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Just Dare Me...

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“Check the glove compartment,” he said, pointing.

She opened it and a box of condoms sprang into her hand. There was also a black bra, a jock strap and a jar of something called Slippery Sex. The man drove a rolling love shack.

He grinned and didn’t even have the grace to look sheepish. “In the back.”

With her face burning, she rummaged past a couple of maps, found a wad of napkins from a fast-food place, yanked one out and sneezed into it. She wanted to roll up the window, but didn’t dare until the queasiness passed. “Please slow down,” she moaned, resting her chin on the window opening.

“I’m going below the minimum speed limit,” he said. “At this rate, we’ll never get up this mountain.” But he eased off the gas and waved two vehicles around them. When two bicyclists passed them going uphill, Dell’s frustration became palpable.

“Maybe I should take you back,” he said, pushing his hand into his hair.

“No,” she said, gulping air past her clogged adenoids. “I’ll be fine once I acclimate.”

He barked out a laugh. “How long will that take?”

“I don’t know,” she said, bracing for a violent sneeze. From her lap she grabbed what she thought was the napkin, but wound up sneezing into the black bra. Afterward she held it up by finger and thumb and looked at Dell. “Sorry.”

He grimaced and reached over to take the bra, then tossed it out his window. Then he looked at the dash, his eyes wide. “Oh, no.”

“What’s wrong?” she asked, squeezing the bridge of her stuffy nose.

“The engine light is on—I think it’s overheated.” He steered the SUV to the shoulder and turned off the engine. “I don’t believe this.”

“Turn on the heater,” she mumbled.

“What? Why?”

“It’ll lower the engine temperature.”

He looked dubious, but he did what she suggested, then climbed out and raised the hood. Steam hissed into the air. Dell waved his arms back and forth, looking for the source.

“Check the radiator cap for a leak,” she called, then blew her nose heartily.

“Yeowww!” he howled.

She sighed, then grabbed the jock strap and climbed out to find Dell holding his burnt fingers. “It’s hot,” she added.

“I knew that,” he said, swearing and waving his red fingers in the air. “I just forgot.”

“Stand back,” she said, then used the jock strap to loosen the cap. No radiator fluid spewed out, only more steam. She leaned in and poked at the radiator hoses, zeroing in on a hole the size of a pencil eraser. “There’s your problem—a burst hose.”

He looked at her, his expression incredulous. “You know about cars?”

She frowned. “A little. Do you have an extra hose?”


“Radiator fluid?”

He sighed. “No.”

“Wait here.” Gabrielle walked to the back of the SUV, sneezing three times in a row and dabbing at her eyes. She opened the hatch and rummaged through her backpack, removing a roll of black electrical tape, a bottle of water, a tube of burn salve and a white bandage. She walked back to the front. “Let me see your hand.”

He worked his mouth from side to side, then reluctantly turned over his wounded hand for her inspection. Angry raised blisters formed a line across the underside of his large fingers. She made a rueful noise then opened the bottle of water and, holding his big hand steady, poured cool water over the violated skin. He sucked in a breath, then exhaled in relief.

Gabrielle’s own breathing seemed to be compromised, too, and she couldn’t blame it entirely on her allergies. Watching the water splash over their hands seemed more erotic than simple first aid. Tamping down her visceral reaction to him, she squeezed the burn salve onto her fingertips and applied it to the blisters as carefully as possible. He winced, but he didn’t complain. With her hands shaking, she tore open the bandage and wrapped it around his fingers twice before securing the end.

“There,” she said cheerfully. But when she looked up, she was caught up in his deep, brown eyes that reflected surprise and…desire? She realized that they were standing close enough for her to see the little nicks where he’d cut himself shaving this morning. Instead of his usual designer cologne, the scent of strong soap emanated from his skin. Everything about him was so male, and called to all those things in her that were female.

He wet his lips, and she knew he could sense the pheromones he’d stirred in her body. He leaned in until their lips were mere inches apart. “What now?” he murmured. “We seem to be…stranded.”

At the brush of his breath against her mouth, panic shot through her stomach. Certainly he didn’t intend to kiss her. Maybe she had something in her eye…a leaf in her hair…Yet he seemed to be looking at her mouth, and wasn’t this just how she’d always fantasized it would be between her and Dell? That he would look into her eyes and fall in love with her? That he would kiss her and realize she was the one?

Her breasts grew heavy and she forgot to breathe until her lungs contracted and she had to gasp for air. The shock to her system jarred her back to reality and into motion. “Stranded?” she said, turning back to the exposed engine. “Not necessarily.”

With renewed focus, she used her teeth to tear off a foot-long piece of the black electrical tape and reached in to tightly wrap the damaged hose. Retrieving the bottle of water, she said, “Stand back.”

He did, watching intently. She carefully poured the rest of the water into the radiator, pulling back until the steam slowed, then replaced the cap loosely. “Start it up,” she said.

Looking doubtful, he climbed in and started the engine. She checked to make sure the hose was holding and left the radiator cap loose in case pressure built up again, then lowered the hood and wiped her hands on her pants.

She climbed back inside and settled into her seat, trying to put their close encounter out of her mind. “Drive slowly to the next service station.” She blew her nose again—the brief time outside had sent her allergies into overdrive.

“Thanks,” Dell said. “That was…impressive.”

“Next time you might want to put as much thought into a roadside repair kit as you do your makeout kit,” she mumbled, stuffing the condoms and body lube back into the glove compartment, and pulling out another wad of paper napkins. Her foggy head was making her bold, she realized, and she hoped the flush on her cheeks could be attributed to the heat. With everything at stake, she couldn’t believe that she’d almost succumbed to his indiscriminate sex appeal.

And worse…how utterly lame was it that she knew more about how to fix a radiator hose than how to put on a condom?

DELL STARED at the slip of a woman slumped in the passenger seat, carsick, her nose and eyes red from unseen allergens. She’d just saved their asses…and had given him the best—or should he say worst—hard-on in recent memory.

What other surprises did Gabby have up her prim little sleeve?

He pulled back onto the road and drove slowly, keeping an eye out for the engine light to come back on. Soft snores sounded and he looked over to see Gabby’s mouth slack in sleep, her face a becoming shade of pink. The allergy attack must have zapped her, he realized, still marveling over her ingenuity and feeling a little upstaged by her preparedness.

A tiny blip of alarm zigzagged through his chest. Was this a foreboding of how the competition would play out?

Then he laughed at his own musings. A road repair that she’d learned in a women’s magazine article was one thing, but surviving in the elements was quite another. Her snoring escalated and he smirked. After all, the mere drive to the competition had put her under.

But it gave him a chance to study the puzzling young woman—the elegant, understated lines of her face, her long, graceful hands and feet, her slender figure and the lush curve of her breasts. In between teasing her in the hallways at the office, how had her quiet beauty escaped him all these years?

Because he typically went for the obvious beauties, like Courtney, he realized. Because he knew what to expect from women like Courtney-fun and fleeting involvement, with no strings. But a quiet little bird like Gabby was likely inexperienced with relationships and would probably misconstrue sex with something crazy, like love.

Dell flexed his bandaged hand. He did not need the complication of love in his life, not when his career was bulleting up and he already had less free time than he’d like to pursue the outdoor sports he enjoyed.

He forced his attention from the slender beauty back to the road. For the meantime, he’d stick to the obvious.

A few miles later, he pulled into a mom-and-pop service station and still Gabby didn’t awaken. He introduced himself to a skinny young guy named Walt who wore overalls over a shirtless, bony chest. “Can you replace a radiator hose?”
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