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Die Before Nightfall

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“Me? You’re the one trying to scare her.”

“Warn—not scare.”

Raven smiled at the banter, forcing aside her own feelings of loneliness. “Neither of you chased me off. It’s just time for me to go.”

“Now, don’t go rushing off, Raven. I’ve got something for you. A welcome gift. Something a woman who likes to run shouldn’t be without. Come on out to the barn, I’ll get it for you.”

Raven opened her mouth to protest, but Tori shook her head. “You may as well go with him. If you don’t, he’ll be pounding on your door this afternoon. I’ve got to run. Work won’t wait. Much as I’d like it to sometimes. Maybe we can have lunch.”

“I’d like that.”

“Great. I’m in the book.” She paused, glanced at Sam who was stepping out into the hall. Then she whispered, “And listen, if Pops gives you a gun or a sword, just take it and smile. He means well. I’ll get it from you when we have lunch. Gotta run. Bye, Pops.” She rushed forward, kissed her grandfather on the cheek, and was gone.

“Come on, Raven. I may be retired but that doesn’t mean I’ve got all day. You’re gonna like this. I guarantee it.”

Raven quickened her pace and prayed that his granddaughter’s prediction about the gift proved false. Guns? Swords? Maybe Jake was right, maybe walking along a country road wasn’t the safest thing she could have done with her morning.

Chapter Five

A barn stood open behind the farmhouse, a green tractor its only visible occupant. Sam stepped into the dimly lit interior and gestured for Raven to follow.

“This barn used to be filled with farm equipment. Now it’s empty. Seems a shame really. Tori plans to till the land again. An organic farm, she says. Should be interesting.”

“Your granddaughter seems very nice.”

“Nice? Tori? Sometimes. Mostly she’s busy. Too busy, if you ask me. She’s got a vet business down the road a ways. Works hard.”

“She’s a vet?”

“One of the best.” Sam spoke as he led Raven deeper into the barn. “Up these stairs here. In the loft.”

Raven followed, cringing a little as something scurried in a dark corner.

“Now, you’ve gotta be quiet. Don’t want to startle her.”

Her? Raven didn’t like the way this was going. Didn’t like it at all. “Sam—”

“Shh! Come on. Quietly.”

What choice did she have? Raven moved up the stairs behind Sam, wondering how she could gracefully refuse his gift.

“Ah, there she is. Now take a look. And tell me if that isn’t just the cutest thing you’ve ever seen.”

He stepped to the side, allowing Raven into the large area and gesturing to a box in the middle of the floor. Something was in it. Something with eyes and fur. Something very, very ugly. Raven took a step back.

“What is it?”

“It? It! Gal, use the eyes God gave you. Haven’t you seen a dog before?”

“A dog?” It didn’t look like any dog Raven had ever seen.

“Of course a dog. What’d you think she was? Come on close and take a look. She’s a darling, all right.”

Raven inched closer and peered into the box. The animal looked more like a giant rat. Pointy snout, pointy ears and a skinny little tail. “What kind is it?”

“Not it. Her name is Merry. Short for Miracle. Found her on the side of the road tied in a plastic bag. She’d managed to paw through the plastic and had her nose sticking out. Her litter mates weren’t so lucky.”

“That’s terrible.”

“Yep. It is. I called the sheriff, but there’s nothing he can do. No way to find the person responsible.”

“It’s kind of you to give her a home.”

“Now, see, that’s the problem.”

Raven braced herself for what was coming. Told herself there was nothing wrong with saying no. Reminded herself that she didn’t need or want a dog—especially not one that looked like a rat.

“See, my granddaughter, she’s not real happy with all the strays I’ve been picking up lately. Says I’m running out of room. She’s got a point. I’ve got three dogs already. And two cats. I’ve been bringing strays to her, and she’s done a good job of finding them homes.”

“Wonderful. I’m sure she won’t have trouble finding Merry a home. Lots of people are looking for puppies.”

“True. True. But Tori made me promise not to bring any more strays to her office. Told me if I picked up another one I’d have to find it a home myself.”

“I bet you’ve got lots of friends who’d love to have a dog.” Raven backed toward the steps, ready to run while she had the chance.

“You’d think, wouldn’t you? I’ve had a few over to take a look at the pup, but they don’t see her potential. I’ve had her for two weeks and not one person’s willing to take her.”

Raven could understand why. She took another step back. “That’s too bad.”

“I thought so. Then you walked into the kitchen wearing your running gear and I knew why no one else wanted Merry.”

“You did?”

“Yep. That little gal is meant for you.”

“Sam, I—”

“Just take a look and then tell me I’m wrong.” He lifted the puppy, set her on the floor. “See those long legs? The lean torso? The tail?”


“She’s got greyhound blood. Not purebred, but that makes it even better. She’s got the lines, the speed, but not a timid nature.”

“I don’t see how—”

“Of course you do. You’re a runner. She’s a runner. It’s a perfect match.”

“But Sam, I’ve never owned a dog. I wouldn’t know what to do with her.”
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