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Cinderella's New York Christmas

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The figure was lying crumpled on the ground, skis askew and one of their legs in an awkward position. Leo slipped and slid on the snow. ‘Are you okay? Can I do something to help you?’

He knelt down next to the figure in black. Now he was closer he could see it was a woman. The black salopettes and padded ski jacket couldn’t hide the slim curves underneath. She still hadn’t responded. He touched her arm, ‘Hi, I’m Leo. Can I help you?’

There was a groan underneath him. The twisted leg moved and she gave a yelp. ‘Foitrottl!’

He smiled. He may not have understood the language—was it Swiss? German?—but he understood the sentiment. Not quite as ladylike as he might have imagined. ‘Well, at least I know you’re conscious,’ he said.

Her arms shot upwards and she snapped the fastener on her ski helmet and pushed her ski goggles upwards, revealing a mass of ice blonde hair.

‘What on earth was that noise?’ she said, switching to English. She was mad. She was more than mad.

Leo couldn’t help but smile again. As well as the avalanche of blonde hair, this lady had the clearest blue eyes he’d ever seen. She pretty much looked like some kind of ice princess but he could already guess how she would take that kind of comparison.

‘It sounded like a combination of a car backfiring and an engine blowing up. Either way, it was loud.’

She was digging her elbows into the snow and struggling to push herself up.

‘Can I give you hand?’ He stood up and reached out towards her.

For a second he thought she might refuse, but after the briefest pause she pulled one hand from her glove and grasped his fingers tightly.

He tugged—maybe a little more firmly than he needed to—and pulled her straight up into him. His other arm caught around her waist just as her weight hit her feet and she yelped again as her leg buckled beneath her.

He tightened his grip and pulled her against his hip. ‘Do you think something’s broken? Do you want me to call an ambulance for you?’

She was breathing hard and fast but her skin was pale. ‘Just give me a second,’ she gasped.

So he did. And even though it was freezing after a few seconds he was struck by the heat emanating from her slight frame. She was taller than most women he met, but still at least six inches shorter than him. He stood silently, watching a little colour appear in her pale cheeks and her breathing eventually starting to slow. She was holding her left foot off the ground and tentatively put it back down, wincing almost immediately.

‘Want me to carry you?’

Her frown was fierce but she didn’t bite his head off. Instead she leaned a little into him. ‘Nope, definitely not. Sorry to be a pest, but I’ve got a bit of an old injury. Would you mind just helping me limp back to the ski hut? There’s a buggy I can use there to get back to my chalet.’

‘Can you stand for a second?’ She nodded and he bent to retrieve her skis and poles before sliding his arm back around her waist and taking some of her weight. ‘Okay, then. What were you doing, practising so late? Most people are in the town by now.’

She gripped onto his arm with her other hand as she limped alongside him, being careful not to put too much weight on her foot.

Leo couldn’t help but ask again. ‘You’re sure that’s not broken?’

She shook her head. ‘I’m sure. Believe me. I’ve broken a few bones in my time.’

It was just the way she said it. He couldn’t help himself. ‘What—yours or other people’s?’

She threw back her head and laughed, then obviously put too much weight on her bad foot. ‘Ouch.’

Leo actions were instinctual. He dropped the skis, bent down and swept her up into his arms.

‘What are you doing?’ Her eyes were wide. She glanced around but it was late, the slopes were quiet, and there wasn’t really anyone else watching.

‘I’m carrying you,’ he said simply. He strode towards the large ski hut. ‘No point hurting yourself when you don’t need to. I’ll come back for those in a second,’ he said, noticing as she craned over his shoulder to look for her abandoned equipment. He looked down at her curiously. He could tell she was just about to object again. ‘So, have you broken a lot of bones? What are you—a ski instructor?’

There was a flash of something on her face as they approached the ski hut. She sighed. ‘Yes, I guess I am.’

He moved around the side of the building. Just like she’d said, there was a large SUV with snow tyres. ‘Want me to drive?’ he asked as he set her gently down next to the passenger door.

‘Will you carry me round to the other side if I say no?’ she quipped.

Leo smiled. Whatever else had happened today, things were definitely looking up. He winked at her. ‘Your wish is my command, Ice Princess.’

Ice Princess? Had he actually just called her Ice Princess?

If she had been feeling herself she’d toss her head and stomp off. Trouble was, she wasn’t feeling herself. She actually felt as if she might be sick all over her ski boots.

As her rescuer disappeared to retrieve her skis and poles, she wondered if maybe it was the shock of the noise of the backfiring car. Maybe it was her current feeling of stupidity for allowing herself to be distracted when she really should know better. Or maybe it was that whole host of memories that had come flooding back as she’d tumbled down the slope, too quickly and completely out of control.

She dug into her ski jacket and pulled out her key. As he returned, leaning her equipment against the SUV, she steeled herself to say words she’d never thought she would. ‘Actually, would you mind? I promise I only live a five-minute drive from here.’

The guy—Leo he’d said he was called—gave a quick nod as she pressed the button to open the doors. ‘Not at all,’ he said graciously.

He was being a gentleman. There was obviously a cheeky demeanour hiding under there, but for now she’d take the gentleman. Anything to get home as soon as possible.

She slid into her seat, suddenly aware she’d been a little rude. ‘And it’s Anissa—not Ice Princess.’

He smiled as he slid into the driver’s seat and pressed the button to start the engine. ‘Anissa.’ He gave a nod of approval. ‘Sounds like a kind of ice princess name to me.’

‘Do you know many ice princesses, Leo?’

He laughed and held out his hand. ‘Leo Baxter. From New York. Just here for a few days on...’ his face gave a little twist ‘...family business.’

She shook his hand. ‘Anissa Lang. And this Ice Princess has the illustrious other titles of part-time ski instructor, part-time chalet maid.’ He smiled. He had a nice smile, dark, curly hair a little longer than average and bright blue eyes that could stop a girl in her tracks. Just as well she was sitting down. She held his gaze just a few seconds longer than she meant to.

He didn’t look away. His grin just got wider and she felt colour rush into her cheeks. What on earth was she doing? She took a deep breath and focused on the view through the windscreen instead. It was safer.

He pulled the car out of the parking lot and stopped at the road junction.

‘Right.’ She pointed.

‘Were you doing a lesson?’ he queried. ‘I didn’t notice any students on the slopes with you.’

She shook her head. ‘Too late for lessons. And students wouldn’t be allowed on that slope. Too dangerous.’

He gave a nod of his head as he continued down the dark road. ‘You don’t say.’

A wave of nausea rushed over her and she put a hand to her mouth. ‘You okay?’ he asked quickly, his cheeky quips instantly replaced by concern.

She swallowed and pointed a little further down the road. ‘Take the next left, please. I’m just at the end of that road.’

She leaned back against the seat and gave a sigh. ‘Maybe I hit my head. I’m feeling a bit queasy.’
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