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Collins Rhyming Dictionary

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7.25 ain’t, faint, feint, mayn’t, paint, plaint, quaint, saint, taint, * attaint, complaint, constraint, acquaint, repaint, distraint, restraint, * greasepaint, warpaint, * self-restraint, reacquaint, overpaint, unconstraint, unrestraint

7.26 Baines, brains, chains, Danes, drains, gains, Haynes, Jane’s, Keynes, mains, pains, plains, rains, reins, Staines, stains, trains, veins, Wayne’s, * pertains, obtains, Elaine’s, remains, * chilblains, bloodstains, * afterpains, windowpanes, etc.

7.27 ape, cape, Cape, crepe, drape, gape, grape, jape, nape, rape, scrape, shape, tape, * agape, reshape, escape, * landscape, nametape, seascape, shipshape, misshape, moonscape, cloudscape, * masking tape, Sellotape®, ticker tape, out of shape

7.28 apes, drapes, gapes, grapes, scrapes, shapes, traipse, * reshapes, escapes, sour grapes, * jackanapes, etc.

7.29 aped, draped, gaped, raped, scraped, shaped, taped, * pear-shaped, wedge-shaped, V-shaped, U-shaped, etc.

7.30 ace, base, bass, brace, case, chase, dace, face, grace, Grace, lace, mace, Mace®, pace, place, plaice, race, space, Thrace, trace, Wace, * abase, apace, unlace, debase, encase, deface, efface, replace, displace, misplace, enlace, embrace, disgrace, retrace, grimace, outpace, outface, * fanbase, backspace, crankcase, blackface, landrace, airspace, staircase, wheyface, paleface, mainbrace, scapegrace, tailrace, workplace, birthplace, headcase, headrace, wheelbase, seedcase, briefcase, slipcase, millrace, fireplace, typecase, typeface, braaivleis, watchcase, chalkface, showcase, notecase, boldface, coalface, showplace, nutcase, Lovelace, someplace, bookcase, suitcase, shoelace, bootlace, * carapace, Samothrace, marketplace, aerospace, database, waste of space, paper chase, face-to-face, steeplechase, breathing space, interspace, interface, interlace, in-your-face, pillowcase, cyberspace, hyperspace, hiding place, wild-goose chase, contrabass, commonplace, Boniface, lower-case, poker face, outer space, upper-case, pull a face

The rabbit has a charming face

Its private life is a disgrace.


7.31 based, baste, chased, chaste, haste, laced, mayst, paced, paste, placed, raced, spaced, taste, traced, waist, waste, * unlaced, unplaced, lambaste, straight-faced, strait-laced, debased, encased, distaste, defaced, replaced, displaced, misplaced, enlaced, embraced, disgraced, posthaste, * barefaced, shamefaced, shore-based, foretaste, po-faced, toothpaste, * pantywaist, aftertaste, baby-faced, interlaced, poker-faced, cut and paste, etc.

7.32 ate, bait, bate, crate, date, eight, fate, fête, freight, gait, gate, grate, great, hate, Kate, late, mate, pate, plate, prate, rate, sate, skate, slate, spate, state, straight, strait, Tate, Thwaite, trait, wait, Waite, weight

I get too hungry for dinner at eight.

I like the theatre, but never come late.

I never bother with people I hate.

That’s why the lady is a tramp.


7.33 abate, placate, truncate, update, upstate, collate, conflate, narrate, uprate, frustrate, await, pulsate, palpate, backdate, translate, castrate, stagnate, aerate, vacate, spectate, estate, gestate, fellate, third-rate, first-rate, create, predate, restate, reflate, debate, negate, sedate, dictate, misstate, elate, relate, deflate, inflate, berate, filtrate, equate, cremate, innate, fixate, blind date, dilate, gyrate, irate, vibrate, migrate, hydrate, prostrate, orate, ornate, outdate, locate, postdate, notate, rotate, prorate, donate, pupate, mutate, Kuwait, * alienate, seventy-eight, peregrinate, interrelate, oxygenate, orientate, * deteriorate, ameliorate, deoxygenate, disorientate

