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The Real Rio D'Aquila

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Unfortunately, she knew the answer.

When it came to men, good-looking men, there were two Isabellas.

She met handsome men a lot. Her work took her into their homes; she accepted invitations to parties, even though she hated parties where you stood around nibbling on awful little canapés and gagging down overly sweet drinks with umbrellas stuck in them, because networking was the best way to find new clients.

Plus her brothers, gorgeous guys themselves, had recently taken to trying to find, with what they surely thought was subtlety, The Right Man for her.

“Hey,” Dante or Rafe, Falco or Nick would say in the falsely cheerful giveaway tone she’d learned to recognize, “how about coming over for supper Friday evening?” Or Sunday brunch, or whatever was the latest excuse for introducing her to the latest candidate in the Orsini Brothers’ “Let’s Find a Guy for Izzy” plan.

To Isabella’s chagrin, even Anna was getting into it, asking her to stop by and, surprise, surprise, a friend of Anna’s handsome husband would just happen to stop by, too.

Hadn’t any of them figured it out yet?

Put an attractive man in front of her and she either became tongue-tied or just the opposite, a woman whose mouth ran a hundred times faster than her brain.

Hi, a guy would say.

Her response? Silence, and a deer-in-the headlights stare.

Or she’d babble. He’d end up the bewildered recipient of whatever came into her head. Did you know that shrimp you’re tucking into probably came from an uninspected shrimp farm in some godforsaken place in the Far East? Or, How do you feel about the destruction of wetlands?

The result, either way?


It had been the pattern of her life, ever since she’d first noticed that boys were not girls.

The thing was, she wasn’t pretty, or clever, or the kind of woman men lusted after. Not that she wanted to be lusted after …


A little lust would be nice.

Anna was the pretty one.

She was a great sister and Izzy adored her, but she had long ago faced facts.

Anna was the Orsini sister boys had always noticed.

She was the one with the blond hair, the one who knew, instinctively, what to say and what to wear, who knew how to charm and flirt and turn the most gorgeous guys to putty.

Izzy had long ago accepted the fact that she didn’t have those attributes, and she could live with that. What she couldn’t live with was turning into a jerk each and every time she found a man attractive.

Speechless or babbling. Those were her choices.

Today’s winner was Izzy the Babbler.

She’d already said more to this guy than she should have about his employer. For all she knew, Mr. Heartbreaker might think Rio D’Aquila walked on water.

And now, this—this outburst about him not wearing a shirt …

She swallowed drily and risked a glance at him.

He’d stopped laughing. More or less. Actually, she was pretty sure he was choking back another guffaw.

“I’m sorry,” she said miserably. “Honestly, I didn’t mean—”

“No, you’re right.” He cleared his throat, rearranged his face until he looked as if he were the one who should do the apologizing. “I was working out back, see, and then I heard the security buzzer go off, and—”

“Really, you don’t owe me an explanation. I don’t know what I was thinking.”

“It’s the heat. It makes it hard to think straight.”

He flashed a smile that sent her pulse into overdrive. Had she ever seen blue eyes so dark, lashes so long? A woman could hate a man for having lashes like those.

“And you proved it.”

Isabella blinked. “Proved what?”

“That it’s too hot to think straight. So here’s what I suggest. Instead of standing in the foyer, why don’t we head for the kitchen? On the way, I’ll take a quick detour, grab a clean shirt, and then I’ll get us a couple of cold drinks, and—”

“Really, that’s not necessary,” she said quickly. “You go on. I mean, get yourself something cold. And a shirt.” She blushed. “I mean—I mean, I’ll just wait here while you tell Mr. D’Aquila that I’m …” Her eyebrows rose, even as her heart sank. “What?”

“I’m afraid I can’t do that.”

“Can’t do what?”

“I can’t pass on your message.” He paused. “Mr. D’Aquila isn’t here.”

“He isn’t?”

“No,” Rio said, and Isabella Orsini’s face fell.

Well, so what?

He’d been cooling his heels for hours, waiting for her to turn up. Now she was upset that the man she’d come to see wasn’t available.


He wasn’t in the mood to conduct an interview now. Besides, only a fool would contract with a workman—a workwoman—Cristo, maybe the sun really was getting to him. The point was, even if she had the necessary credentials—and it was an excellent bet that she didn’t—he would never deal with a contractor who could not adhere to a schedule.

“He left about an hour ago,” he said, and watched as she sank what looked like perfect white teeth into the soft fullness of her bottom lip.

Rio’s gut tightened.

And that was a second excellent reason for not even considering hiring her.

The last thing he needed was to be attracted to a woman who worked for him, although what there was for him to be attracted to was beyond him to comprehend. There were things to like about her he had to admit. She spoke her mind. Those comments about his boss …
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