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Bluebell Castle

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Don’t miss Sunshine Over Bluebell Castle, the second book in the delightfully uplifting Bluebell Castle trilogy!Perfect for fans of Trisha Ashley, Rachael Lucas and Hilary Boyd.Book 1: Spring Skies Over Bluebell CastleBook 2: Sunshine Over Bluebell CastleBook 3: Starlight Over Bluebell CastleReaders love Sarah Bennett:“Summer At Lavender Bay by Sarah Bennett is a deliciously warm, welcoming, fun contemporary read and just perfect for a summer's day.”“Absolutely loved this book it has a great story line and the characters feel like great friends who you laugh with and cry with and really care about.”“Such a joy to read – I cannot recommend this book enough!”“Sarah Bennett always keeps me entertained from the very first page”“Five stars from me!”“This is a brilliant five star modern fiction story.”
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