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Swept Away By The Enigmatic Tycoon

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When Casson came back into the living room he had the overalls neatly folded. He placed them on a side chair and then sat down on the couch. The robe fit him well, which meant it would have been a size or two too big for her dad.

“That coffee smells great,” he drawled, tightening the sash on the robe before crossing his legs.

Justine came out of the kitchen with a tray holding two mugs, a small container of cream and a plate of muffins. She caught her breath at seeing him there, one leg partially exposed. She felt a warm rush infuse her body. It was such an intimate scenario: Casson leaning back against the couch, totally relaxed, as if he were the owner of the place.

She saw his gaze flicker over her body as she approached. She wanted to squirm. Her jaw tensed. This was her place. Why did she suddenly feel like she was at a disadvantage?

She would not let him know that his presence was affecting her. She would treat him like any other cottage guest. Politely, respectfully. And hopefully the heavens would soon clam up and she could send him on his way. His clothes shouldn’t take too long to dry.

She set the tray down on the coffee table and, picking up the plate of four muffins, held it out to him. “Banana yogurt. Homemade.”

“Thank you, Miss Winter.”

He reached forward and took one. At the same time Luna lifted her head, sniffing excitedly. Before Justine had a chance to move the plate Luna had a muffin in her jaws. Startled, Justine tipped the plate and stumbled over Casson’s foot. She felt herself falling backward, and a moment later landed in the last place she’d ever want to land. A steaming volcano would have been preferable.

She felt his arms closing around her. The muffin was still in his hand.

“Now that you’ve fallen right into my lap,” he murmured huskily in her right ear, “would you like to share my muffin?”

CHAPTER THREE (#u1713fc6d-9edb-53f3-974d-e36914b8ba85)

JUSTINE COULD FEEL Casson’s breath on the side of her neck. She shivered involuntarily. His left arm was around her waist and his right arm was elevated, holding the muffin. His robe had opened slightly in the commotion and, glancing downward, she saw to her consternation that one bare leg was under her.

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