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Peek-a-boo Protector

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He’d clean up the blood and get on his way.

He had a case to solve. And the first stop he was going to make when he left was Leonard Cultrain’s house. He’d find out if the bastard had been here tonight.

And if he had, the man would be sorry he’d ever set foot on Sam’s land.

Chapter Three (#ulink_c4eed7e1-dd1f-5675-a9aa-40ad27f097f3)

Sam bolted the doors, rocking Emmie back and forth in her arms as John’s car disappeared down the driveway. Darkness bathed the exterior of the house and property, the events of the night leaving her shaken and exhausted.

She’d never imagined how violated having an intruder in her home would make her feel, or how instantly she could grow attached to a little baby. But the child snuggled up to her, and her heart melted and warmth spread through her.

“Let’s put you to bed,” she whispered. “And tomorrow, we’ll go into town and buy you a portable crib and more diapers and…”

What was she thinking? She had to file a report, find a temporary foster home for the little girl.

Emmie snuggled deeper against her chest though, and her heart fluttered. Then again, maybe she could just keep the baby until they found her parents or another family member.

She carried Emmie to the guest room across from hers and settled her on the bed, then placed pillows around the edge for safety. Emmie wasn’t old enough to crawl, but sometimes babies scooted in their sleep. Then she covered her with the blanket, leaned over and pressed a kiss to the child’s forehead.

“Sleep tight, princess. I’ll be right across the hall from you.” Emmie twisted slightly, her fingers closing around the blanket edge, then slid her thumb in her mouth and began to gently suck it.

Sam smiled, then undressed and pulled on a nightshirt. But the haunting reminder of the violence downstairs sent her to get her shotgun.

She brought it upstairs, then paused to look at the baby from the doorway. The sight of the little girl stirred a longing for a family. For a man to love her and a child to call her own.

A dream she might never have.

She groaned, went to her room, put the gun beside the bed and crawled beneath the covers. But John’s offer to stay echoed in her head.

He’d only been doing his job.

John Wise certainly didn’t see her as a love interest. The man was a cop through and through. Besides, she’d heard talk that he might leave town to pursue loftier goals.

And Butterville was her home, the only place she’d ever felt safe.

The wind whipped the tree branches against the windowpane, and she tensed.

Except tonight, she didn’t feel safe at all.

JOHN ROLLED HIS SHOULDERS to relieve the tension knotting his neck as he drove down the mountain and pulled into Leonard Cultrain’s drive. The man had moved back in with his mother in a weathered, clapboard house that had been built at least fifty years ago. The white paint was chipped, the porch sagging, the screens torn.

Brittle fall leaves crunched beneath his feet as he climbed out, walked up to the front door and knocked. He glanced at the window while he waited, saw a light flicker on in the back room, then heard shuffling. A moment later, Leonard’s mother shouted, “Who’s there?”

“It’s Chief Wise, Miss Cultrain, please open up.”

He heard her unlocking the door, then it screeched open and she peered outside through the crack. Her gray bun was falling out of the hairpins, and she clutched an old chenille robe to her neck. “What you want?”

“I need to speak to your son Leonard.”

She glared at him, clacking her teeth as her mouth worked side to side. “Do you know what time it is?”

“Yes, ma’am,” John said. “But it’s important. Is he here?”

She jerked her head sideways. “He’s in bed where I was before you pounded on the door.”

“Please go get him,” John said, struggling for patience, “or I’ll come in and do it myself.”

She muttered a curse, then slammed the door in his face, and he heard her shuffling to the back calling Leonard’s name. “That danged chief of police is here to harass you, Lennie. You tell him we’ll sue his ass if he bothers us again.”

“Son of a bitch,” Leonard snarled so loudly that John braced himself for a confrontation. The burly, tattooed man swung the door open wearing jeans and no shirt, his belly hanging over the waistband of his pants. “I just got home, Chief,” he barked. “You the welcome wagon?”

“Where were you tonight?” John asked without preamble.

Leonard’s eyes narrowed to slits. “Here having dinner with my mama.” He rubbed his belly. “She cooked me fried chicken and biscuits and gravy.” He threw a look over his shoulder to where his mother stood like a hawk. “Ain’t that right?”

“Sure is. Then we watched the game shows all night.”

“Why you asking?” Leonard said.

“Because there was an incident at Samantha Corley’s house tonight. I thought you might have been involved.”

A leer slid onto Leonard’s face. “You did, did you? What kind of incident? Someone hurt the bitch?”

John gritted his teeth. “Actually I believe another woman was attacked in Samantha’s house. Heard you had issues with her today.”

Anger flashed in Leonard’s eyes. “Damn right. That nosy busybody’s trying to keep me from my kid, and that ain’t right.”

As if a murderer deserved to be with his son. “So you went to her house to teach her a lesson?”

A dark laugh boomed from Leonard’s chest. “If I had, she’d know it. I wouldn’t have settled for someone else.”

“He answered your questions,” Miss Lou Lou snapped. “Now get out. I need my beauty sleep.”

John caught the door before Leonard could slam it in his face. “Stay away from her, Cultrain, or you’ll be sorry.”

A nasty chuckle rumbled from the bastard. “You tried locking me up and that didn’t work.”

John shot him an equally evil grin. “Who said anything about jail?”

SAM SPENT THE NEXT MORNING clearing her calendar and arranging for someone to take over her caseload for a few days. She filed a report with social services regarding Emmie, but every time she considered placing the baby in a foster home, memories of her own traumatic experiences flooded her.

She couldn’t leave the little girl.

She fed Emmie, bathed her and changed her into the extra sleeper, then made a list of items she needed to pick up in town. But first, she’d stop by and see John.

Chief Wise, not John. Remember, he’s a cop.

She settled the baby into the infant carrier, and fit it into the car seat base, smiling as the little girl clutched the Butterbean doll in her hand. “I know Bitsy is soft. She’s your new best friend, isn’t she, sweetie?”
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