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Sacrificial Magic

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Her skin tingled worse. Something wasn’t right. That felt like a ghost, but it also felt like magic. A witch doing ghost-magic? Shit, after Maguinness she really didn’t want to deal with that again.

Too bad it wasn’t up to her. There was a ghost, and there was magic, period. A summoned ghost, maybe, or a ghost working with a mate. Double fuck.

She pulled her knife out of her pocket and snapped it open, used her left hand to grab a handful of asafetida and graveyard dirt. Let them fucking come. She was ready.

What she wasn’t ready for was the fast whoosh of something flying through the air, or the heavy sharp weight slamming into the back of her skull. The dirt and her knife flew from her hands; the floor flew up to greet her. Painfully.

She barely had a chance to realize what had happened before everything went dark.

It was still dark when she opened her eyes, and her head felt like someone had jammed nails into it.

Not that the rest of her was any more comfortable. She felt stiff and smushed

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