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Lost and Found Husband

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“You won’t.” She was certain of it.

And she was right. Later, he took her home, and they stood on her stoop, with a fairy-tale moon in the sky. Eric moved closer, and her heart pounded up a magical storm. As he took her into his arms, she went downright goose-bumpy.

She was going to be kissed the way she longed to be kissed: tenderly, deeply, thoroughly. They’d been waiting all evening to make this happen.

It started off slowly, a flutter of sweet warmth. She wrapped her arms around him, basking in the strength of his body. She parted her lips, and their tongues met and mated.

Then things got hotter.

Dana moaned and pressed tighter against him. He slid his hands down her spine, resting on the curve of her rear. Her moan turned to a mewling, as they continued to kiss like hedonic fiends.

She rubbed against his fly. He swore beneath his breath, but that only made it better. He backed her roughly against the door.

A gust of wind rustled through the yard. She could hear it stirring the plants and flowers. Dana had the wicked urge to remove her dress.

“Stay with me,” she heard herself say.

“I can’t,” she heard him reply.

“Yes, you can,” she countered. They were whispering in between lusty sips of each other.

He groaned and ended the kiss, but his pelvis was still fused to hers. “Do you know what you’re asking me to do?”

“Yes.” She knew exactly what she was suggesting.

“I couldn’t promise more than one night, Dana.”

“It’s okay, as long as I get to be with you.” For now, all she wanted was him warm and naked in her bed.

“It would be too much like what happened with your mom.”

“It’s nothing like that. You’re not a stranger. I know more about you than your first name. And we’re going to be responsible. I have a whole box of condoms in my nightstand drawer.”

“We still shouldn’t.”

“Why? Because of our age difference? We’re both consenting adults, and I’ve been fantasizing about you since I met you.” Fantasies she wanted to make come true.

She turned and unlocked the door. Determined to have him, she reached for his hand, beckoning him to be wild and free with her.

And have the night of their lives.

Chapter Three

Eric went inside with Dana, but he didn’t jump into the sweet flame of desire. He needed to slow down, to take a deep breath, to be absolutely positive that she understood his uncommitted position. He rarely acted on impulse and this wasn’t the time to start. Nor could he bear to take advantage of her.

“Are you sure you want to do this?” he asked, as they stood in her living room.

“I’m certain. If I wasn’t, I wouldn’t have invited you to stay with me.”

“What if we don’t go on another date again?”

“You already said that you couldn’t promise anything other than one night.”

“How would you feel afterward if I stopped coming to the diner?”

She flinched a little. “Why would you do that?”

“Because it might interfere with our lives. And if it does, then I might not come back.” He was giving himself an out, but he knew that he needed one. “If I keep coming to the diner, we might be tempted to do this again. And I don’t think that would be a good idea.”

“Stop worrying, Eric. I can handle this, however it turns out. I get that you don’t want to enter into a relationship. But honestly, you can still eat at the diner.” She sent him a teasing smile. “I won’t serve you a side of sex with your meat loaf.”

He couldn’t help but laugh. She was a silly delight. “Can you imagine if that was on the menu?”

“It’s on the menu tonight.” Like the seductress she was, she dropped her shawl and removed her dress, giving him a sample of what he’d just ordered.

Heat. Hunger. A sensual agreement. She’d just assured him that she could handle a one-night affair, and he could no longer resist her charms, making him crazy hot.

She was crazy beautiful. He couldn’t wait to touch her. She tossed the dress on the sofa and it landed in a pool of fabric dahlias.

She stood before him in her panties and bra and high heels. The longing to caress her, to feel the silk and softness of a woman engulfed him even more. He could barely breathe. She looked as if she were holding her breath, too.

“Are you ready?” she asked.

He nodded. He was more than ready. He wanted to drag her into his arms and sweep her into bed. Only it was her bedroom. Her house. Her rules.

She came forward and kissed him, much too softly. It was all he could do to stop from going caveman. The years he’d been celibate felt like a lifetime.

“Let’s go,” she whispered, and took him to her room.

It was a girlish mess, with clothes all over the floor. Her sheets were rumpled, too. He’d never seen such pretty chaos. Amid the clutter was more of her gypsy styling, with embroidered pillows and lacy doodads.

She shrugged, smiled. “I wasn’t expecting company in here. But I hardly ever make my bed, anyway.” She gestured to the clothes on the floor. “Those are from last night, when I was figuring out what to wear for our date.”

“And now here we are.” Only minutes from being naked together. He took off his jacket and draped it over a chair.

“I’ll get the protection so it’s handy when we need it.” She kicked off her shoes, crawled onto the bed and dug around in her nightstand drawer, leaning over with her rump in the air.

He doubted that her provocative pose was deliberate. She just seemed focused on her task. And damned cute while doing it.

“Shoot,” she said. “I can’t find them.”

Just as Eric was thinking that he’d better dash out to buy some, she turned around. “Maybe they’re in the bathroom. Give me a sec.”

Off she went to continue the search. He was still preparing to go to the store, if need be. She was cute, but she wasn’t very organized.

She reappeared with a grin. She’d found them. In fact, she held them up like a trophy. He’d never been so glad to see a box of rubbers.

He got rid of his shoes and joined her in bed, anxious to get his hands on her. She was anxious, too. She started undressing him, tugging at his clothes with feminine fury.
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