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“What a wonderful present, thank you so much!” I exclaim, flipping through the book. “I love books and this one seems to be a special one!”

“Oh yes, it looked like it”, nods Nicoals. “I saw it in one of the antique shops and thought you might like it…”

He collects his Tarocchi cards from the table and stands up.

“I’m afraid I must go”, he says.

I take Nicolas to the hall and kiss him good-bye. His bristled cheek gives me a tickle.

He puts on his Russian ushanka-hat and starts out, slowly walking away. A ribbon of fresh footprints trails behind him in the snow.

“Merry Christmas!” I shout after him.

Turning around, he waves and shouts back:

“Merry Christmas!”

I close the door and stand a little while in the hall then head to the dining room and start clearing the table.

As I’m arranging plates in the dishwasher I think of what Nicolas half-jokingly has predicted for me.

What did he say?

“Overdoing on self-reflexivity?”


I suddenly remember that I haven’t had a chance to read the email that had caught my attention before the arrival of Nicolas yesterday.

The message is dated the 24th of December. I begin to read it but stop, double-checking the name at the bottom of it, then the email address that it’s been sent from.

It’s him.

But why now, why after two years of silence he suddenly decides to reconnect with me?

I read his email again but it doesn’t become any clearer.

My dearest… been thinking of you again… much love…

What on earth does he mean by been thinking of you again

How could he think of me again, if we haven’t been in touch for the past two years? And, for that matter, have never met each other either.

Episode 16 – Hush!

Monte Carlo, 25 December 2010

I walk slowly along the street. Before me, Domino treads, stopping occasionally to examine lamp-posts.

The sun shines brightly, caressing my face, but my thoughts are far from springy.

What am I to do now?

The stupid photo must have been on Facebook since yesterday. By now, the whole of Côte d’Azur knows the news. Though this isn’t what worries me most.

There is another thought that drills through my mind: what if she comes across the bogus image?

If she does, she might misinterpret it. Perhaps, she’s already seen it and thought of me as a complete idiot and that is why she hasn’t responded to my email yet.

I reach the beach.

Domino begins to jump excitedly around me. Seeing no reaction, he growls and tugs me by the jeans towards the edge of the water. Reluctant, but infatuated by his enthusiasm, I give in.

The sea is calm, but the shore is littered with washed out driftwood, sticks, fancifully knotted weeds, and even somebody’s blue snicker.

I pick up a small stick and throw it into the water.

Plunging into the sea, Domino dashes after it. Playing, we spend some time on the beach.

On returning home, I feel much better. Yet still not in the mood to talk to anyone, I plan on quickly sneaking back into my room. But as soon as we enter the hall, Domino explodes with loud barking.

“Hush! You, stupid creature!” I hiss, but he doesn’t stop.

Monsieur Moreau appears in the doorway of the sitting room.

“Have you had a good walk?” He asks.

“Yes, I have”, I reply, not looking at him.

“Monsieur Luke, is everything all-right?”

His question catches me halfway to the stairs.

Surprised by his shrewdness, I freeze for a second. Seizing the moment, he takes me by the arm and gently leads into the sitting room.

“Come, mon ami, let’s have some coffee and a good chat…” he says.

Episode 17 – Cigar Case

Monte Carlo, 25 December 2010

We walk in.

I flop onto the sofa. Monsieur Moreau sits down next to me. Crossing his legs, he studies me for a little while. I shift uncomfortably but say nothing.

He reaches into his pocket, gets a cigar case out and hands it to me:

“Merci, but I don’t smoke”, I say, throwing a curious glance at the case.
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