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Don't Say a Word

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Antwaun spoke in a low, gravelly tone. “I played the drug trafficking angle to get in with his organization.”

“Do you think Swafford discovered her identity and killed her?” Damon asked.

Antwaun shrugged. “It’s possible. When they both disappeared last year, I thought she might have run off with him. I went to her apartment and searched for clues as to where she might have gone but came up empty.”

“What about her computer?”

“It wasn’t there. But hell, I didn’t think she had one. I thought she was a dancer.”

“She might have left willingly with him at first,”

Damon said. “He could have found out her identity afterwards and killed her.”

Antwaun scrubbed his hand over the dark stubble on his jaw. “Swafford wouldn’t have done the deed himself. He has hired minions.”

Another reason for the feds to be on the case. “We’ll check into Swafford’s organization. I’ll need everything you have on him.”

Antwaun nodded. “And don’t forget my buddies on the force.”

Damon grimaced. Antwaun didn’t make buddies.

If there was corruption in the department, who knew how deep it went, or how far it reached. And Swafford was a slick businessman who said all the right things in public, a smarmy bastard the locals and feds had both been watching for months. A man some citizens protected because he’d helped the economy.

A man who’d disappeared without a trace.

But his money might be dirty, might be part of a money-laundering scheme. Men like Swafford thrived on power and would go to any lengths to protect themselves and their investments.

But if he and his men had killed Kendra Yates, why feed her to the gators?

To destroy evidence?

Another possibility reared its head. What if she was still alive?

They could have cut off her hand just to frame Antwaun.

“You know Swafford’s body hasn’t been discovered,” Antwaun said.

“You’re thinking that he isn’t dead?”

“Maybe. What if he disappeared or faked his death, either because of Kendra’s murder, or because he thought she planned to expose him? He could have cut off her hand to make it look like she was murdered, and to set me up and get me out of the way.”

“We’ll look into that angle,” Damon agreed. “He has accounts set up all over the world. Hidden money, of course.”

Antwaun looked grim. “With finances like that, he can disappear and never be found.”

And a dirty cop could help him obtain a new identity and cement Antwaun’s conviction.

The realization triggered memories of Damon’s own past. The depths of deception by the government. The resources available to people to help them disappear and create new lives.

The same resources criminals utilized as well.

Damon’s blood pounded in his ears as his adrenaline kicked in. He’d used those resources before himself….

Dammit, he couldn’t let his little brother go to jail for a crime he hadn’t committed.

No, if anyone deserved to be in prison for murder, it was him.

THERE WERE SOME PEOPLE so cold, so ruthless, so calculating that they craved the kill. Savored the pain they inflicted. Tasted the blood of their victims and drank it down like fine wine.

They were born to kill.

He knew their kind. He was one of them.

As he had thought Damon Dubois had been at one time. But Damon had betrayed him.

Just like the others.

The Dubois family—they had to pay.

He had found the perfect way.

The woman, Kendra Yates, had served his purpose well. He studied the dark lock of hair he had kept from her. His trophy, the police would call it.

He rubbed its fine silky texture between his fingers and recalled the way he’d wrapped it around his hands just before he’d pressed the blade of the knife to her pale throat. She hadn’t understood that she was a sacrificial lamb for his cause.

A chuckle rumbled from deep in his chest. The file she had on Antwaun would be like a torpedo rocking the bastard’s world. He would choose the exact moment that information would be revealed.

Making Antwaun suffer by being arrested for Kendra’s murder was the perfect way to torture the man before he exposed him for what he really was.

The son of a murderer.

The brother of one as well.

Yes, he held the knowledge to tear the Dubois family apart once and for all. And he would enjoy every moment of their suffering until they begged for his forgiveness.

Just as Kendra had begged for her life.

The shock on her face when he’d made the first slice had been sweet. She had known her time was up. That she wouldn’t die quickly or easily.

That he intended to carve her up in little pieces for his own pleasure.

He slid into the dark haunting shadows of the bayou, inhaling the musky scent of the swamp, the coppery scent of fresh blood from a dead animal, the pungent odor of the devil’s breath heating the mossy banks and whispering through the tupelo trees.

The dense overgrown foliage hid his form as he slithered through the cypress trees toward his lair. Blood splattered the floor and walls of the dilapidated cabin, the smell of ripening flesh mingling with the loamy scent of the earth. The sound of Kendra’s terrified screams still echoed in his ears, as shrill and chilling as the alligator’s attack cry just before he bit into his victim.

He stepped into the cabin, his nose burning from the acrid odors of waste and rotting flesh.

Aah, sweet heaven.
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