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The Mckennas: Finn, Riley and Brody: One Day to Find a Husband

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By taking over WW Architectural Design?

Maybe his “help” was all about helping his own bottom line. “I’m sure Finn will be fine,” she said, more to allay her own fears than her father’s. Because all of a sudden she wasn’t so sure anything was going to be fine. “He’s really smart and has been a great asset on this project.”

“I’d just be very cautious about an alliance with him,” her father said. “He’s one of those guys who’s always out to win. No matter the cost.”

“He’s been very up-front with me, Dad. I don’t think he has a hidden agenda.” Though could she say that for a hundred percent? Just because she’d married Finn and kissed him didn’t mean she knew much more than she had two days ago. Every time she tried to get close to him, he pushed her away.

“Don’t trust him, that’s all I’m saying. He’s backed into a corner, and a dog that’s in a corner will do anything to get out.”

Anything. Like marry a total stranger.

And try to steal her father’s legacy right out from under her.

CHAPTER NINE (#ulink_e314e9e0-d107-512d-981d-8667b85e6422)

RILEY and Brody dragged Finn out for breakfast. The two brothers showed up at Finn’s office, and refused to take no for an answer.

“Why are you stuck in this stuffy office, instead of spending time with your hot new wife?” Riley said. “You’ve been married for almost a week now, and I swear, you spend even more time here than you did before you got married.”

Brody gave Riley’s words a hearty hear-hear. “Jeez, Finn. You’d think being married would change you.”

He didn’t want his brothers reminding him about his marriage—or lack of one. Or the fact that he hadn’t seen Ellie in a couple of days. He’d gone home after that night on the balcony, and had yet to return to her apartment, or her office.

He’d sent his senior architects to most of the meetings at WW, and only gone to one when Ellie wasn’t scheduled to be there. He conferred with his team back here at his office, and in general, avoided Ellie. Entirely. He used the excuse that the drawings were due in a few days, but really, he knew that was all it was—an excuse. An excuse to keep his distance. Because every time he was with her, he considered the kind of heady relationship he’d spent a lifetime avoiding. “I am changed.”

Riley arched a brow. Brody outright laughed. “Sure you are. Prove it and leave the shackles behind for a little while.”

Finn scowled. “I have work to do.”

“Come on, let’s get something to eat,” Brody said. Like the other McKenna boys, Brody had dark brown hair, blue eyes and a contagious smile. As the middle brother, he had a mix of both their personalities—a little serious and at the same time a little mischievous.

Riley turned to Brody. “What do you say we kidnap him?”

Brody put a finger on his chin and feigned deep thought. “I don’t know. He’s pretty stubborn.”

“We’ll just tie him up.” Riley grinned. “So there’s your choice, Finn. Either come with us or we’re going to haul you out of here like an Oriental rug.”

Finn chuckled. “Okay. I can see when I’ve been beaten.” He wagged a finger at them. “But I only have time for a cup of coffee, no more.”

The three of them headed out of the office, and instead of going down Beacon to their usual haunt, Riley took a right and led them toward a small corner diner on a busy street. The sign over the bright white and yellow awning read Morning Glory Diner. It looked cheery, homey. The opposite of the kind of place the McKenna boys usually frequented. “Hey, I really don’t have room in my schedule to go all over the city for some coffee,” Finn said. “My day is very—”

Riley put a hand on his arm. “You gotta ask yourself, what do you have room for?”

“Because it’s sure not sex.” Brody laughed. “I can’t believe you’ve been at work bright and early every morning. Haven’t you heard of a honeymoon period?”

Finn wasn’t about to tell his brothers that his was far from a conventional marriage. A honeymoon was not part of the deal. Nor was he even living with his “wife.” “Take advice on marriage from you? The eternal bachelor twins?”

“Hey, I may not be interested in getting married—ever.” Riley chuckled. “But even I know a newly married man should be spending all his time with his new bride.”

“Yeah, and in bed,” Brody added.

Damn. Just the words bed and wife had Finn’s mind rocketing down a path that pictured Ellie’s luscious curves beneath him, her smile welcoming him into her heart, her bed, and then tasting her skin. Taking his time to linger in all the hills and valleys, tasting every inch of her before making slow, hot love to her. Again and again.

He’d had that dream a hundred times in the days since he’d met her. He found himself thinking of her at the end of his day, the beginning of his day, and nearly every damned minute in between.

And that alone was reason enough to end this. He was a practical man, one who made sensible decisions. The sensible side of him said keeping his distance from Ellie was the wisest course. The one that would head off the disaster he’d created before. A part of him was relieved.

Another part was disappointed.

The part that dreamed about Ellie Winston and wondered what it would be like to consummate their temporary marital union.

Finn cleared his throat and refocused. He was in a platonic marriage, and there was no definition of that word that included having sex. “I’m not taking relationship advice from you two.”

“Maybe you should, brother.” Riley quirked a brow at him, as they entered the diner and sidled up to the counter. The diner’s namesake of bright blue flowers decorated the border of the room, and offset the bright yellow and white color scheme. “So, besides the fact that you aren’t in bed with her right now, how is it going with the new missus?”

“Do you want to talk about anything else this morning?”

Riley glanced at Brody. “Not me. You?”

“Nope. Finn’s life is my number-one topic of conversation.”

He loved his brothers but sometimes they took well-meaning just a step—or ten—too far. “Well then, you two will be talking to yourselves.” Finn ordered a black coffee, then gestured toward Riley and Brody. “What do you guys want?”

“Oh, you’re paying?” Riley grinned. He turned to the waitress, a slim woman with a nametag that read Stace. “Three bagels, a large coffee and throw in some extra butter and cream cheese. Can you pack it in to-go bags, too? Thanks.”

“Two blueberry muffins and a large coffee for me,” Brody said.

“You’re guys aren’t seriously going to eat all that, are you?” Finn fished out his wallet and paid the bill.

“Hell no. I’m getting breakfast for the next three days.” Riley grinned again.

“Yeah, and considering how often you offer to pay, maybe I should have ordered a year’s supply.” Brody chuckled.

Finn rolled his eyes. “You two are a pain in the butt, you know that?”

“Hey, we all have our special skills,” Riley said. “Except for you, because you’re the oldest. You get the extra job of taking care of us.”

“Last I checked you were grown adults.”

“Hey, we may be grown, but some us aren’t adults.” Riley chuckled.

“Speak for yourself.” Brody gave Riley a gentle punch in the shoulder.

Finn pocketed his change and followed his brothers over to a corner table. Since it was after nine, the breakfast crowd was beginning to peter out, leaving the diner almost empty. The smell of freshly roasted coffee and fresh baked bread filled the space.

“You know, I was just kidding,” Riley said. “You don’t have to take care of us. Or buy us breakfast.”

“I didn’t see your wallet out.”
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