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Burke's Christmas Surprise

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Chapter Three

Burke moved so fast Louetta’s breath caught, her lips parting on a gasp that turned into a sigh the instant his lips covered hers. His arms were strong, the body beneath his charcoal gray sweater warm and solid. She must have closed her eyes, because she couldn’t see a thing. But she could feel, and Burke’s lips were wet, his chest broad, his heartbeat strong beneath her palm that had somehow come to be pressed between their bodies.

Everything inside her started to swirl together in a slow, heavy spiral, all her thoughts turned to oblivion, all her needs became one. The same thing had happened the first time they’d met. One kiss and she’d been lost, one embrace and she’d craved more. At the time, she hadn’t even known what she was craving. Now she knew. And knowing made her need greater and her heart feel more tender at the same time.

She hadn’t been aware that they were moving until she felt the cool wall at her back. And then Burke’s hands were sliding down her spine, her sweater bunching in his fingers as he pressed her ever closer. His response was unmistakable, her groan of pleasure insuppressible, erupting on a gasp and a sigh.

Need pounded through Burke, dangerous, powerful. He was holding on to Lily tight, with everything he had, and he was still coming apart at the seams. Lord, she was sweet, her breath hot, her hands insistent. And her body, well, it was almost beyond description, her breasts so full and soft, her legs so long, her lips so eager. Her hands spread wide over the fabric of his dress slacks, down the backs of his thighs, and back up again. Desire seared a path from one end of his body to another, making his heart race and all but explode.

He knew he had to stop. He was trying to stop. He never wanted to stop.

Some force had him tangling his fingers in her hair, sending her hair clip tumbling to the floor. The same force had him pulling her hard against him, trying to bury himself in the softness of her body. “Oh, Lily, I’ve missed you.”

The moment those words registered on Louetta’s dizzied senses, her eyes opened, and she tensed. She wasn’t certain what brought reality crashing all around her—the fact that Burke had called her Lily, or the reminder that there had been two and a half years between them. Two and a half years of wondering, of thinking the worst and wishing for a miracle.

As if sensing her disquietude, he took a shuddering breath. She pulled away a little more, and he let her. She made her escape, deftly sidestepping out of his arms and hurrying across the room. “I have to go.”


“I can’t.”

“Lily.” And then quieter, more unsure. “Louetta. Wait.” He stopped a few feet away, as if uncertain how close he dared to trod. “I’m glad you came by.”

Averting her gaze, she said, “I wanted a clear conscience. I didn’t intend...” Her voice trailed away. Honest to Pete, if she blushed, she swore she would walk out the door and not stop until she’d reached the state line.

“I’m glad about that, too,” he said quietly.

Her gaze flew to his, and a zing went through her. It happened every time she looked at him, temporal temptation written all over his face. Burke claimed he was glad to see her, glad to have held her. He claimed he’d missed her. Maybe he had. That didn’t erase all the pain and loneliness she’d lived with since the night she’d spent with him. He’d had no business kissing her this morning. And she’d had no business responding, not if she wanted to keep the tenacious hold on her pride, not to mention on her heart. Okay. She couldn’t change what had happened. He’d kissed her, and she’d let him, for the plain and simple reason that it had felt good. That didn’t mean she had to turn all poetic and imagine that she’d found heaven in his arms. There was nothing heavenly or poetic about pain, disillusionment and a broken heart.

“Have dinner with me tonight.”

She supposed there was a little consolation in the fact that his voice sounded as shaky as she felt. “I can’t.”

He reached down and in one lithe movement scooped her purse and the plain ivory barrette off the floor where she hadn’t even realized they had fallen. Handing them to her, he said, “You can’t?”

She tucked the purse underneath her arm and took the clip into her palm. “I have plans.”


She nodded.

There was an edge to his voice when he said, “Could you be a little more specific?”

“I have a date.”

“With Stryker?”

“With Wes. Yes.”

“You’re going out with him after the way you just kissed me?”

Louetta started to shift away from the heavy hint of reproach in his voice, but she caught herself. Bristling, she declared, “I didn’t kiss you. You kissed me.” With a flip of her hair over her shoulder and a swing of her hips, she turned around and strode straight out of his house.

Burke watched her from the door, cold wind blowing through his clothes. “Where are you going?” he called to her back.

She spun around so fast her wavy hair twirled into her face. “Back to the diner.”

“I mean tonight. With Stryker.”

He could see her trying to make sense of the question. She pushed her hair away from her face, pulled the lapels of her coat together and shifted her weight to one foot. Eyebrows raised suspiciously, she said, “We’re going to a steak house in Pierre. Why?”

Burke held up both hands innocently. “No reason.”

With a roll of her eyes and a shake of her head, she stalked away. He stayed where he was, watching. The woman had a walk that could stop traffic. She also had a temper. She has changed, he thought. Even more surprising—he liked it.

He waited to close the door until she was out of sight. Although the sun wasn’t shining, the room seemed brighter somehow, the air more fragrant. There was no doubt about it; the day had just gotten better. He didn’t appreciate the fact that Lily was seeing Stryker tonight, but no matter what she said about who’d kissed whom, her response had been an encouraging step in the right direction.

He was a patient man. A doctor couldn’t survive without it. Hell, he couldn’t have survived his family without patience. Louetta had a date with Stryker tonight. Well, well, well. It was up to Burke to make sure her mind was on the right man. Humming under his breath, he opened the directory and picked up the phone.

Louetta made it back to the diner in record time. She hung up her coat with one hand and reached for a clean apron with the other. Glancing at the stack of clean dishes Cletus was in the process of drying, she smiled and headed for the swinging door that separated the kitchen from the dining room.

Her smile slipped a little as every eyebrow in the place rose in quiet speculation. Reaching for the coffee carafe, she filled the Anderson brothers’ cups and moved on to the next table where Wes was in the process of taking a seat across from Boomer and DoraLee Brown.

“Mornin’, Lou.”

“Hi, Wes,” she answered, her smile returning as he pulled another bouquet from behind his back. “You didn’t have to bring me more flowers,” she admonished, taking the pink carnations in her empty hand.

The dazed look Wes usually wore these days cleared. Eyeing her as if he was trying to figure something out, he said, “You alone in the kitchen?”

She glanced over her shoulder, catching DoraLee’s eye on the way by. “Cletus is helping with the dishes. Why?”

“Old Cletus McCully?” Wes sputtered, his gaze homing in on her mouth.

“Is there a young Cletus McCully, sugar?” DoraLee asked.

As if deciding he must have imagined something, Wes said, “Aren’t you gonna read the card?”

She placed the carafe on the table and opened the small card. “Roses are red. Daisies are sunny. You’re much nicer than any rodeo bunny.”

“That’s sweet, Wes.” She automatically placed her fingertips over her mouth, which in turn automatically reminded her of how her lips had tingled when Burke had kissed her. Suddenly flustered, she said something about putting the flowers in water and hurried into the kitchen. Thankful that Cletus was going about what he’d been doing, she took a moment to reorient herself. She was feeling much calmer by the time she took a pitcher off a shelf and filled it with water, adding the bouquet of flowers one stern at a time. “The coast’s clear, Cletus. Gussie and Addie are gone.”


Eyeing all the clean dishes, she said, “No wonder they’re both after you. Not only are you handsome and witty, but you do dishes, too.”

Cletus McCully blanched. “If you’re trying to rattle me, it’s working.”

“This must be the day for being rattled,” she muttered under her breath. “Can I ask you something, Cletus?” she said, placing the pitcher filled with carnations on the counter.
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