. Dinah seemed really scared of the other man. He waved goodbye to the doctor.

“Clayton, would you like to come in for dinner? I baked bread to go along with your soup.” Maggie rocked the baby in her arms.

“Sissy makes the best bread. She’s teaching me, but mine isn’t as good as hers,” Dinah said around a mouthful of peppermint.

He grinned down at the sticky-faced girl. “I’m sure your bread is pretty tasty, too.” Then Clayton looked back to Maggie. “I would love to eat with you lovely ladies.” He stepped back and opened the door for her to pass.

Dinah followed close behind her sister. “No, I put too much salt in last time.”

“Well, you are learning. My first pot of soup wasn’t too good either.” Clayton smiled at Maggie. “Why don’t you sit down and Dinah and I will set the table.”

She looked tired. “Thank you.” Maggie moved to one of the hardwood chairs and eased into it.

It didn’t take long to set the pot of soup on the table and slice up the now-cooled bread. “My ma makes this soup all the time. It’s one of my favorites. I hope you like it.” Clayton set a bowl in front of Maggie.

She yawned. “I’m sure it will taste wonderful.”

“Didn’t you get any rest while I was gone?” Clayton asked, handing Dinah a spoon. “Careful, half-pint, it’s hot.”

“I rested but didn’t sleep.”

He eased into his chair. “Dinah mentioned that Gus stopped by today.”

She nodded. “He did.”

“Can I say the prayers?” Dinah asked.

Maggie smiled tiredly at her. “Yes, dear.”

Dinah prayed over the food and thanked the Lord that her Sissy and baby James were going to be all right. She ended with, “and please don’t let mean Gus have baby James’s ranch. Amen.”

Shock filled Maggie’s face. “Dinah, you don’t need to worry about Gus. He isn’t going to get James’s ranch.”

The little girl frowned and dipped her spoon into the soup. “I don’t know. He was mad when he left.” Her hand shook as she raised the spoon to her mouth.

“Is Gus the reason you weren’t able to sleep this afternoon?” Clayton handed Dinah a thick slice of bread.

Maggie inclined her head toward Dinah as if to say now was not the time to discuss this. “No, I just had a lot on my mind.”

“I went to sleep, Clayton. I had a dream that I got to ride a horse with you,” Dinah said, taking a big bite out of her bread.

Clayton smiled. “That sounds like a nice dream.”

Dinah went back to eating and chattering about her dreams.

Maggie ate silently. Her eyes drooped as if exhaustion drifted over her like a soft morning fog.

When Dinah finished eating, she asked, “Sissy, can I go play with my dolly now?”

“Yes, I’ll be up in a little while to read a story and get ready for bed.” Maggie pushed her bowl back. She reached over and picked up baby James.

“I’ll take care of the dishes tonight. You rest up for that climb back up the stairs.” Clayton began cleaning the table. He placed the bowls and cups in the washtub. The sound of Dinah going up the stairs filled his ears. As soon as she was up, he said, “I talked to Gus this morning and asked why there were no men stationed at the house yesterday.”

“What did he say?”

He heard the weariness in her voice. “That he needed all the men to repair the fences.”

“Did you tell him I’d had the baby?”

Clayton nodded as he filled the pan with hot water. He saw a bar of soap and shaved a few slivers into the water. “I did.”

She exhaled. “Well, that explains his visit today.”

“What did he want?” Clayton turned and faced her. He leaned against the sideboard and waited for her answer.
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