7.34 Ramsgate, mandate, flatmate, palmate, magnate, Margate, classmate, tartrate, jailbait, tailgate, nameplate, chainplate, faceplate, makeweight, Braithwaite, playmate, stalemate, dentate, testate, stellate, endplate, breastplate, template, checkmate, helpmate, messmate, sensate, workmate, birth rate, rebate, cheapskate, team-mate, Lydgate, Wingate, lych gate, dictate, ingrate, citrate, filtrate, shipmate, inmate, whitebait, ice-skate, Highgate, Reigate, hydrate, nitrate, titrate, flyweight, lightweight, primate, lock gate, prostate, phosphate, hotplate, prostrate, cognate, chlorate, quorate, portrait, groundbait, housemate, probate, Colgate®, tollgate, ovate, soul mate, floodgate, Vulgate, update, sulphate, substrate, bookplate, footplate, Newgate, sluicegate, schoolmate, roommate, * incarnate, intestate, insensate, apostate, inquorate, self-portrait, inchoate, * carbohydrate

7.35 masturbate, advocate, allocate, arrogate, Harrogate, abrogate, annotate, aggravate, flagellate, lacerate, macerate, saturate, adumbrate, Bassenthwaite, bantamweight, palliate, abdicate, masticate, fabricate, castigate, navigate, aggregate, abnegate, candidate, antedate, validate, palpitate, gravitate, acetate, agitate, captivate, activate, salivate, vacillate, aspirate, calibrate, magistrate, animate, Latinate, marinate, laminate, fascinate, vaccinate, machinate, paginate, transmigrate, graduate, actuate, amputate, tabulate, adulate, calculate, strangulate, granulate, * exacerbate, extrapolate, collaborate, elaborate, evaporate, exasperate, exaggerate, amalgamate, diaconate, permanganate, Italianate, retaliate, repatriate, expatriate, substantiate, emancipate, eradicate, elasticate, prevaricate, prefabricate, invalidate, decapitate, capacitate, deactivate, reactivate, inactivate, reanimate, concatenate, procrastinate, decaffeinate, desalinate, contaminate, delaminate, assassinate, invaginate, evacuate, infatuate, evaluate, confabulate, perambulate, somnambulate, ejaculate, recalculate, miscalculate, emasculate, coagulate, triangulate, encapsulate, congratulate, * transubstantiate, consubstantiate, circumstantiate, circumnavigate, incapacitate, decontaminate

7.36 carbonate, arbitrate, * bicarbonate, incarcerate, * polycarbonate

7.37 paperweight, alienate, tête-à-tête, radiate, eighty-eight, glaciate, satiate, caliphate, * irradiate, emaciate, expatiate, ingratiate

7.38 reprobate, expurgate, derogate, devastate, excavate, enervate, renovate, decollate, escalate, tessellate, separate, decorate, federate, perorate, generate, venerate, second-rate, demonstrate, remonstrate, welterweight, featherweight, detonate, emanate, resonate, welfare state, extirpate, expiate, twenty-eight, dedicate, medicate, predicate, defecate, replicate, explicate, deprecate, metricate, extricate, desiccate, vesicate, delegate, relegate, segregate, meditate, levitate, hesitate, vegetate, elevate, depilate, ventilate, legislate, celebrate, desecrate, execrate, emigrate, denigrate, penetrate, heavyweight, estimate, guesstimate, decimate, designate, sell-by date, Menai Strait, exculpate, educate, exudate, menstruate, peculate, speculate, emulate, regulate, * interrogate, de-escalate, electroplate, redecorate, confederate, expectorate, coelenterate, asseverate, accelerate, decelerate, commemorate, degenerate, regenerate, potentiate, authenticate, domesticate, investigate, desegregate, premeditate, necessitate, disseminate, inseminate, attenuate, extenuate, perpetuate, effectuate, accentuate, eventuate, deregulate, * supererogate, differentiate, overestimate, underestimate

7.39 percolate, perforate, personate, thirty-eight, permeate, germinate, terminate, perpetrate, circulate, * intercalate, interpolate, reverberate, impersonate, regurgitate, exterminate

7.40 demarcate, mediate, deviate, re-create, reinstate, dehydrate, elongate, relocate, neonate, * ameliorate, alleviate, abbreviate, inebriate, appreciate, depreciate

