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She finished her Champagne cocktail before answering the question. “It’s tomorrow.” This time it was her turn to raise index fingers. “I know it’s short notice but do try to make it and I promise you won’t regret it.” She raised her eyebrows and smiled. “They’ll have an open bar.”


The next day Christopher and I presented ourselves at the venue, properly dressed and groomed. Since it was a black tie event, I chose my deep double-breasting Tom Ford tuxedo with wide lapels and a custom-made white dress shirt from Charvet. The latter was a luxury investment in a masterpiece of shirt making which the likes of Sir Winston Churchill and His Majesty Napoleone Bonaparte had appreciated long before me. I was pleased to see that Christopher looked dashing like a movie star in his tux from Henry Poole & Co. that slimmed his torso and broaden his shoulders.

Just as we were about to compliment each other on our sartorial choices, Natasha showed up in a spectacular black maxi dress with open back detail and asymmetric neck cut. I could not tell the brand of the dress, and it did not really matter. She was gorgeous and her beautiful diamond chandelier earrings added a sparkling detail to her striking look.

“Glad you both could make it,” she said after she did her compulsory red carpet photo session and pecked us on the cheeks. “There’s someone I’d like you to meet.”

“May we just take a moment and pay you a compliment before we start networking?” I said, kissing her hand. “You look amazing.” I looked at Christpher. “Doesn’t she?”

“Absolutely,” he said and took his turn to kiss Natasha’s hand.

“Thank you,” she said and looked at someone behind us. “Oh, that’s the gentleman I’d like you both to meet.”

We turned.

“He’s a billionaire from the States who moved to the City a few months ago,” Natasha explained. “His names is –”

“Jared Shannon,” I finished.

“You know him then,” Natasha could not hide her disappointment in the fact that I had just ruined her surprise and pursed her lips.

“How do you know him?” I asked, watching Jared waving to Natasha, and beelining towards us.

“Oh, we met at a thing a few weeks ago. You know, I must meet this kind of people to … Oh, hello Jared.” She opened her arms for a hug and greeted the man in a fine tuxedo who I’d been hoping to become my way out of the approaching financial abyss. The fact that they were already on a first-name basis felt a tad unsettling.

“May I introduce my friends to you?” Natasha said, after she finally released Jared from her hospitable embrace that looked a tad clingy to me.

“I think I know at least one of them,” Jared said and extended his hand for a shake. “How are you, Alex?”

I shook his hand. “Fine, thank you.” I pointed to Christopher. “This is my friend Christopher Deven.”

“It’s baron Christopher Deven.” Natasha corrected me with a friendly but slightly judgmental shake of her head.

“Christopher’s fine,” Christopher saved me from the introductory faux pas and shook Jared’s hand with a smile.

“How are you doing, Christopher?” Jared asked and looked at Natasha. “I didn’t know you’d be bringing guests tonight.”

“These two needed a bit of fresh air.”

We all laughed politely; the way people do when they have nothing to say.

“I’ll just escort my friends to the table,” Natasha said and took Christopher and me by the hands. We’ll see you later at the after party, won’t we?”

“There is an after party after this?” Jared asked, laughing.

“There always is.” Natasha smiled.

“Enjoy the event,” Jared said. “I don’t think I’ll be joining the party.”

He nodded to us with a smile and walked away to a group of twittering young people who met him with exciting greetings. I was glad he had not mentioned our little deal because I was not ready to make it public just yet.

“You seem to know him quite well,” I said when we reached our table, and I helped Natasha to take her seat.

“It pays well to get to know people like Jared Shannon,” she said and opened the menu. “Let’s see what we’ll be paying for tonight.”

“Speaking of which, what is this charity for anyway?” Christopher asked, sitting down.

“And where is that open bar?” I asked a more important question, looking around.

The event went well. We left the place a couple of hours later. We took advantage of the open bar, but we did donate some money to… I could not even remember what that blasted charity was for after we went to the after party. I did remember one thing. I did not particularly like the way Jared looked at Natasha. But I could not blame him for being smitten by her beauty either.


A week later, Mr. Goldberg and I were in a big meeting room with Jared’s team in charge, getting ready to iron out any wrinkles in the deal if necessary. This was when a young lady walked in and announced the new offer their boss was ready to put down on the table. She put it quite succinctly and yet extremely comprehensively: Jared would double his investment in the project, giving me more funds to make my small cottage community even better and thus attract more clients down the line, if we made one more deal–sell the house. He wanted Maple Grove House. His team had done the necessary assessment of the house’s condition when they were on the property checking the future construction site last week. The sum he was offering was very generous and he was eager to close the deal as soon as possible.

“What does he want the house for?” Mr. Goldberg asked me when we were out on the street.

“You heard her: ‘Mr. Shannon would like to give back to the community he was once a part of by restoring the house to its former glory and converting it into a cultural space for educational purposes.’”

“What on earth does that mean?”

“Beats me. Whatever it is, he’s willing to pay top dollar for it.”

“You still need to start the project with your money, though.”

“Yes, but there’ll be much more later. We just need to get a few offers and we’re golden.”

“If you get those offers.”

I smiled. Mr. Goldberg was a very cautious man. I tapped him on his shoulder. “I’m sure it’ll be fine.”

We walked to the parking lot and stopped by Mr. Goldberg’s Range Rover.

“I didn’t know the house was for sale in the first place. Your parents had been keeping it and hoping that one day you’d have a family, and you know…”

Charlie would be found alive, and we would all go back to being a happy family in a big house.

“…you know what I mean,” Mr. Goldberg said, getting his keys. “Why didn’t you tell me?”

“Because it wasn’t for sale. Until now, I suppose. I mean, it’s been empty for more than a quarter of a century.”

He unlocked the car and we both got in.

“You aren’t seriously thinking about that preposterous offer, are you?”

“Well, it will be nice to have more cash for the project, but I need to speak to my father about this.”
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