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Cyberbullying. What Counselors Need to Know

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This informative book offers complete, up-to-date coverage of the growing problem of cyberbullying. Written for counselors, teachers, school leaders, and others who work with children and teens, Cyberbullying addresses the real-life dangers students face on the Internet. Benefits and Features Discussion of the different types of cyberbullying and cyberbullying environments Overview of prominent theories of aggressive behavior Examination of the developmental differences in cyberbullying and victimization across the life span Proactive responses to cyberbullying Effective, nonpunitive strategies for responding to cyberbullying Useful information for parents on current technology and popular websites Guidance on the role of counselors in prevention, intervention, and advocacy Practical tips to identify and follow cyberfootprints Chapter on adult cyberbullying List of helpful websites, books, and media Appendix with review of the latest cyberbullying research *Requests for digital versions from the ACA can be found on wiley.com. *To request print copies, please visit the ACA website.
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