Robert looked at him in astonishment.
"What do you mean?" he asked.
"I mean that I have had my watch stolen, and I am sure some passenger has taken it."
"What kind of a watch was it?"
"It was a gold watch. Have you such a watch about you?"
"Yes, but–"
"Never mind about any buts," said the other fiercely. "I can tell by your expression that you have got my watch. Let me have it at once."
"A gentleman, now in the smoking-car, gave me a watch to keep for him."
"And you have it about you?"
"Give it to me at once."
"I couldn't, without his permission."
"That won't go down. Either give me the watch, or I will have you arrested."
"I have no right to give you the watch. If it is yours it was stolen by the man who handed it to me to keep for him."
"I give you two minutes to produce the watch. If you will do this, and pay me ten dollars besides, I will overlook your offense."
Robert's face flushed. He felt that he was in a tight place. This man might be a confederate of the other. But how was he to prove it?
The charge had come upon Robert so suddenly that he hardly knew what to say. Gradually, his presence of mind returned to him.
"What made you fix upon me as the one likely to have the watch?" he asked. "Why didn't you select some other passenger?"
The stout man hesitated. He could not say what was the truth, that Robert had been described to him by his confederate.
"It was your guilty look," he answered, after a pause.
"So you think I look guilty?" said our hero, with an amused smile.
"Yes, I do," said the other defiantly. "I have had a great deal to do with crooks in my time."
"No doubt of it," chimed in a new voice.
Both Robert and the man who accused him looked round. The voice proceeded from a tall, rough-looking man who sat behind Robert.
The accuser looked a little uneasy.
"As I said, I know a crook when I see him."
"So do I," said the rough-looking man, who had the appearance of a Western miner.
"My friend," said the claimant of the watch severely, "will you do me the favor to mind your own business?"
"That's good advice. I hope you follow it yourself."
"Will you give me the watch, or are you prepared to be arrested?"
"Describe the watch," said Robert composedly.
"I have. It is a gold watch."
"So is this," said the miner, producing a heavy gold watch from his fob.
"You needn't put in your oar," said the claimant, frowning.
"The boy is right. Describe the watch."
"I have already said that it is a gold watch."
"So is this. Do you claim this watch as yours?"
"No. I suppose it is your watch. The watch in the boy's pocket is not his."
"Correct, squire. But that doesn't prove it is yours."
"Where is the man who handed it to me?" asked Robert.
"I don't know. I don't believe there is any such man."
"Bring him here, and I will hand it to him."
"That's where your head's level, boy," said the miner. "If this man wants any proof that he asked you to keep it for him, he can call on me. I saw him do it."
"No doubt!" sneered the accuser. "I presume you are in league with the boy."
The miner coolly lifted the window beside his seat.
"Do you see that window," he asked.
"Yes. What of it?"
"Have you any particular desire to be thrown out?"