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Captured by the Billionaire: Brooding Billionaire, Impoverished Princess

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‘See what you do to me?’ he asked roughly.

His skin was hot and taut, a fine scroll of hair giving it texture above a firm contrasting layer of muscle. Serina luxuriated in the novelty of exploring him, and bravely undid the button above the first. When he made no objection, she freed the one above that too.

‘You might as well finish the job,’ he said when she hesitated.

Head bent, she did just that, then pushed the shirt back from his shoulders and drew in a long uneven breath at what her fingers revealed.

The only word her dazed mind could come up with was magnificent. The lamplight gleamed richly on supple, sleek skin, lovingly burnishing the clean, strong lines of him. Next to him, she felt small, delicate, even fragile. She couldn’t speak, couldn’t think and her hands shook as they fell to her sides.

Almost immediately, he reached for her and said into her hair, ‘My sweet girl, don’t be afraid.’

‘I’m not,’ she blurted. ‘I’m—I’m overwhelmed.’

She kissed his shoulder, then remembered the caress he’d given her—only a few minutes ago, yet she felt she’d come so far since then—and raised her hand to flick her thumb across one tight male nipple.

His sharply indrawn breath filled her with delight. He tilted her face so that he could see her, and she met his narrowed blazing eyes with something like a challenge in her own.

‘I’m glad,’ he said smoothly. ‘And now it’s my turn to be overwhelmed.’

He unzipped the back of her dress and unhooked her bra with an ease that showed how familiar he was with a woman’s clothes—with a woman’s body. Ignoring the pang that thought gave her, she took refuge in silence when the dress fell free of her shoulders, revealing the black silk bra and briefs that hugged a narrow waist and slender hips.

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