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Cold Case at Camden Crossing

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“But you said ‘he.’ You’re sure it was a man?”

She dropped her hands to her lap. “No. The car had tinted windows.”

“What kind of car was it?”

Tawny-Lynn shrugged. “I don’t know, Chaz. It was dark and the lights nearly blinded me.” She reached for her keys. “Do you think you can help me get out of here?”

“Sure. But I’m going to call a medic to check you out. You might have a concussion.”

“I’m fine,” Tawny-Lynn said. “I just want to go back to the ranch.”

He grabbed the keys from her. “You’re not driving until you’re examined by a professional.”

She glared at him. “Chaz, please—”

“It would be irresponsible of me to let you drive when you might have a head injury.” He grabbed his phone from his belt and made the call.

“Racine, there was an accident on White Forks Road. Send the medics out here now.” A pause. “Yeah, thanks.” He disconnected then punched the number for Henry’s Auto Repair. “Henry, can you send a tow truck out to White Forks Road? A car accident, Jeep in a ditch that needs pulling out.”

“Sure. I’m on my way,” Henry said.

Chaz disconnected, his chest tightening as he glanced down at Tawny-Lynn. Her face looked pale in the moonlight, and she was rubbing her chest as if she might have cracked a rib.

He didn’t like the fact that she’d had an accident the very day she’d come to town. Or the fact that the driver had left her in the ditch.

Had it been an accident or had someone intentionally run her off the road?

* * *

TAWNY-LYNN STRUGGLED to remember details about the car. The driver was probably some joyriding teenager, or maybe a drunk driver.

But the message on her mirror at home taunted her.

Someone didn’t want her here. Actually a lot of people didn’t want her here. Had one of them run her into that ditch to get rid of her?

She unfastened her seat belt and started to climb from the car, but Chaz took her arm and helped her out. For a moment she was dizzy, but he steadied her and the world righted itself.

“You are hurt,” he said in a gruff voice.

“I’ve been through worse,” she said, then immediately regretted her comment when his gaze locked with hers. They both knew she’d barely survived that crash. Although no one knew how she’d escaped the burning vehicle.

Chaz started to say something, but the sound of a siren wailing rent the air, and red lights twirled in the night sky as the ambulance approached. A second later, the tow truck rolled in on its heels, and Tawny-Lynn had to succumb to an exam by the paramedics.

Meanwhile, Chaz spoke with Henry, the fiftysomething owner of the auto repair shop, and supervised as the man towed her Jeep from the ditch.

“Your blood pressure’s a little high, miss,” the blond medic said.

“Wouldn’t you think that’s normal after an accident?” she said wryly.

He nodded, then listened to her heart while the other medic cleaned her forehead and applied a small butterfly bandage.

“Heart sounds okay,” the medic said. He used a penlight and examined her eyes, instructing her to follow the light.

“I’m really fine,” Tawny-Lynn said. “I was wearing my seat belt so I didn’t hit the windshield.”

“How about the steering wheel?”

She nodded. “My chest did, but nothing is broken.” She had suffered broken ribs in the bus accident and knew that kind of breath-robbing pain.

“We should take you in for X-rays.”

Tawny-Lynn shook her head. “No need. I told you, I’m fine.”

The medics exchanged looks as Chaz approached. “If you won’t go in, you need to sign a waiver, miss.”

“Then let me sign it. I just want to go home.” Not that she considered White Forks home anymore. But she didn’t like people hovering over her.

She’d had too much of that after the bus wreck. Of course, the hovering had been people demanding that she remember, pressuring her, wanting answers that she couldn’t give.

“Maybe you should go to the hospital for observation,” Chaz suggested.

She’d been taking care of herself far too long to welcome attention, especially from Chaz Camden.

“I don’t need a hospital,” she said. “It was just a little accident.”

The medic handed her a form attached to a clipboard, and she gave them her autograph.

They packed up and left just as Henry finished dragging her SUV from the ditch. The thing was old and beat up, so a bent fender with a little body damage didn’t faze her. Not as long as the car would run.

“You shouldn’t drive it until I check it out,” Henry said. “Front end probably needs realignment. And that back tire is as bald as a baby’s butt.”

“How long will it take to replace the tire and check the alignment?”

“Day or two. I can call you when I’m done.”

Tawny-Lynn hedged. She didn’t have a lot of money, but she also didn’t want to get stranded on her way back to Austin. And her father’s old pickup was at the ranch, so she’d have transportation. “All right.”

“I’ll give you a lift home,” Chaz offered.

She didn’t want to be in the same car with Chaz—to share the same air—because he smelled too good, too darn masculine.


And whether or not she wanted to admit it, she was shaken by the accident and would love to lean on him.

But she couldn’t allow herself to do that.

She grabbed her purse from the Jeep, then removed one of her business cards with her phone number on it. “Call me when you have it ready.”
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