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A December To Remember

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It was all too much to cope with. Seeing Luca get all emotional wasn’t helping her stay in control. ‘Go on, shoo, both of you. I’m going to take another shower and get spruced up.’

‘It’s a bar in Vientiane, no need for glad rags.’ Luca grinned. Then slapped his forehead. ‘Oh, I forgot. Lady El won’t be seen anywhere in less than the best outfit.’

She picked up her pillow and threw it at him. ‘Get out of here.’

She hadn’t arrived in the best-looking outfit, even if she’d started out looking swanky back in Bangkok after a shower at the airport. But hey, in the interest of her self-esteem she wasn’t going out in a sack, either. Though maybe here where the temperatures were so hot and the humidity high and everything definitely casual she could let go some of the debilitating need to be perfect. After all, there was no one here that she desperately had to please. Not even her friend. Luca had always accepted her for who she was, even if he did tease the hell out of her at times.

Suddenly she realised she was only dressed in a T-shirt and knickers; her bra lay on top of her discarded trousers. This might be Luca, but she had some pride. Glancing at him, she was dismayed to see his gaze was cruising down her body, hesitating on her breasts. She couldn’t read the look in his eyes, but it was different from how he’d ever looked at her before.

Ellie shivered—with heat and apprehension. What was going on? ‘Get out of here. I’ll see you shortly.’ She needed a shower, a very cold one.

* * *

‘Like your dress,’ Luca told her an hour later as she perched her backside on top of a high stool and leaned her elbow on the bar. ‘When did you start wearing red?’ His eyes held the same expression they had back in her room.

She chose to ignore it. ‘Since I found the most amazing saleswoman in a very exclusive boutique.’ It was true. That lady was very skilled at her job and her shop was Ellie’s favourite, though lately there hadn’t been any call for beautiful dresses.

The one she’d slipped into tonight was a simple sheath that was casual yet elegant. Her new look, she decided there and then. No more going for the tailored, exquisite clothes her husband had demanded she wear even to cook dinner. She’d miss the amazing clothes because she had loved them but hated the criticism rained down on her for not looking perfect enough. But, hey, she wasn’t in that place anymore. She was with Luca in Vientiane. Ellie grinned. A real, deep all-or-nothing grin. Life was looking up. Strange glances from Luca or not.

‘What’s up? You look as if you won the lottery,’ Luca pushed a glass of Beer Lao towards her.

The condensation on the glass made her mouth water and that was before she’d tasted the contents. ‘As good as, I reckon. I’m starting to unwind and enjoy myself.’

‘Things haven’t been so great for you recently?’ There was a guarded look in his eyes as though he was afraid of overstepping the mark. Something they’d never had to worry about in the past.

A deep gulp of beer and then, ‘You were right. Freddy was an a-hole. I left him and now I’m trying to decide what it is I really want from my life.’

‘I’m sorry to hear that.’

No gloating, thank goodness, or she’d have tipped her beer over his head. And that would’ve been such a waste. It was delicious. ‘You know what? I’m not sorry.’ It had only just occurred to her but, no, she was not sorry that episode of her life was over. Now all she had to do was pack it away completely. If that was possible considering her sister’s role in it. Hopefully, being so far removed from the complications of her family, she might find some inner peace. Though she might never learn to trust anyone after what had been done to her.

‘Then, find that smile again.’ Luca placed his hand on top of hers on the counter. ‘You look better when your eyes light up with pleasure.’

Turning her hand over to clasp her fingers around his, she said, ‘Seeing you makes me feel good. I couldn’t believe it when you said my name.’

‘You were surprised? I got a helluva shock considering you weren’t the doctor we were expecting. How was that for coincidence? Or was it our stars aligning or some such babble?’

‘You’ve been here too long.’ As laughter bubbled up Ellie’s throat something strange was going on with her hand. The one covered by Luca’s. She could feel heat and a zinging sensation that had nothing to do with the weather and all to do with— No way. She jerked her hand free, folded her arms across her chest and rubbed her arms vigorously.

‘Ellie? You’re going weird on me.’ Luca locked his eyes on her.

Looking into those grey eyes, she searched for recognition of what had just happened but found nothing. Seemed her imagination was running riot. ‘I’m fine,’ she croaked.

‘Phew. For a moment there I thought you were changing on me.’ His gaze was intense, as if he was checking her out.

Zing. She felt it again. This time it was as if someone were lightly dancing down her spine. Tearing her eyes away from Luca, she snatched up her glass and drained the beer in one long gulp. The glass banged back on the counter and she stared around the bar, looking at everything and everyone but Luca.

‘I’ll get you another.’ His hand scooped up her glass. The fingers that wrapped around the moist receptacle were long and strong, and tanned. Not that she understood why she was noticing.

Ellie’s mouth dried, despite all the fluid she’d just swallowed. They’re only fingers. Luca’s, what’s more. She shivered, as though it were cold, except the temperature was beyond high and her skin was on fire. What had just happened? She had to get herself under control. Getting wired over Luca was so not a good idea, let alone sensible. And despite her mistakes she was usually sensible. Or had that attribute flown out of the door and floated away on the Mekong just across the road?

