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The Last Testament

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He looked up, his eyes holding hers. She did not break the contact; or the silence.

At last, he got up and began to pace, staring at his feet. ‘Ahmed Nour's son came to see me an hour ago. He was very agitated.’


‘He said he went through his father's things this afternoon, looking for an explanation. He found some correspondence, a few emails. Including one – a strange one – from someone he does not recognize.’

‘Has he spoken with colleagues? Maybe it's someone he worked with.’

‘Of course. But his assistant does not recognize the name either. And she handled all such matters for him.’

‘Maybe he was having an affair.’

‘It's a man's name.’

Maggie began to raise her eyebrows, but thought better of it. ‘And the son thought this person might somehow be linked to his father's death?’

Al-Shafi nodded.

‘That he might even be behind it?’

He gave the slightest movement of his head.

‘What kind of person are we talking about?’

Al-Shafi looked towards the door, as if uncertain who might be listening. ‘The email was sent by an Arab.’

CHAPTER ELEVEN (#ulink_195a484d-e82b-5c82-aea5-a89f64664792)

Jerusalem, Tuesday, 8.19pm

Maggie lay back on her bed at the David's Citadel Hotel. The hotel was cavernous, built in a modern, scrubbed version of Jerusalem stone – and, as far as she could tell, packed with American Christians. She had seen one group form a circle, their eyes closed, in the lobby while their Israeli tour guide looked on, patiently.

Davis had put her here. It was a block away from the consulate; she could see Agron Street from her window. She and Lee had driven back from Ramallah in the twilight, the road even emptier than before, and in silence. Maggie had been thinking, doing her best not to believe that this mission, far from being destined to save her reputation, was doomed to fail.

What Judd Bonham had billed as a simple matter of closing the deal was deteriorating instead into yet another Middle East disaster. No one had kept count of how many times these two peoples had seemed ready to make peace, only to fail and sink back into war. Each time it happened the violence was worse than before. Maggie dreaded to think what hell awaited if, in the next few days, they failed all over again. She had learned to recognize the telltale signs, and high-profile killings on both sides, whatever the circumstances, were a reliable warning of serious trouble ahead.

She reached for the minibar. With a glass honeyed by a whisky miniature, she sat at the desk and stared out of the window. She could see a man emerge from the neon-lit convenience store across the street, carrying a flimsy plastic bag: inside it, a plastic bottle of milk, maybe a jar of honey. A man off home for the night.

It was such a simple sight yet it fascinated Maggie. For some reason such basic, humdrum domesticity had eluded her. She envied that man, heading home with a bottle of milk for the children to drink with their bedtime story. He probably did the same thing every night. Somehow he had managed it without ever trying to break free.

Draining her glass, she considered calling Edward. She wondered if her number would show on his phone and, if it did, whether he would pick up. She imagined what they would say, whether he would apologize for what he had done, or expect her to apologize for having gone to Jerusalem. Maggie sat still, drinking one and a half more whiskies as Edward's words two days ago, slung across the kitchen of their apartment in Washington, did circuits in her head. Was he right, that she always ran away, that she couldn't stick long enough at anything to make it work? Maybe he was. Maybe a normal person would have got over what happened last year and moved on by now.

She dialled his number, using her mobile so he would know it was her and would have a choice to screen her out if he wanted to. As she heard the first ring, she looked at her watch. Half-past one in Washington. He picked up.

‘Maggie.’ Not a question, not a greeting. A statement.

‘Hi, Edward.’

‘How's Jerusalem?’ A pause. Then, ‘You save the world yet?’

‘I wanted to talk.’

‘Well, now's not a great time, Maggie.’ She could hear the clink of silverware and low string music in the background. Lunch at La Colline, she reckoned.

‘Just give me two minutes.’

She could hear the muffled sound of Edward excusing himself from the table, pulling back his chair and finding a quiet corner. Truth be told, he wouldn't have been so unhappy to do it: interrupting a meal to take an urgent phone call was standard Washington practice, a way of signalling your indispensable importance.

‘Yeah,’ he said finally. Fire away.

‘I just wanted to talk about what's going to happen with us.’

‘Well, I was planning on you coming to your senses and coming back home. Then we could take it from there.’

‘Coming to my senses?’

‘Oh come on, Maggie. You can't be serious about all this, playing the peacemaker.’

Maggie closed her eyes. She wouldn't rise to it. ‘I need to know you understand why I was so angry. About those boxes.’

‘Look, I don't have time for this—’

‘Because if you don't understand, if you can't understand—’

‘Then what, Maggie? What?’ He was raising his voice now. People at the restaurant would be noticing.

‘Then I don't know how—’

‘What? How we can carry on? Oh, I think we're past that, don't you? I think you took that decision the moment you got on that plane.’


‘I offered you a life here, Maggie. And you didn't want it.’

‘Can we just talk—?’

‘There's nothing more to say, Maggie. I've got to go.’

There was a click and eventually a synthetic voice: The other person has hung up, please try later. The other person has hung up, please try later.

Maggie expected to cry, but she felt something worse. A heaviness spreading inside her, as if her chest were turning to concrete. She leaned forward, elbows on her knees. It was over. Her attempt at a normal life had failed. And here she was again, in a foreign hotel room, quite alone.

It was all because of what happened last year, she understood that. She had thought her relationship with Edward might slay the ghost, but in the end it had been consumed by it. She raised her head and gazed out at the darkness of Jerusalem, knowing that it was quite within her to stay like that, staring and frozen, all night. The prospect was appealing, and she surrendered to it for the best part of an hour.

But eventually another feeling surfaced, the sense that she had been handed a chance to break free of those dreadful events of a year ago, to balance the ledger somehow. To seize that chance she would have to do what she had done so many times before, push away her feelings and concentrate only on the job. She would have to make this current assignment work. She could not afford to fail.

OK, she thought, as she splashed her face with water, forcing herself to make a fresh start. What is the problem? Internal opposition on both sides, prompted by two killings: Guttman and Nour. First priority is to get to the bottom of both cases and somehow reassure both publics that there's nothing to worry about and that the talks should go ahead.
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