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Collins Rhyming Dictionary

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capricious and corybantic


2.17 aspic, Bacchic, asdic, attic, Attic, batik, static, lactic, tactic, antic, frantic, mantic, drastic, mastic, plastic, spastic, crabstick, chapstick, slapstick, matchstick, * syllabic, iambic, stomachic, sporadic, nomadic, heraldic, Icelandic, aquatic, chromatic, dramatic, fanatic, pragmatic, asthmatic, Carnatic, phlegmatic, spermatic, schematic, thematic, hepatic, ecstatic, emphatic, lymphatic, erratic, stigmatic, prismatic, schismatic, sciatic, climatic, Socratic, quadratic, dogmatic, traumatic, somatic, pneumatic, rheumatic, galactic, syntactic, didactic, climactic, Atlantic, romantic, pedantic, Vedantic, semantic, gigantic, scholastic, monastic, shagtastic, fantastic, sarcastic, aplastic, elastic, dynastic, gymnastic, bombastic, * dissyllabic, trisyllabic, dithyrambic, acrobatic, aromatic, achromatic, pancreatic, Hanseatic, antistatic, astigmatic, charismatic, Adriatic, Asiatic, democratic, emblematic, enigmatic, enzymatic, thermostatic, symptomatic, systematic, cinematic, diplomatic, Hippocratic, hierocratic, operatic, problematic, autocratic, automatic, morganatic, bureaucratic, programmatic, subaquatic, plutocratic, chiropractic, prophylactic, transatlantic, necromantic, sycophantic, Corybantic, unromantic, periphrastic, thermoplastic, inelastic, orgiastic, hudibrastic, * polysyllabic, monosyllabic, aristocratic, meritocratic, undemocratic, semiaquatic, anagrammatic, axiomatic, asymptomatic, melodramatic, telegrammatic, idiomatic, diagrammatic, psychosomatic, undiplomatic, paradigmatic, intergalactic, anaphylactic, anticlimactic, iconoclastic, ecclesiastic, enthusiastic, * semiautomatic, idiosyncratic, unenthusiastic, * overenthusiastic

2.18 graphic, maffick, traffic, Sapphic, * seraphic, empathic, * tachygraphic, calligraphic, cartographic, reprographic, demographic, stenographic, ethnographic, epigraphic, telegraphic, xerographic, geographic, cryptographic, pictographic, lithographic, biographic, typographic, hydrographic, seismographic, topographic, holographic, homographic, polygraphic, autographic, orthographic, pornographic, photographic, phonographic, psychopathic, telepathic, * hagiographic, radiographic, palaeographic, cardiographic, stereographic, lexicographic, bibliographic, choreographic, naturopathic, osteopathic, homeopathic, sociopathic, * cinematographic, photolithographic

2.19 Alec, Gaelic, Gallic, phallic, baric, Garrick, Tariq, fabric, cambric, Patrick, hat trick, gastric, Chadwick, Gatwick, * smart aleck, italic, metallic, cephalic, oxalic, vocalic, Uralic, Amharic, barbaric, tartaric, Pindaric, Kirkpatrick, theatric, Fitzpatrick, Downpatrick, * bimetallic, nonmetallic, Balearic, geriatric, paediatric, psychiatric, nasogastric

2.20 Alnwick, manic, panic, stannic, tannic, * Islamic, ceramic, dynamic, balsamic, ophthalmic, phantasmic, miasmic, orgasmic, botanic, satanic, tetanic, galvanic, Germanic, tympanic, Hispanic, mechanic, Britannic, titanic, Titanic, volcanic, organic, Koranic, * panoramic, dioramic, ectoplasmic, cytoplasmic, protoplasmic, Magellanic, talismanic, messianic, inorganic, oceanic, * aerodynamic, thermodynamic, transoceanic

2.21 classic, Grassic, dabchick, magic, tragic, * boracic, Jurassic, thoracic, Triassic, pelagic, myalgic, nostalgic, neuralgic, * apparatchik, haemorrhagic

2.22 Maddox, paddocks, hallux, barracks, hammocks, bannocks, cassocks, Hassocks, * Appomattox, etc.

2.23 attics, tactics, antics, plastics, matchsticks, affix, graphics, Alec’s, Alex, fabrics, Patrick’s, classics, * aquatics, dramatics, pneumatics, rheumatics, semantics, gymnastics, theatrics, ceramics, dynamics, mechanics, * acrobatics, aerobatics, mathematics, informatics, numismatics, demographics, geriatrics, paediatrics, * aerodynamics, thermodynamics, etc.

