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To Catch a Husband...

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‘Were you very lonely?’ asked Ann.

Kitty looked up quickly, and Ann smiled at her.

‘You looked so wistful that I thought, perhaps.’

‘Yes, I was lonely,’ Kitty confessed. ‘I should have liked to go to school—’

‘Oh, I went to school,’ broke in Ann, pulling a face. ‘It was the most horrid experience and of very little use, for apart from learning to dance what do I need with history, or the use of globes, or even to speak French, when we are forever at war with that frightful country?’

‘But surely you made friends there?’

‘Well, of course, although most of them are married now. Or betrothed.’ She flicked a glance at Kitty. ‘I am considered quite old to be still unwed, you know. Poor Mama is beginning to despair.’

‘And do you not wish to marry?

‘Oh, yes,’ replied Ann casually, ‘eventually I suppose I must accept someone. Poor Mama is even more desperate for Bertram to wed, because he is nearly forty and Mama says we must have an heir. As for me, I am enjoying myself far too much flirting with all the gentlemen of my acquaintance! Do you like flirting, Kitty?’

‘I do not think I have ever tried it.’

Her frank reply brought Ann’s astonished gaze upon her.


‘No, never. I know so few gentlemen, you see. The Squire and Reverend Denny are the only gentlemen who called upon Mama, and they are both very old.’

‘But surely you must have come into contact with younger gentlemen?’ said Ann, appalled.

Kitty considered for a moment.

‘Well, there is Joshua, of course: he is the local farmer’s son who drove me to Halifax.’

‘No, a farmer’s boy does not count,’ declared Ann firmly. ‘But you must know others. Think, Kitty.’

Kitty tried to think, but the only other man who came into her mind was the fierce-eyed Mr Blackwood, and he had not even liked her. At last she shook her head, saying ruefully, ‘I fear I am not the sort of girl that gentlemen like to flirt with.’

‘Gentlemen will flirt with any female,’ Ann retorted. ‘It is quite clear to me that you have lived far too sheltered a life, Miss Kitty Wythenshawe, so we must do what we can to make it more exciting!’

Kitty laughed at her. ‘I shall be delighted if you can do so! For now, though, we had best return to Portman Square before Godmother thinks we have been kidnapped!’

Kitty called the little dog to her and fastened him on the leash, then the two young ladies set off to retrace their steps in perfect harmony. When they reached the edge of the park Kitty noticed something white fluttering against the trunk of one of the trees. As they drew closer it became clear it was a printed sheet, secured to the trunk with a nail.

‘It will be a handbill,’ said Ann, when Kitty directed her attention to the paper. ‘Perhaps there is a new play at Drury Lane!’ She stepped closer, peering up at the words. ‘No, it is one of Mr Clarkson’s meetings.’

‘Thomas Clarkson the abolitionist?’

‘You have heard of him?’

‘Why, yes,’ said Kitty, coming forwards to stare at the paper. ‘He travels the country with his talks on how badly the slaves are treated. I have never attended a meeting, however. I have only read reports.’

‘Then perhaps we should go to this one,’ said Ann slowly. ‘It is at the Red Lion in Lombard Street—in the City, where the banks are.’ She turned to Kitty, her eyes shining. ‘Shall we go? We have a week to concoct a story that will please Mama and Aunt Leaconham. We will take a hackney carriage to the City. It will be so exciting.’

‘Now, that’s enough, miss,’ said Norris, stepping up. ‘You know her ladyship will never allow it.’

‘She will not know,’ replied Ann. ‘Not a word of this to anyone, Norris, or I shall have you turned off for insolence.’

The maid snorted loudly. ‘I should like to see you try that, miss. What, when her ladyship knows just what a handful you are?’

‘You are right, of course, and I should never let you leave me, dear Norris!’ Ann put her arms about the older woman and hugged her ruthlessly. ‘But I am quite determined to go to this meeting, so you must come with us, Norris, to make sure we are safe!’

Kitty could not but admire her tactics. The maid argued for a few moments, but soon gave in to Ann’s cajoling, saying bitterly that if she refused then her mistress was quite capable of sneaking off alone and unprotected.

‘And what her ladyship would have to say about that, I don’t know,’ she ended, shaking her head.

‘No more do I, Norris,’ chuckled Ann, turning to take Kitty’s arm again. ‘Come along then, we had best make haste back to Portman Square or Mama will be demanding to know just what you were about to let us tarry so long in the gardens!’

They set off, Ann taking no notice of the maid’s outraged mutterings. Instead she began to describe for Kitty the gown she would wear to the forthcoming ball. As they prepared to cross Oxford Street Kitty found her attention caught by someone standing on the far side. There was something familiar about the tall, commanding figure encased in a close-fitting coat of dark superfine wool and nankeen knee-breeches. As they approached the gentleman turned and with dismay Kitty recognised the dark, aquiline countenance of Mr Daniel Blackwood. He was deep in conversation with another gentleman and Kitty lowered her gaze, hoping they would be able to walk by unnoticed, but her companion broke off from her talk of shell-pink satins with old rose ribbons and scalloped hems to give a delighted cry.

‘Bertram! Oh, by all that is famous, what luck is this! Kitty—it is my brother!’

With a sinking heart Kitty watched the gentleman standing with Daniel Blackwood turn towards them. She was struck immediately by the similarity between brother and sister, both fair-haired and grey-eyed, although Lord Harworth was much older and his countenance was the more serious of the two.

Introductions could not be avoided. She allowed Ann to present her to Lord Harworth but all the time she was aware of Daniel’s dark, piercing gaze fixed upon her. When at last Lord Harworth drew his companion forward she raised her eyes, opening her mouth, ready to admit they had already met, but Daniel was there before her.

‘Miss Wythenshawe and I are already acquainted.’ He spoke calmly, with no hint of the broad Yorkshire accent she had expected. Stunned, she could only watch as he reached out for her hand and lifted her fingers to his lips with all the practised ease of a gentleman. ‘So we meet again, ma’am.’

Kitty tried to think of something to say, but was distracted by the shrill barking of her canine companion. She looked down to see that the little dog was greeting Daniel like a long-lost friend, jumping up and emitting a series of ecstatic yelps.

Kitty jerked on the lead, saying sharply, ‘Down, Titan!’

Daniel raised an enquiring eyebrow. ‘Titan?’

Kitty bridled. ‘Be careful,’ she said in a voice of rigid self-control. ‘He bites.’

Daniel looked down and uttered one quiet command. ‘Sit.’

To her surprise Titan sat down immediately, obviously recognising a voice of authority.

‘Oh, how sweet,’ declared Ann. ‘He likes you, Mr Blackwood.’

‘Yes, he does,’ Daniel responded. He bent to scratch Titan’s ears. ‘Very intelligent animals, dogs. They have an instinct for a fellow’s true character, while humans are so often misled by appearances.’ He straightened. ‘Would you not agree, Miss Wythenshawe?’

The wicked glint in his black eyes made her seethe inwardly. She put up her chin and gave him back look for look.

‘I have always maintained that actions are the real mark of a gentleman, Mr Blackwood.’

He bowed. ‘Ah, but even a gentleman may fall from grace if the provocation is great enough,’ he murmured.

Kitty glared at him, guilt and anger bringing a flush to her cheeks.
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