7.41 syncopate, dislocate, Bishopsgate, inundate, interstate, innervate, innovate, immolate, River Plate, liberate, iterate, micturate, illustrate, winterweight, middleweight, cyclamate, impregnate, fifty-eight, sixty-eight, vitiate, dissipate, indicate, syndicate, vindicate, silicate, triplicate, implicate, litigate, mitigate, instigate, irrigate, Billingsgate, liquidate, militate, irritate, imitate, titivate, titillate, scintillate, integrate, immigrate, intimate, inculcate, situate, incubate, stipulate, simulate, stimulate, insulate, * episcopate, equivocate, reciprocate, deliberate, invigorate, alliterate, obliterate, transliterate, reiterate, proliferate, vociferate, exhilarate, incinerate, eviscerate, refrigerate, commiserate, tergiversate, affiliate, humiliate, conciliate, delineate, asphyxiate, officiate, propitiate, initiate, anticipate, participate, pontificate, intimidate, precipitate, habilitate, facilitate, debilitate, felicitate, assimilate, invigilate, equilibrate, reintegrate, disintegrate, administrate, legitimate, eliminate, recriminate, incriminate, discriminate, originate, habituate, insinuate, manipulate, articulate, gesticulate, matriculate, acidulate, capitulate, dissimulate, * reinvigorate, disaffiliate, rehabilitate, recapitulate

7.42 bifurcate, divagate, violate, isolate, hibernate, hyphenate, ideate, ninety-eight, * annihilate

7.43 altercate, collocate, coruscate, propagate, corrugate, objurgate, promulgate, commentate, correlate, copperplate, contemplate, operate, moderate, tolerate, concentrate, Postlethwaite, consummate, alternate, compensate, obviate, constipate, complicate, confiscate, obligate, congregate, cogitate, solid-state, oscillate, consecrate, pollinate, dominate, nominate, obfuscate, conjugate, copulate, populate, flocculate, osculate, modulate, postulate, ovulate, * homologate, accommodate, corroborate, cooperate, preponderate, agglomerate, conglomerate, exonerate, prognosticate, intoxicate, consolidate, deconsecrate, approximate, abominate, predominate, denominate, indoctrinate, hydrogenate, depopulate, repopulate, inoculate, absquatulate, expostulate, * overcompensate, discombobulate

7.44 altercate, Watergate, automate, alternate, forty-eight, nauseate, formicate, fornicate, orchestrate, chlorinate, formulate, * incorporate, subordinate, coordinate, reformulate, inaugurate

7.45 fluoridate, fluorinate, urinate, * infuriate, luxuriate

7.46 out-of-date, counterweight

7.47 roller-skate, potentate, overstate, overate, overrate, overweight, procreate, roseate, motivate, * appropriate, expropriate, negotiate, associate, dissociate, * misappropriate, renegotiate, disassociate

7.48 suffocate, surrogate, up-to-date, understate, numberplate, ulcerate, underrate, underweight, summerweight, hundredweight, sultanate, rusticate, supplicate, cultivate, sublimate, culminate, fulminate, fluctuate, punctuate, subjugate, undulate, pullulate, ululate, suppurate, * adulterate, calumniate, denunciate, enunciate, resuscitate

7.49 superstate, cruiserweight, glutamate, lubricate, duplicate, fumigate, Unigate, mutilate, ruminate, use-by date, cumulate, * recuperate, vituperate, enumerate, remunerate, rejuvenate, repudiate, excruciate, adjudicate, centuplicate, reduplicate, quintuplicate, quadruplicate, communicate, elucidate, agglutinate, illuminate, hallucinate, accumulate, * excommunicate, * intercommunicate

7.50 Bates, crates, dates, Fates, gates, Greats, Kate’s, mates, plates, rates, skates, States, straits, weights, Yeats, * flatmates, playmates, inmates, ice skates, nitrates, phosphates, soul mates, floodgates, * awaits, pet hates, Bill Gates, dire straits, vibrates, mutates, * paperweights, roller skates, * United States, etc.

