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Falling For The Rancher

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“I’ll be with you in just a second.”

He turned back to Hannah. “What if I made a donation to cover Darcy’s bid instead of doing the work?”

Hannah folded her arms over her chest. “Fine, donate the two twenty-five. Except Darcy is still left high and dry. No Edgar, and no other skilled craftsmen are available until January...at least. Like I said, this is a small community.”

“Fine. I’ll do it, then,” he said on a long sigh as he lifted a bale and started into the barn.

But long after Hannah left, questions kept spinning through his thoughts as he stacked bales into one of the box stalls he was using to store hay.

So Darcy had been struggling to save up for this auction? He knew what she was being paid at the clinic, and saving up a few hundred bucks for her beloved Edgar shouldn’t have been any big deal.

Yet apparently she was strapped for cash.

So what was her problem? Credit card debt? A gambling problem? Sheer irresponsibility? She didn’t seem like the type, but then, his own sister had mired herself in debt from online shopping, and he’d had to bail her out more than once so she and her kids wouldn’t lose their condo.

And then there was his ex-fiancée—who had been far worse. He knew all too well how a person could be caught up in a web of embezzlement.

So maybe this unexpected situation wasn’t so bad after all. If he completed the auction obligation to her, he’d have a chance to observe her situation and see if he even dared keep her around for the next two months.

Desperate people could end up doing desperate, illegal things, and he wasn’t going through that situation ever again.

* * *

Logan logged onto the computer at the clinic on Monday morning and continued the search he’d started at home late last night.

“Marilyn, can you come in here, please?” he called out.

Darcy came in instead, wearing the new clinic uniform—maroon scrubs—plus her white lab coat with the Aspen Creek Vet Clinic logo on the front pocket, and a stethoscope around her neck. “She’s out in the parking lot helping Mildred McConaughy bring her dog in. Can I help you?”

“I need to order some equipment, and I’d like an opinion on the vet supply distributor reps around here.” He flipped through the battered Rolodex on the desk. “Who do you prefer to deal with?”

“Doc Boyd usually gave his orders to Harold Bailey—the two were old friends who went way back.”

He looked up at her, momentarily taken aback. She stood in a shaft of morning sunlight streaming through the windows of his office. He’d first thought she had nondescript brown hair, but now he was struck by its rich, molten gold-and-amber highlights.

It took a moment to gather his scattered thoughts. “And...uh...you don’t call him anymore?”

“His branch warehouse is clear down in the Quad Cities, and the company takes too long for deliveries. After Doc passed away, we started using ABC Vet Supply because it has a warehouse over in St. Paul. Next-day delivery, usually, because it’s so close.”

“So that sales rep is...” He thumbed back through the Rolodex. “Vicki Irwin?”

“She’s young and fairly new, but sharp as can be and really follows through. She stops in twice a month. Sooner if we have any issues.” Darcy lifted a shoulder in a faint shrug. “But of course, you’ll need to decide for yourself which companies you want to use. What kind of equipment are you looking for?”

“The most outdated pieces of equipment are the blood chemistry machine and CBC cell counter—which should run around twenty grand. A new anesthesia machine would be at least four grand more.”

“With Doc gone, I didn’t feel right making any major purchases, but both are long overdue, for sure. What else?”

“Most everything else can wait a while.” He shifted his gaze to the computer screen. “But a new equine ultrasound is imperative for reproductive issues and evaluating injuries.”

She whistled under her breath. “Not cheap.”

He nodded. “It could run over fifty grand if I duplicate what we used in Montana.”

“It’ll be fun watching you bring this clinic up to date.”

She turned to leave, but he cleared his throat. “Your friend Hannah came out to see me on Saturday. I imagine she told you about it.”

“What?” Her mystified expression cleared. “You mean about the auction? I knew she planned to talk to you, but I haven’t heard from her since Friday night.”

“She and I got everything squared away.”

“Good to hear. I told Beth that the committee shouldn’t try to push you into something you never intended to do, so you’re off the hook.”

“But is that what you want? Your friend says you’ve been saving money for this for a long time.” He eyed her closely. “That you really need the help and can’t find anyone to do it.”

“Yes, well...that’s my concern, not yours.” A weary smile briefly lit up her face, and she looked like someone who had the weight of the world on her shoulders. “Honestly, I just want to apologize for what happened.”

“I understand your bidding saved me from the clutches of a difficult woman.”

At that, she laughed aloud. “You do owe me a favor for that. You have no idea.”

“I’m going to follow through. Will that just about cover it?”

Her eyes widened with surprise and a touch of wariness. “You don’t need to. Really.”

“I called Beth just a few minutes ago. It’s a done deal.”

“Um...” Her gaze veered away, and she swallowed hard. “I don’t mean to seem ungrateful, but I...um...need someone who is really skilled as a handyman. Experienced.”

“You’re worried about getting your money’s worth.” He heard the unintentionally hard edge in his tone and instantly regretted it when he saw her flinch.

“I must sound so crass.” Rosy color washed up into her cheeks. “It’s just that whether my daughter and I stay or need to leave town, I... I need the work to be done well and up to code.”

“Tell you what. You’ve got twenty hours of my time, so make a list of what needs to be done. Then let me come over some evening this week so I can see if I have the skill set for what you need. Tonight would be fine, if you’re eager to get started.”

“That I am.” She bit her lower lip. “But if you don’t feel it’s something you want to tackle?”

“Then I’ll donate the full amount of your bid to the youth group, and you can save your money to pay someone else.” He offered his hand across the desk. “Deal?”

She hesitated, her expression still filled with doubt, but she finally accepted his brief handshake. “This is beyond generous. I think you’re being too kind.”

Not kind, he thought as he watched her head out of his office. Just careful.

Since asking about her around town would only start rumors, he needed to take this into his own hands.

Because absolute trust was a rare and fragile thing, and he couldn’t afford to make the same mistake twice.

Chapter Four (#ubec16442-5493-5349-889b-d4716c13d638)
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