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The Tea Shop on Lavender Lane

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When it comes to men, sisters don't share!After a fake food poisoning incident in L.A., Bailey Sterling's dreams of becoming a caterer to the stars collapse faster than a oufflé. Now Bailey's face is in all the gossip rags and her business is in ruins. But the Sterling women close ranks and bring her back to Icicle Falls, where she'll stay with her sister Cecily.All goes well between the sisters until Bailey comes up with a new business idea – a tea shop on a charming street called Lavender Lane. She's going into partnership with Todd Black, who – it turns out – is the man Cecily's started dating. It looks to Cecily as if there's more than tea brewing in that cute little shop. And she's not please.Wait! Isn't Cecily seeing Luke Goodman? He's a widower with an adorable little girl, and yes, Cecily does care about him. But Todd's the one who sends her zing-o-meter off the charts. So now what? Should you have to choose between your sister and the man you love (or think you love)?Welcome to Icicle Falls, the town that will warm your heart.'Sheila Roberts makes me laugh. I read her books & come away hopeful and happy.' – bestselling romance author Debbie Macomber
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