7.51 faith, saithe, wraith, * Galbraith

7.52 bathe, lathe, scathe, spathe, swathe, * enswathe, * sunbathe

7.53 bathed, swathed, * unscathed, enswathed, * sunbathed

7.54 brave, cave, crave, Dave, fave, gave, grave, knave, Maeve, nave, pave, rave, save, shave, slave, stave, they’ve, waive, wave, * concave, forgave, behave, enslave, deprave, engrave, outbrave, * landgrave, margrave, brainwave, enclave, exclave, Redgrave, heat wave, crimewave, conclave, Palgrave, spokeshave, * rant and rave, aftershave, architrave, misbehave, microwave, tidal wave, biconcave, autoclave

’Tis the star-spangled banner; O long may it wave

O’er the land of the free, and the home of the brave.


7.55 caves, craves, Dave’s, graves, Graves, knaves, raves, saves, shaves, slaves, staves, waves, * airwaves, Bygraves, * misbehaves, microwaves, etc.

7.56 baize, bays, blaze, braise, braze, chaise, craze, days, daze, faze, frays, gaze, glaze, graze, Hayes, haze, Jeyes, Kay’s, laze, maize, May’s, maze, Naze, neighs, phase, phrase, praise, raise, rays, raze, stays, strays, ways, * Gervaise, allays, malaise, ablaze, emblaze, appraise, upraise, amaze, self-praise, liaise, decays, deglaze, rephrase, erase, dispraise, bouquets, * ashtrays, catchphrase, stargaze, pathways, railways, Strangeways, X-rays, endways, breadthways, lengthways, edgeways, essays, weekdays, leastways, clichés, widthways, byways, highways, sideways, longways, crossways, mores, always, Mondays, Sundays, fundraise, toupees, schooldays, duvets, * canapés, paraphrase, passageways, castaways, Marseillaise, waifs and strays, Béarnaise, mayonnaise, reappraise, hollandaise, Bolognese, polonaise, holidays, waterways, cornerways, nowadays, overglaze, overgraze, stowaways, underglaze, colourways, multiphase, etc.

Nothing so soon the drooping spirits can raise

As praises from the men, whom all men praise.


7.57 blazed, braised, crazed, dazed, fazed, gazed, glazed, grazed, lazed, phrased, praised, raised, * unfazed, appraised, amazed, liaised, rephrased, erased, * reappraised, overgrazed, double-glazed, etc.

8.1 baby, maybe, Catesby, Naseby, crepy, grapey, kepi, scrapie, achy, flaky, quaky, reiki, shaky, snaky, Craigie, plaguy, Adie, Brady, lady, Sadie, shady, eighty, Haiti, Katie, matey, slaty, weighty, safety, frailty, dainty, hasty, pasty, tasty, cave, cavy, Davy, gravy, navy, wavy, bailey, Bailey, ceilidh, daily, Daley, gaily, Haley, Hayley, Kayleigh, Rayleigh, scaly, shaly, ably, shapely, vaguely, Madeley, lately, stately, faintly, saintly, bravely, gravely, gamely, lamely, namely, tamely, mainly, plainly, vainly, paisley, Paisley, Ainsley, strangely, debris, Aintree, Braintree, pastry, clayey, Amy, gamey, Jamie, Mamie, pay me, samey, brainy, Cheney, grainy, Janie, rainy, veiny, zany, ha’penny, Basie, Casey, Gracie, lacy, pace, pacey, precis, racy, spacey, Spacey, Stacy, Tracy, crazy, daisy, hazy, lazy, Maisie, mazy, Strachey, cagey, stagey, mangy, rangy, * Carnegie, milady, O’Grady, Kuwaiti, agave, shillelagh, Disraeli, Israeli, sedately, innately, ungainly, inanely, insanely, humanely, Pompeii, Bahraini, Delaney, Khomeini, Eugénie, shove-ha’penny, O’Casey, Scorsese, * crybaby, bushbaby, headachy, landlady, * wakey-wakey, capercaillie, ukulele, Agnus Dei, cockamamie, Allegheny, Museveni, Sulawesi, calabrese, Bel Paese, upsy-daisy, Buthelezi, prima facie, * Rikki-Tikki-Tavi, etc.

Our honeymoon started so blithely and gaily

But dreams I was dreaming were suddenly wrecked
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