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“If you’d like.”

“I would.”

“Then consider it done.”

She started toward the stage before she realized that in the confusion, Albert was gone. She could have hugged Prentice for his timely distraction.

Emily sat beside her grandmother while former pupils offered their words of praise. First on the stage was Robeson Ryder. A skilled orator whose father had been a projectionist at the local movie theatre, Robeson’s words stirred the audience as he talked about the teacher who had helped shape his ideals, and how those ideals had now taken him to a very public arena. He was a man who had dined with presidents and kings, but retained a sense of humility that was appealing. He had an amazing presence, handsome and proud without a trace of arrogance. His voice was a deep rich baritone that could move the crowd to tears or to cheers.

By the time he turned the stage over to Prentice Osborn, Robeson Ryder had the audience on its feet cheering him.

Prentice was no slouch at working the crowd, either. He had them laughing, nodding in agreement and applauding as he told funny stories about himself and his days as a pupil of Mrs. Alberta Brennan. Even his old teacher laughed aloud.

When he was finished Emily strode to the microphone. “Thank you, Robeson, Prentice. Our little town is privileged to have two such famous sons.”

From her position on stage she caught sight of a figure at the back of the room. For the space of a heartbeat the crowd seemed to melt away. All she could see was that face from the past. A strong chiseled jaw and lean handsome features. Those dark poet’s eyes meeting hers and holding her gaze when she tried to look away.

She had to swallow before she could go on. “We have another celebrity in our midst. I wonder if Jason Cooper, bestselling author, would care to say a few words about his former teacher.”

It seemed, to Emily’s ears, that there was a collective sigh sweeping through the room as the tall figure clad in a dark suit made his way to the stage, though there were a few, she noted, who hissed with annoyance. His book had stirred up strong feelings both of admiration and resentment in their town.

Jason didn’t so much walk as stalk, glancing neither right nor left as the crowd seemed to part for him.

Emily set the microphone on the stand and moved to the far side of the stage, folding her hands together and hoping she didn’t appear to be watching too closely as Jason Cooper climbed the stairs and paused center stage.

True to form, he seemed abrupt, edgy, as he picked up the microphone and said, “I came here to honor Mrs. Brennan, who saw something in me all those years ago that I hadn’t even seen in myself.” He turned away from the crowd and stared at the old woman who was watching him so avidly. “Whatever success I enjoy, Mrs. B, it’s because of you. You changed my life, and for that I’ll be eternally grateful.”

He set the microphone back on its stand and strode down the steps, pausing beside his old teacher to press a kiss to her cheek.

Bert was beaming with pride. As Jason walked away, Emily thought she saw her grandmother wipe a tear from her eye.

She stepped to the microphone. “My grandmother has asked me to thank all of you for coming tonight. We hope you can stay for our week-long celebration, which will include a garden luncheon sponsored by the alumni association, an original play entitled An Orchid for Mrs. B, sponsored by the high school, and a chance for individual visits with her throughout the week. Our celebration will culminate in a banquet and fireworks next weekend.”

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