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Розмовна англійська. Тести із відповідями. Книга 3

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210. Виберiть правильну вiдповiдь.

Де вiн на нас чекае? (Дiя вiдбуваеться в момент промови.)

1. Where is he waiting us?

2. Where is he waiting for us?

3. Where is he waiting us for?

211. Виберiть правильну вiдповiдь.

Якби вiн не прийшов вчасно, довелося б його чекати?

1. If he hadn’t come on time, would we have had to wait for him?

2. If he didn’t come on time, would we have had to wait for him?

3. If he hadn’t come on time, will we have had to wait for him?

212. Виберiть правильну вiдповiдь.

Якби я жив поряд iз лiсом, я збирав би багато грибiв.

1. If I lived near a wood, I would gather a lot of mushrooms.

2. If I lived near a wood, I would gather a lot mushrooms.

3. If I lived near a wood, I will gather a lot of mushrooms.

213. Виберiть правильну вiдповiдь.

Ви б пiшли кудись увечерi, якби вiн вас запросив?

1. Will you go somewhere in the evening if he invited you?

2. Would you go somewhere at the evening if he invited you?

3. Would you go somewhere in the evening if he invited you?

214. Виберiть правильну вiдповiдь.

Хотiлося б менi, щоб ви ранiше прочитали цю чудову книгу.

1. I wish you had read this wonderful book.

2. I wish you read this wonderful book.

215. Виберiть правильну вiдповiдь.

Якби цей проект пiдтримали б. (ранiше)

1. If only this project was supported.

2. If only this project had been supported.

216. Виберiть правильну вiдповiдь.

Я почекав ще пiвгодини, але потiм менi довелося пiти, бо я боявся запiзнитися.

1. I waited for another half hour, but then I had to left as I was afraid to be late.

2. I waited another half hour, but then I had to leave as I was afraid to be late.

3. I waited for another half hour, but then I had to leave as I was afraid to be late.

217. Виберiть правильну вiдповiдь.

Вiн не редагуе цей документ. (Дiя вiдбуваеться в момент промови.)

1. He isn't editing this document.

2. He didn't editing this document.

3. He didn't edit this document.

218. Виберiть правильну вiдповiдь.

Вiн пообiцяв це зробити.

1. He promised do it.

2. He promised to do it.

219. Виберiть правильну вiдповiдь.

Це може бути змiнено?

1. Can it be changed?

2. Can it to be changed?

220. Виберiть правильну вiдповiдь.

Поки вони говорили телефоном, я справдi важко працював.

1. While they were talking on the phone, I was working really hard.

2. While they were talking on the phone, I worked really hard.
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