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Secret Target

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«Did he get on in Moscow and get off in St. Petersburg?» inquired the operative.

«Of course – we don’t run direct.»

Mayorov put the photo away and wrote down the woman’s statement along with her number.

«Write the following here, please: „This is an accurate record of what I said.“ Then add the date and your signature.»

«Is this standard procedure?»

«Yes, don’t forget to write down your number.» Vanya stood up and put away the witness statement. «Tatyana Fedorovna Semyonova, we will call you in the event that your assistance is further required.»

«Why? I already told you everything.»

«Well, we may ask you about that bruise, for example.» Vanya had long since noticed the attendant’s black eye which she had tried to cover with blush. «An unruly passenger?»

«My husband, the bastard.» The woman became upset and turned in profile. «You’re not the only one who noticed. My supervisor did too. Now, I bet I won’t be able to work the corporate lines. And it’s all because Nikolai keeps acting like a rabid dog. But it’s okay, this time I’ll get him put away for a while.»

«They won’t give him more than fifteen days,» Mayorov said doubtfully.

«I’d like to see them try,» the woman raged. «I could go another century without seeing that pig.»

«You could just file for divorce.»

«Yeah, right. And divide up the apartment?»

The attendant placed her hands on her hips and scowled at the operative, as if he was her detested husband standing before her. Ivan backed away slowly until he stepped out onto the platform and dialed Petelina.

Elena thanked Senior Lieutenant Mayorov and as always assured him that he was destined to become a major – and not just because his surname demanded it.

Then she returned to Maltsev. His alibi had been corroborated. He was on the train at the time of his brother’s murder. The detective, however, did not experience any more compassion toward him for this fact. She went on with the interview.

«Did you warn your wife that Anton was coming?»

«Why would I? We’d just had a fight. I wasn’t about to call her.»

«Why didn’t you answer the phone when I called?»

«You did? When?»

«When you were in the train.»

«Eh, I put the phone on silent and went straight to the restaurant as soon as I got on. I had a couple drinks and then it all hit me at once: the family, Inna, problems at work…»

«Don’t forget about the other woman,» Elena decided to test out her theory.

«What? What does the other woman have to do with it?»

«So, you are cheating on your wife?»

«I’m not going to address that. My brother was murdered. Ask me about that.»

«Why did you buy a return ticket as soon as you got there? Didn’t you have a meeting to go to?»

«I told you, I got wasted. Then my mind cleared up. My little brother’s at home and I haven’t seen him in two years. And Inna needs to be calmed down. God forbid something happens to her – she’s a bit fragile, after all.»

Elena picked up the prescription she had found in Inna Maltsev’s purse. This was the second item that had caught her attention.

«Are you aware that your wife was taking strong antidepressants?»

«Of course I am. I’m the one who convinced her to go see the doctor in the first place.»

«A psychiatrist?»

«Yes, naturally.»

«Was Inna diagnosed with something?»

«Some sort of depression. You had better ask the doctor. I can see that he hasn’t helped her much though. She’s either screaming or crying.» Maltsev began fiddling with the crime scene photos but froze on the most grizzly one and looked up frightened. «Did she do this..?»

«Did Inna have any kind of disagreements with Anton?»

«They barely ever spoke to each other. She’s basically only spent time with doctors the past few years.»

«What was she afflicted with?»

«Women’s stuff. Let her tell you herself.»

«Why did you just let slip that Inna could have killed your brother?»

«I saw the cleaver. One time, we had a fight and she reached for it – either as a joke or in earnest. It’s hard to tell with her sometimes.»

«Are you claiming that Inna threatened you?»

«I’m not claiming anything. You’ve gotten me all mixed up; my head is killing me!» Maltsev covered his face with his hands.

«When you left the apartment, your brother was there but your wife was not?»

«Well, yeah. Yes!»

«And she had no idea that Anton was in your apartment?»

«If you don’t believe me, ask her. What does she say? What the hell happened in there anyway, goddamnit?»

«Calm down, Mr. Maltsev. We will conclude our conversation for today, but I will need you again. Please remain in the city for now.»

«I understand.»

«Good. Tomorrow, please go to identify the body at this address…»
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