2.24 crabbed, rabid, rapid, vapid, jagged, ragged, caddied, bandied, candid, candied, avid, gravid, dallied, pallid, rallied, tallied, valid, arid, carried, married, tarried, acrid, Astrid, Alfred, languid, hackneyed, acid, flaccid, placid, fancied, rancid, * invalid, unmarried, remarried, miscarried, Mohammed, arachnid, antacid, * caryatid, dilly-dallied, shillyshallied, semiarid, intermarried, etc.

When the lamp is shattered

The light in the dust lies dead –

When the cloud is scattered

The rainbow’s glory is shed.


2.25 jabbered, scabbard, tabard, halberd, knackered, lacquered, hankered, tankard, blackguard, haggard, Haggard, laggard, staggered, swaggered, angered, added, laddered, padded, branded, landed, standard, stranded, battered, dratted, fatted, matted, plaited, scattered, shattered, tattered, Apted, acted, bastard, dastard, Stafford, Strafford, Trafford, Bradford, Radford, Blandford, Catford, Ashford, ballad, salad, farad, Garrard, Harrod, backward, landward, galliard, halyard, lanyard, Spaniard, clamoured, Talmud, mannered, hazard, Hazzard, captured, fractured, * substandard, unbranded, backhanded, cack-handed, crash-landed, barehanded, red-handed, left-handed, disbanded, expanded, philandered, high-handed, right-handed, nonstandard, offhanded, forehanded, short-handed, two-handed, adapted, compacted, protracted, abstracted, reacted, impacted, distracted, extracted, decanted, Angharad, Muhammad, enamoured, unmannered, haphazard, * empty-handed, heavy-handed, even-handed, single-handed, underhanded, unadapted, subcontracted, etc.

2.26 scabbards, tankards, blackguards, bastards, ballads, salads, Harrods, backwards, landwards, Spaniards, hazards, etc.

2.27 Babbage, cabbage, package, baggage, adage, bandage, lavage, ravage, savage, Savage, salvage, carriage, garage, Harwich, marriage, sandwich, Sandwich, language, damage, manage, passage, * repackage, disparage, miscarriage, mismanage, stage-manage, * intermarriage, undercarriage

For you dream you are crossing the Channel, and tossing about in a steamer from Harwich –

Which is something between a large bathing machine and a very small second-class carriage.


2.28 babble, dabble, Drabble, gabble, rabble, scrabble, Scrabble®, amble, bramble, Campbell, gamble, gambol, ramble, scramble, shamble, apple, chapel, Chappell, dapple, grapple, scrapple, scalpel, ample, trample, Aspel, cackle, crackle, grackle, hackle, jackal, mackle, shackle, tackle, ankle, rankle, Wankel, Gaskell, paschal, gaggle, haggle, straggle, waggle, algal, angle, bangle, dangle, jangle, mangel, mangle, spangle, strangle, tangle, wangle, wrangle, addle, paddle, raddle, saddle, staddle, straddle, candle, dandle, Handel, handle, Randall, sandal, scandal, vandal, battle, Battle, cattle, chattel, prattle, rattle, tattle, dactyl, fractal, mantle, pastel, pastille, baffle, raffle, snaffle, yaffle, thankful, tactful, manful, bashful, Cavell, gavel, gravel, ravel, Savile, travel, Athol, Aral, barrel, carol, Carol, carrel, Carroll, Darrell, Farrell, gambrel, mackerel, mandrel, lateral, astral, Avril, tranquil, Maxwell, Daniel, spaniel, camel, Hamill, mammal, Tamil, trammel, annal, channel, Channel, flannel, panel, grapnel, shrapnel, Bracknell, cracknel, Bagnell, Cassell, hassle, tassel, vassal, axle, cancel, Hansel, Mansell, basil, Basil, dazzle, frazzle, razzle, damsel, satchel, Tatchell, * unscramble, preamble, Whitechapel, pineapple, unshackle, bedraggle, untangle, entangle, astraddle, unsaddle, skedaddle, mishandle, Seattle, embattle, dismantle, unravel, apparel, collateral, bilateral, trilateral, Nathaniel, enamel, phantasmal, empanel, Newcastle, bedazzle, substantial, financial, Tintagel, * ramshackle, rectangle, pentangle, triangle, right angle, quadrangle, packsaddle, side-saddle, manhandle, panhandle, Fremantle, * technobabble, psychobabble, tabernacle, raggle-taggle, disentangle, fiddle-faddle, Coromandel, pterodactyl, tittle-tattle, consonantal, covenantal, equilateral, quadrilateral, multilateral, unilateral, multichannel, Newport Pagnell, razzle-dazzle, antidazzle, circumstantial, insubstantial, * Quetzalcoatl

On the coast of Coromandel

Dance they to the tunes of Handel.


