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Midnight Under The Stars: Woman in a Sheikh's World

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‘Why here?’

‘Why not?’

Blame mingled with vulnerability. ‘You’re not playing fair.’

Could he be accused of dirty tactics? Possibly, but he felt no guilt. When the stakes were this high, all tactics were justified. He was going to use everything at his disposal to get her to open up. He was going to fight for their relationship, fight her if necessary, and he’d keep fighting until he had the outcome he wanted. He hadn’t expected to get a second chance but now he had, he wasn’t going to waste it.

‘I don’t play to be fair. I play to win.’

‘You mean you have to get your own way in everything.’

‘Hardly.’ If he’d had his own way they never would have parted. It had been the first time in his life he’d felt helpless.

As the doors to the helicopter opened, they were met by the hotel manager and an entourage of excited staff.

‘They’ve mistaken you for a rock star,’ Avery murmured as she reached for her bag and stood up. ‘Do you want to break it to them that you’re no one important, or shall I?’

‘I suggest you don’t ruin their fun.’

‘When a new employee starts in my office and they’re overwhelmed by the people we deal with, I remind them that famous people are all human beings with the same basic needs.’


Colour warmed her cheeks. ‘How typical of you to pick that need first. Others would have gone for something different.’

‘Others haven’t just been trapped in a desert with you for two days.’ Speaking under his breath, Mal urged her towards the welcoming committee.

‘Your Highness, it is a pleasure to welcome you back. We are so honoured that you have chosen to spend a few days with us.’ Clearly overwhelmed by the importance of his guest, the manager of the hotel bowed deeply. ‘Your instructions have been carried out precisely, but should you need anything else—’

‘Privacy.’ Mal’s eyes were on Avery’s taut profile. ‘My greatest need right at this moment is for privacy.’

‘And we pride ourselves on our ability to offer our guests exactly that. I will escort you straight to the Sultan’s Suite, Your Highness, and can I say once again what an honour it is to be able to welcome you.’

The Sultan’s Suite. The place they’d spent their first night together.

Avery tried to slow her pace but he gripped her hand firmly as they walked along the curving path that led to the exclusive desert villa. And it was no use pretending that he was forcing her. She was a grown woman with a mind of her own. She could have walked away at any point in the past few hours, but she hadn’t. And what did that make her? A fool, definitely.

If only he hadn’t accused her of being scared. That comment alone had made it impossible for her to refuse, and—

—he’d made it impossible for her to refuse!

Her eyes narrowed dangerously.

She turned her head to look at him, the movement sending her hair whipping across her back. ‘You are an underhanded, manipulative snake.’ She kept her voice low so that the manager couldn’t overhear but clearly Mal caught the words because he smiled.

‘Save the compliments until we are alone, habibti.’

‘You made that comment about me being afraid because you knew I’d have to prove you wrong.’

‘So does that make me manipulative or you predictable?’

The fact that he knew her so well didn’t improve her mood. ‘I suppose you think you’re clever.’

‘Desperate,’ he murmured, his thumb stroking her palm. ‘Desperate would be the word I’d use. Even famous people have needs, you know.’

She did know.

And the contrast between his gentle, seductive touch and the raw desire she saw in his eyes unsettled her more than words could. The heat rushed through her and suddenly she was truly afraid. Not of him but for herself. She’d spent the past months trying to get over him. Hauling herself out of bed every day and reminding herself that she was not going to ruin her life over a man, even a spectacular man. And yet here she was, about to risk it all again.

And now there was no Kalila. There was no virgin bride. Nothing to keep them apart.

Nothing except all the usual reasons.

She tried to snatch her hand from his but his grip was unyielding. ‘This is a mistake.’

‘If it’s a mistake then I’ll take it like a man.’

That offered her no comfort because his masculinity had never been in question. From the hard-packed muscle of his wide shoulders to the powerful legs and the iron self-discipline that drove him, he was more of a man than any she’d met.

‘You’re going to regret this.’

And so was she.

When he’d told her to drop everything and come with him she should have pleaded workload or an event that couldn’t possibly continue without her personal attention. Anything that would have got her out of this situation.

But the manager was already bowing again as they reached the doorway of the exclusive villa and it was too late for her to back out.

‘The doctor is waiting for you, Your Highness, as instructed.’

Mal murmured his thanks and Avery frowned.

‘Doctor?’ She tugged her hand free of his and pulled off her hiking boots. It was a relief to be rid of them because they were heavy and hot. ‘Who needs a doctor?’

‘You do. I want you checked after that scorpion bite.’

‘Oh for goodness’ sake, I’m fine.’

‘The doctor will decide that.’

‘He might send me home,’ she muttered in an undertone. ‘Have you thought of that?’

‘Or he might send you to bed, where you are going to end up either way.’

‘You think so? Maybe you’re a little over-confident, Your Highness.’

‘And you are the most aggravating woman I’ve ever encountered. The scorpion met its match. Even now it is probably engaged in a session of psychotherapy as part of the recovery process.’ Mal stepped forward and there was a brief exchange with the doctor, during which Avery tapped her foot impatiently.

‘I am as healthy as a horse.’
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