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The Playboy Doctor

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Suddenly she seemed aware of his scrutiny and took a step backwards, clutching the dressing-gown as if she was afraid he might drag it away from her.

Seb almost laughed at the mere thought. It took more than a pretty pair of eyes to bring out the animal in him. Despite what many people thought, he was extremely choosy about his female companions.

‘I’ve bought us some supper.’

Without giving her time to argue, he strode past her into the hallway and made straight for the kitchen.

He hauled the shopping onto the table and started unloading the contents of the overstuffed bags into the cupboards and the fridge, still staggered by how empty they were. What had the woman been living on?

Turning his attention to supper, he quickly stir-fried some chicken with fresh ginger and garlic and added some vegetables and noodles.

‘I didn’t know you could cook.’

She’d swapped the dressing-gown for a blue T-shirt and an old pair of faded jeans that clung lovingly to her slim thighs. Until that moment he’d never actually noticed her body before, but he saw now that she was tiny—more delicate than he’d realised.

Pulling himself together, he lifted the pan off the cooker and served the contents onto two plates then watched in amazement at the speed with which she devoured her portion.

She might be slight in build but there was absolutely nothing wrong with her appetite.

‘Do you want some more?’ He couldn’t keep the amusement out of his voice and she raised her small chin defensively.

‘I was hungry. And it was delicious.’

‘Then eat—I suspect you’re catching up on a week’s worth of food,’ he said gruffly, standing up and heaping another large helping onto her plate. ‘The fridge is now full so there’s no excuse for you to faint in my arms again.’

She glared at him, her fork frozen in mid-air. ‘I didn’t faint in your arms—’

‘Joanna you’re exhausted,’ he said flatly, ‘and it’s hardly surprising. You’ve been carrying the workload of two GPs, and on top of that you obviously haven’t been eating properly. You nearly fainted.’

Her eyes shot daggers at him and then suddenly her slim shoulders slumped. ‘Maybe I did,’ she mumbled, ‘and I suppose I owe you a thank you. For shopping and for cooking.’

‘Well, that’s a first.’ He leaned back in his chair, a smile playing around his mouth. ‘Joanna Weston thanking me for something.’

‘Yes, well, don’t get too used to it,’ she said awkwardly. ‘I haven’t slept properly for four nights. I’m not myself.’

He could see that she hadn’t slept. She looked exhausted. And pretty.

He shook himself slightly. Joanna Weston was definitely pretty. Why hadn’t he ever seen it before?

Because normally she hid herself behind drab clothes. Suddenly he was intrigued. Maybe there was more to her than he’d thought...

Seeing her almost dropping off at the table, he cursed under his breath. Joanna was totally exhausted.

‘You ought to be in bed.’ He stood up, the chair scraping on the kitchen floor. ‘Just tell me where I’m meant to sleep and then you can go and get some rest.’

The drowsiness was gone in a flash and her blue eyes flew open. ‘Where you’re meant to sleep?’ Her voice was a horrified squeak. ‘I have no idea where you’ll be sleeping, Dr Macaulay, but it isn’t here.’

Dr Macaulay. So they were back to that.

He counted to ten—slowly.

‘George told me I’d be staying at the surgery,’ he said, emphasising his words carefully so that there could be no misunderstanding, ‘and you know it makes sense. This place is enormous. There’s plenty of room for two people to live together here and not see each other.’

She stared at him. ‘Are you trying to tell me that you haven’t sorted out any accommodation for yourself?’

‘I didn’t need to.’ He tried hard to control his mounting irritation. ‘When George asked me to help out it was on the understanding that I’d stay in the house. There was never any question of sorting out accommodation.’’

A long silence followed and her gaze slid away from his. It was clear from her expression that she’d forgotten. ‘Maybe that’s true,’ she conceded finally, ‘but obviously I didn’t know it was you.’

Seb ground his teeth. She might be prettier than he’d first thought but she was just as aggravating!

‘Just point me to a room, Joanna,’ he growled, his patience stretched to the limit. He’d never known a woman who could get under his skin like this one did! ‘I’m staying here and that’s final. And if you’re worried about your virtue, don’t be. I think we both know that there’s no chance of either of us ever finding the other attractive. The best we can work towards is an amicable working relationship.’

The look of utter disbelief she shot in his direction left him in no doubt that she thought he was asking a great deal. It was obvious that she thought it extremely unlikely that they’d ever manage anything remotely approaching amicable.

And maybe she was right.

If there was a vulnerable side to her—and he was beginning to think he’d imagined it—then she kept it very well buried.

‘All right,’ she said finally, her expression grudging. ‘You can stay, but a few house rules first.’

Seb closed his eyes and drew a deep breath. Now what?

‘I’m a very private person, Dr Macau—I mean S-Seb.’ She corrected herself quickly and paused slightly before continuing. ‘I’d appreciate it if you would stay in your corner of the house and not come over into mine.’

What was she expecting? That he was going to jump on her in the night? She should be so lucky!!

‘I’ll try and remember that,’ he said dryly, his humour returning as he suddenly realised just how much fun this could be. Every time he wandered into her side of the house she’d throw a wobbly. ‘Any more rules I should know about?’

‘I set the burglar alarm before I go to bed.’ Suddenly her eyes slipped away from his. ‘If you’re out late, you’ll have to turn it off and reset it when you come in.’

So she was nervous in this big house on her own. Well, well, she most definitely did have a vulnerable side.

‘I’m sure I can manage that.’

‘OK.’ She ploughed on. ‘About night calls...’

‘We won’t be doing any,’ he said, smoothly interrupting her in mid-sentence, ‘at least not for the time being. I’ve arranged out-of-hours cover for the next few weeks.’

She gave a gasp of outrage. ‘How dare you? I don’t—’

‘You’re exhausted, Joanna,’ he said sharply, cutting through her protests before they’d really begun, ‘and I don’t know the area. Between us we’re a liability. Once George comes back you can do what you like. Until then, we’re taking whatever help we can get. Now, go to bed before you faint again.’

She shifted uncomfortably. ‘I’ve already told you, I did not faint.’

He gave her a warning look. ‘Either you go to bed voluntarily in the next ten seconds,’ he said with exaggerated patience, ‘or I’m going to carry you there.’

She stood up immediately, as he’d known she would. ‘I’m going,’ she said with quiet dignity, ‘because I’m too tired to argue with you—’
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