2.29 dappled, trampled, rankled, mangled, spangled, tangled, addled, handled, baffled, travelled, Harold, Jarrold, panelled, dazzled, * bedraggled, entangled, embattled, dismantled, newfangled, unravelled, untravelled, well-travelled, untrammelled, etc.

2.30 brambles, shambles, apples, hackles, shackles, ankles, paddles, sandals, vandals, baffles, Raffles, barrels, carols, Darrell’s, Daniels, spaniels, mammals, trammels, annals, panels, * at right angles, * Feast of Tabernacles, etc.

2.31 Antrim, passim, maxim, Maxim, * smacks him, catch him, etc.

2.32 Brabham, album, Clapham, Rackham, Malcolm, talcum, Adam, madam, random, tandem, atom, Chatham, sanctum, bantam, phantom, anthem, Grantham, fathom, alum, Balham, Calum, Malham, carom, marram, antrum, tantrum, angstrom, ashram, stannum, magnum, sphagnum, gladsome, handsome, hansom, ransom, Ransome, transom, chasm, spasm, Masham, * amalgam, macadam, McCallum, alarum, panjandrum, per annum, phantasm, * sarcasm, orgasm, * memorandum, cataplasm, ectoplasm, neoplasm, pleonasm, cytoplasm, protoplasm, * nil desperandum, iconoclasm, enthusiasm, * grab ’em, had ’em, etc.

2.33 albums, Adams, Addams, atoms, fathoms, Calum’s, tantrums, spasms, etc.

2.34 cabin, hatpin, backspin, napkin, Atkin, catkin, Slatkin, lambkin, Rankin, lambskin, stand-in, Latin, satin, captain, plantain, Baffin, Gavin, Alvin, Calvin, chaplain, Chaplin, Jacklin, Franklin, Shanklin, javelin, Hamelin, Hamlyn, aspirin, chagrin, Kathryn, Brangwyn, sanguine, Chatwin, famine, gamin, admin, jasmine, Yasmin, tannin, * grimalkin, Aladdin, Prestatyn, prolactin, examine, assassin, imagine, * Portakabin®, alexandrine, re-examine, cross-examine, * grabbin’, slackin’, etc.

2.35 cap’n, happen, crampon, dampen, aspen, blacken, bracken, clachan, slacken, Strachan, Gascon, dragon, flagon, wagon, bad ’un, gladden, madden, sadden, Camden, Hampden, Brandon, Landon, Ramsden, baton, batten, fatten, flatten, Grattan, Hatton, patten, pattern, Patton, platen, Saturn, slattern, Staten, Tatton, Clapton, Hampton, Acton, Clacton, plankton, Lambton, canton, lantern, Langton, Aston, pastern, capstan, Caxton, Paxton, Gladstone, Branston, Ashton, Cavan, cavern, raven, tavern, Alan, Allen, Callan, Fallon, gallon, talon, raglan, Raglan, Scanlon, Aran, Arran, Arun, baron, barren, Darren, Karen, marron, Sharon, saffron, scallion, stallion, banyan, canyon, Ammon, gammon, mammon, salmon, shaman, cabman, chapman, Chapman, Hackman, bagman, flagman, ragman, swagman, adman, Bradman, Caedmon, madman, batman, hangman, axeman, cracksman, Flaxman, Paxman, Manxman, batsman, Tasman, bandsman, clansman, Flashman, cannon, canon, Shannon, Casson, Masson, flaxen, Jackson, klaxon, Saxon, waxen, Datsun, Samson, Branson, Jansen, Manson, Nansen, damson, Kansan, ashen, fashion, passion, ration, caption, action, faction, fraction, traction, sanction, mansion, scansion, stanchion, * Sri Lankan, Alaskan, Nebraskan, Pendragon, Abaddon, McFadden, abandon, Rwandan, Ugandan, Manhattan, harmattan, Mountbatten, Rockhampton, Northampton, Southampton, Okehampton, Hunstanton, Craigavon, Van Allen, decathlon, heptathlon, pentathlon, biathlon, triathlon, McLaren, Biafran, battalion, rapscallion, medallion, Italian, companion, d’Artagnan, Cro-Magnon, colcannon, Dungannon, Clackmannan, Guianan, Guyanan, Rhiannon, Montanan, Buchanan, compassion, refashion, impassion, dispassion, contraption, compaction, attraction, protraction, subtraction, contraction, abstraction, transaction, reaction, impaction, detraction, retraction, distraction, extraction, diffraction, refraction, infraction, inaction, exaction, olfaction, proaction, expansion, * snapdragon, bandwagon, backgammon, * Madagascan, Littlehampton, Wolverhampton, jack-o’-lantern, parrot-fashion, abreaction, satisfaction, rarefaction, petrifaction, benefaction, retroaction, interaction, liquefaction, counteraction, stupefaction, putrefaction, * self-satisfaction, dissatisfaction, counterattraction, overreaction, overexpansion

I can’t get no satisfaction

I can’t get no girl reaction.