Guess it had been so long since she’d been close to any man that her body had reacted without thought. But this was Luca. Down, girl, down. He was the last man on earth she should be having feelings about that had nothing to do with friendship and all to do with sex.

CHAPTER THREE (#ulink_dbbf76f9-1dd4-56a4-a8be-80c70daee757)

LUCA AIMED FOR relaxed, trying to ignore that something big was bugging Ellie. The defining strength of their friendship had taken a battering years back and he wasn’t prepared to push. Not yet anyway. He’d hate to lose her now he’d just found her again. Not that he’d been looking. He’d kind of shut off most things from his previous life, except the mantra he’d always lived by—Chirsky men were bad husbands and fathers.

‘I should head back to the compound,’ Ellie muttered.

What happened to spending the evening together? ‘Let’s have another beer and then we’ll eat.’ Not waiting for her to answer, he waved at the barman busy with another order and indicated their empty glasses. He didn’t want to walk even a few metres down the bar because Ellie looked as if she was about to bolt, and that was the last thing he wanted.

He went with, ‘It’s unbelievable. I was coming into that room to meet some doctor I’d never heard of and there you were, looking like my Ellie.’

She blanched. Then slowly she slipped off the stool, standing straight—and bewildered. ‘I really should go.’ There was a wobble in her voice.

Luca placed a hand firmly on her shoulder. ‘Sit down. The heat and travel hits you hard at first, but you need to stay awake till a reasonable hour to get your body clock back on track. The sooner the better.’ He doubted those were the reasons for her looking as if she’d been run down by a train, but he played along. ‘When I first arrived it took me ages to settle into a routine.’

‘How long have you been here?’ She still looked ready to flee.

‘Nine months, three to go.’

Leaning her elbow on the counter, she propped her chin in her hand. ‘Then what?’

‘Maybe a spell in Cambodia.’ Or Vietnam, or even Australia at a major hospital. He hadn’t made any decisions about a whole load of things that involved his future since he’d come over here. He was avoiding them, because it was easier that way.

Her eyes widened and at last she gave him a smile. There were long gaps between those and he was already learning to appreciate them. She asked, ‘Since when did you want to give up your goal of being head of the busiest A and E department in New Zealand?’

The problem with changing the subject so Ellie would relax was that he ended up in the hot seat. About to start telling her about the clinic’s pet pangolin instead, he paused. They used to tell each other just about everything. Shouldn’t he start renewing their friendship by doing what they’d always done? ‘Gaylene doing her little number on me was a shock.’ That’s an understatement, El, in case you don’t realise. ‘I thought I’d made myself invulnerable, invincible, so that no one would catch me out. How wrong could a guy be? Maybe I’d become arrogant. I don’t know.’ He glanced across at Ellie and smiled despite himself. ‘Okay, I was.’ Hopefully that had changed. He’d sure as hell been taken down a peg or three, though not for anything to do with his medical work.

‘I can understand wanting to protect your feelings but you’re sounding as if you don’t ever want to let anyone near, into your heart.’ She eased her butt back onto the stool.

Luca felt some of the tension in his belly lighten. At least she didn’t look quite so ready to run for the door anymore, but did she have to go straight to the centre of his problem? So easily? Maybe he hadn’t missed her as much as he’d thought. But of course he had. Strange how he hadn’t known that until he’d found her again. Should’ve done something about looking her up years ago, but he couldn’t stand Baldwin. Not at all. ‘I’ve never made any bones about the fact I do not want a family—no wife, no children.’ Okay, want was the wrong word. He wouldn’t risk having a wife and family. That was closer to the truth.

‘That was an excuse for bonking every moving female while you were young, but not forever, surely?’ She was laughing at him, soft and friendly-like but laughing nonetheless.

‘Wrong,’ he snapped. Telling her what made him who he’d become was a mistake after all. But then he’d known that, had always kept certain things to himself, even from this woman.

‘Hey.’ Her hand covered his. ‘I didn’t mean to upset you. You’ve got to admit you spent a lot of time chasing females back then.’

‘I didn’t have to chase anyone.’ Yep, maybe he still was a little bit arrogant. A sigh huffed across his lips. ‘You want to hear my story or not?’

The surprise in her eyes told him she hadn’t expected him to continue his tale. Well, Ellie, nor did I. But now he’d started he didn’t want to stop. He wanted her to know what drove him and how he’d arrived here. The idea of opening his heart to her appealed, when it had never done so in the past. Never. Which should be a warning.

So he stalled. ‘Let’s order some food. Want me to choose? Anything you won’t like?’

‘As I have no idea what the locals eat, you go ahead. I can’t think of anything I won’t enjoy. Tell you what, though, they brew great beer.’

‘Their food’s just as good.’ He beckoned to the waitress and rattled off a few dishes he thought would be a good introduction to Lao food. Then he drank deeply from his glass and wiped the back of his hand over his mouth. ‘My father left before we were born.’ Ellie had met Angelique, his twin, when they were sharing that house in Auckland. Ange would often drop in for a night, sleeping on the floor in the corner of the lounge. ‘Growing up knowing he’d never wanted to meet us, to be a part of our lives, that he didn’t love us...’ He paused, looked directly at Ellie. ‘It was horrible. I used to look at men who were about the age I thought my father might be and wonder if they were our dad.’
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