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More Than a Governess

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‘Gwendoline, there is no need,’ Nurse expostulated mildly. ‘Really, dear, do stop waving your arms, your napkin is almost in Miss Wrenn’s face.’

With mumbled apologies Gwendoline returned to her place. Juliana picked up her spoon, but as she was about to dip it into her soup she stopped. There, in the middle of her bowl, was a small, black beetle.

She heard Wilhelmina stifle a giggle. Across the table, Gwendoline was addressing herself to her food, a picture of innocence. Juliana put down her spoon and began to talk to Nurse on some unexceptional topic until the soup bowls were removed and she could help herself to one of the other dishes on the table.

As soon as the meal was over, Giles excused himself and went downstairs, but Juliana waited until she received word that the gentlemen had joined Lady Varley in the drawing room. Nurse promised to take care of Thomas and Amy, and Juliana glanced at her two charges to make sure they were looking neat and tidy.

‘Very well, shall we go?’

As they went down the stairs, Juliana let Wilhelmina run on ahead while she moved a little closer to Gwendoline.

‘That was a very neat trick you played at dinner—no, please do not deny it. Where did you find the beetle, in the schoolroom?’

Gwendoline tossed her head. ‘Yes, if you must know.’

‘Well, let me warn you, Gwendoline, that I will not be put off by your tricks or stratagems. Your papa has engaged me until the end of September and I do not intend to give up this position, however unpleasant you try to make it.’ She glanced down at the mutinous little face beside her. ‘Please try to make the best of it, Gwendoline—the time will pass much quicker if we work together. And remember that I have a younger brother and sister, so I have a few tricks of my own.’ She lowered her voice, ‘Beware how you get into bed tonight!’ She laughed at Gwendoline’s quick, alarmed glance and patted the girl’s arm. ‘Come, Gwendoline, cry friends with me; I am not an ogre, I promise you.’

They had reached the drawing room and Juliana took Wilhelmina’s hand. The footman threw open the door and, with a bright smile pinned in place, Juliana escorted her charges into the room.

Lady Varley greeted the schoolroom party with regal graciousness and called the children to her. Juliana would have taken a seat in one corner of the room, but Major Collingham beckoned her forward.

‘So you have spent your first day with my girls, Miss Wrenn.’ He led her to a chair next to Sir Richard. ‘I hope they have been no trouble?’

She saw Gwendoline look up quickly, and gave her a reassuring smile. ‘I think we are in a great way to understanding each other, Major.’

Even if she had not made peace with Gwendoline, it was, she hoped, a truce.

‘And you are to accompany the family to Blackthorpe Hall, Miss Wrenn,’ said Sir Richard. ‘I hope you have a strong constitution. Collingham here likes to travel at a fearsome pace.’

‘The children’s needs will dictate our progress,’ returned Juliana calmly.

‘I have already allowed for it,’ nodded the Major. ‘Brasher has written to the hotels where we shall stay. He will go on ahead with Benns to check the accommodation personally, and they will then travel on to Blackthorpe.’

Lady Varley looked up. ‘You are sending your valet on ahead, Damon? Is that wise?’

‘My dear Louisa, I am quite capable of dressing and shaving myself, you know,’ retorted the Major. ‘Besides, we shall only be on the road for three nights.’

Sir Richard grinned. ‘Everything organised with the efficiency of a military operation,’ he said. ‘I hope you are impressed, Miss Wrenn?’

‘I shall be impressed if we carry it off.’

Juliana found herself subjected to the Major’s steely gaze.

‘Do you doubt my planning, then?’

‘No, sir. I am sure your planning is impeccable, but it is not wise to rely too heavily upon plans and timetables where children are involved.’

‘Very true,’ put in Lady Varley. ‘I know from my own little ones that they are the most delightfully unpredictable creatures.’

‘Good Gad, Miss Wrenn, do you follow Rousseau’s philosophy for the education of children?’ cried Sir Richard gaily.

‘Certainly, I believe they should be allowed to express themselves, and have room to play.’ She felt a flush stealing into her cheeks and she added quickly, ‘Not that I expect such considerations to affect our journey.’

‘I am very glad to hear it,’ growled her employer.

‘However,’ she continued, ‘the children are very young, and if they need to stop a little more frequently I shall not hesitate to bring it to your attention, Major. But it is by no means certain; they may prove themselves to be excellent travellers.’

Major Collingham stepped closer, frowning down at her. ‘Let me make myself plain, Miss Wrenn. The journey is set. It is up to you to ensure my girls are looked after at each stage. Keep them amused, by all means, but you will not bother me with trifling concerns.’

She gave him back look for look, refusing to be intimidated by his menacing tone. ‘Of course not, sir. I should not dream of troubling you with trifles.’

His eyes narrowed. ‘But?’ he said. ‘I feel sure you are about to add a rider to that last remark.’

Juliana regarded him with an innocent stare. ‘We are both concerned with the children’s welfare, Major. If that is in question, then of course I will bring it to your attention.’

‘By Gad, Damon, she’s got you there,’ murmured Sir Richard. ‘But you have the right of it, Miss Wrenn. Damon will like nothing better than to know his children are being cared for.’

One glance at the Major’s tight-lipped face convinced Juliana that at that moment he would like nothing better than to strangle her. With a curt nod he moved away and began to converse with his sister.

Juliana turned to Sir Richard. ‘Oh dear,’ she said ruefully. ‘Do you think I shall be turned off before we even leave London?’

‘Not a bit of it!’ he reassured her. ‘Damon would be the first to tell you he knows nothing about children. He will welcome your advice, despite his frowns. He is not nearly so harsh as he would have us believe.’

As there was no one to overhear them, she murmured, ‘Not really the devil he is named, perhaps?’

‘Oh, so you’ve heard that tale, have you? Well, you may rest easy, Miss Wrenn. Collingham is a true gentleman. As a member of his household you fall under his protection, and he’ll take dashed good care of you, take my word for it.’

Chapter Six

The following morning Juliana sallied forth upon her shopping expedition, accompanied by the four children. No sooner had the Collingham carriage departed than another, much less elegant equipage pulled up and the occupants were shown to Lady Varley’s sitting room.

‘Madame Fleurie!’ Lady Varley came out of her bedchamber, her eyebrows raised in surprise. ‘I had not expected to see you so soon. You have made up the gowns already?’

‘We ’ave been working through ze night, madame, but ze primrose muslin is of such a complexity that I need madame to try it on, if madame would be so kind?’

‘Oh, very well, but you must be quick, for I am very busy today.’

Lady Varley called for her maid and allowed herself to be draped in the soft fabric, which had been cut and partially sewn. Madame Fleurie set her minion to pin up the hem of the gown.

‘It ees a very becoming colour for you, madame,’ she said. ‘If I may mention it, my lady, when you did me the honour to visit me earlier this week, one of my assistants made a mistake: she gave one of your leetle girls a fashion doll. It was an error, madame, and I have reprimanded her, naturellement, for you see this was a special doll, dressed expressly for another of my clients. Madame, I am desolée, but I must have thees doll. Do you think—would it be possible for me to take it with me today?’

Lady Varley looked blank for a moment, then she nodded and instructed her maid to go to the schoolroom. ‘You are to find a doll.’

‘A leetle wooden lady, dressed in cherry brocade, à la Pompadour,’ added Madame Fleurie.

‘Yes, well, go and find it, and bring it here directly.’

‘Madame, you find me very grateful. If eet was for myself I would give your little children all my dolls, but this one is for a very special client, a very exacting lady…’ She let the words trail away, giving the impression that not all her clients were as accommodating as Lady Varley.
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