2.36 happened, blackened, maddened, saddened, flattened, patterned, Langland, gangland, Hammond, dachshund, rationed, sanctioned, * impassioned, old-fashioned, unsanctioned, etc.

2.37 calends, badlands, dachshunds

2.38 cabins, hatpins, Atkins, catkins, matins, satins, captains, aspirins, Kathryn’s, * examines, assassins, etc.

2.39 dragons, flagons, wagons, battens, patterns, lanterns, caverns, taverns, Athens, gallons, talons, barons, Saxons, damsons, fashions, passions, rations, actions, factions, fractions, sanctions, mansions, etc.

2.40 lambent, rampant, bacchant, hadn’t, patent, Havant, haven’t, savant, advent, Advent, gallant, talent, arrant, Lamont, fragment, catchment, hatchment, stagnant, nascent, passant, absent, accent, hasn’t, pageant, plangent, tangent, * attractant, surfactant, reactant, apparent, transparent, entrapment, encampment, embankment, enactment, abashment, encashment, attachment, detachment, renascent, relaxant, cotangent, * re-enactment

2.41 savants, balance, valance, talents, Clarence, fragments, nascence, absence, accents, pageants, * reactance, unbalance, imbalance, off-balance, outbalance, transparence, embankments, renascence, * counterbalance, overbalance, etc.

2.42 grabbing, stabbing, capping, clapping, flapping, mapping, napping, rapping, slapping, strapping, tapping, trapping, wrapping, yapping, scalping, camping, cramping, stamping, tramping, backing, blacking, cracking, hacking, lacking, packing, racking, sacking, slacking, smacking, stacking, tacking, tracking, whacking, banking, clanking, flanking, planking, ranking, spanking, thanking, bragging, dragging, flagging, gagging, lagging, nagging, sagging, wagging, adding, cladding, madding, padding, banding, landing, sanding, standing, batting, chatting, Gatting, matting, plaiting, ratting, tatting, acting, Banting, panting, ranting, chaffing, faffing, having, babbling, dabbling, brambling, gambling, rambling, grappling, sapling, crackling, tackling, angling, gangling, strangling, wrangling, handling, Gatling, rattling, baffling, handspring, hamstring, lapwing, waxwing, batwing, cramming, damming, jamming, lambing, shamming, banning, canning, Canning, Channing, manning, Manning, planning, tanning, banging, clanging, hanging, slanging, gassing, massing, lapsing, taxing, waxing, bashing, crashing, dashing, flashing, gnashing, lashing, mashing, slashing, smashing, thrashing, catching, matching, snatching, scratching, thatching, cadging, * unwrapping, decamping, revamping, unpacking, attacking, outranking, unflagging, debagging, upstanding, freestanding, outstanding, adapting, attracting, contracting, distracting, exacting, decanting, haranguing, relaxing, financing, * handclapping, backslapping, catnapping, kneecapping, kidnapping, phone-tapping, backpacking, nerve-racking, hijacking, formatting, play-acting, programming, cliffhanging, square-bashing, gate-crashing, tongue-lashing, backscratching, * understanding, notwithstanding, subcontracting, photographing, undermanning, overhanging, * misunderstanding, etc.

While I nodded, nearly napping, suddenly there came a tapping,

As of someone gently rapping, rapping at my chamber door.


2.43 scavenge, challenge

2.44 gallop, Gallup, Salop, scallop

2.45 haggis, caddis, Gladys, brattice, gratis, lattice, practice, practise, mantis, Travis, Alice, chalice, Challis, malice, palace, Sallis, Tallis, Clarice, Harris, Paris, Janice, Daphnis, axis, praxis, taxis, * malpractice, Atlantis, oxalis, Beaumaris, Onassis, * praying mantis, prophylaxis, peristalsis, * anaphylaxis, * mutatis mutandis

They’re changing guard at Buckingham Palace –

Christopher Robin went down with Alice.
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