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Navigating the Financial Blogosphere. How to Benefit from Free Information on the Internet

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Praise for Navigating the Financial Blogosphere «Navigating the Financial Blogosphere is the most enjoyable personal finance book I've ever read. I read it cover to cover within an afternoon, and I didn't want to put it down. It's fresh, practical, and broad in its topic coverage and should be on the top of every person's reading list. Russell Bailyn is a super-talented rising star.» -Matthew D. Hutcheson, Independent Pension Fiduciary, expert Congressional witness on retirement plan economics «Financial information on the Internet has exploded in volume; the challenge is to find what's useful and reliable. Russell Bailyn's book does an excellent job of presenting important personal finance topics in a clear and digestible form, and pointing readers to a wealth of high-quality sources on the Internet. Navigating the Financial Blogosphere is browsable, fun, and very useful.» -David Jackson, founder and CEO, SeekingAlpha.com «Russell Bailyn not only explains financial decision making, but like a good research librarian, he tells you where to go on the Web for more information. You'll want to be close to your computer as you read this book.» -Joseph Hurley, founder and CEO, Savingforcollege.com LLC
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