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Charles Di Tocca: A Tragedy

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We earnestly beseech of you to hear
The Pope's embassador with yielding.

Charles: Ah? —
But you, boy, draw out of this solitude
And musing moodiness. You should think but
On silly sighs and kisses, rhymes and trysts!
Must I yet teach your coldness youth?
(A trumpet, and sound of opening gates.)
Draw out!

Antonio: I have to-day desired some words of this.

Enter Cecco

Charles: Well, who – ?

Cecco: The Cardinal, your grace.

Charles: Then go,
And bid our guests. Bring too Diogenes,
Our most amusing raveller of all
Philosophies. Say that the duke, his brother,
Humbly desires it! (Cecco goes.

Fulvia: And Helena?
Charles (to Antonio): Why do
You start, sir? – Fulvia, we must look to
This callow god our son. Yet, had our court
Two eyes of loveliness to drown his heart,
I'd think on oath 'twere done.

(Goes to the throne.)

Fulvia (low to Antonio): Listen. No word
Of Helena!

Charles: Now! is it secrets?

Fulvia: Sir,
He scorns to spill a drop of confidence
On my too thirsty questions.

Charles: Does he so
Tightly seal up his spirits?

Fulvia: Put the rogue
To prison on stale bread, my lord: I half
Believe he's full of treasons.

Charles (laughing): Do you hear!
Because you are the son and scout our foes
Justice is not impossible upon you!

The guests enter, among them Hæmon and Bardas, following the Cardinal Julian and his suite, and last Helena, whom Fulvia leads aside

Cardinal: Peace, worthy duke!

Charles: And more, lord Cardinal,
We would to-day enlarge our worthiness
With you and with great Rome.

Cardinal: Firmly I crave
It may be so.

Charles: Here unto all our guests
We then do disavow our heresies —
For faith's as air, as ease to life – and seek
At your absolving lips release from our
Rough disobedience. Nor shall we shun
The lash and needed weight of penitence.

(A murmur of approval.)

Julian: These words, great lord, fall wise and soothing well.
Who so confesses, plants beneath his foot
A step to scale all impotence and wrong.
Our royal Pope's conditions shall be told,
Pledge them consenting seal and you shall be
Briefly and fully free. (Motions his secretary.)

Secretary (opens and reads): "Whereas the duke
Di Tocca has offended – "

Cardinal: Pass the offence.
Be it oblivion's. On, the penalty.

Secretary: "Therefore the duke di Tocca humbling himself
Must pay into our vaults two hundred ducats – "

Charles: It shall be three.

Secretary: "And send a hundred men
Armed 'gainst the foes that threaten Italy."

Charles: See to it, yes, Antonio, ere a dawn.

Secretary: "He must also yield up the princess Fulvia
Who's fled her father's house and rightful marriage."

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