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Almost a Christmas Bride

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“I guess we do, math whiz. I got your message, but Joe and I were out of cell phone range. What’s up?”

“I have … interesting news. I got a job. A full-time, permanent position, right here in Chance City.”

“That’s wonderful! What is it?”

“I’ll be working for Kincaid.” Shana waited for her sister’s reaction. Dixie knew how Shana felt about Kincaid.

“Really? Is he hiring a bodyguard, too?”

Shana laughed. She missed her sister so much. If only they could be sitting on the sofa together, talking about this situation over tea. “Very funny, Dix.”

“Well, there is the whole I-can’t-stand-Kincaid thing you’ve had going since the day you met him. You two are like oil and water sometimes.”

“I know, but it’s a chance to make a good life for Emma and me. I can’t turn that down.”

“You really have grown up.”

“I hope so. And some of that credit belongs to you. I couldn’t have made it without you, Dix, and that’s no exaggeration. But as grateful as I am, I can’t continue to clean the salon. I’m not going to have enough time.”

“What all are you going to be doing?”

“Everything. Helping with his business, drumming up design work, taking care of his home.”

“His home?”

“I’m moving in. Emma and I will be living there.”

There was a long stretch of silence. “Live-in? Really, Shana, is that wise?”

“I don’t know yet. I guess I’ll find out. But Dix, it means I can save money. In time I can have the life I’ve wanted for Emma and me.”

“But … living together, Shana?”

“He hired me through At Your Service. It’s all on the up-and-up.” She sounded defensive, even to herself. “Look, I know it seems odd, but I’m getting used to the idea. I think it’ll work out fine.”

“What will Mom and Dad say?”

Shana wished she could say she didn’t care, but it wasn’t true. “They’ll probably be embarrassed or offended. I can’t change that.”

“Well, you’re an adult. You get to make your own decisions. As for the job at the salon, Jade could use the money, I’m sure. She’ll take it on, as well as her receptionist duties.” Dixie yawned, then laughed. “Sorry. We’ve put in long hours this week.”

“You were supposed to be home by now. Eight-thousand miles from here to Tumari is way too far.”

“I know. Oh, I’m so homesick, Shana. I’m aiming for Christmas in Chance City. I won’t care if I ever travel again in my entire life, although I wouldn’t have passed up this opportunity for anything. And Joe’s really shined, you know? But he misses everyone, too.”

They chatted a little longer then said good-night. Shana picked up her tea again and sipped it, although it had cooled. She considered reheating it, but her thoughts wandered instead.

Dixie had been gone for over six months. Had Kincaid gotten over her during that time? Or would having her home stir up old feelings? She understood what he’d seen in Dixie. She was smart and confident and beautiful, not to mention all those curves that men appreciated, whereas Shana was just … ordinary, and too thin, lacking curves. At least that should help in keeping things professional between her and Kincaid. Without physical attraction, it wouldn’t be complicated.

She needed this job, and their relationship, to stay uncomplicated. For her sake, for Emma’s sake, for her chance at a happy life.

Nothing mattered more than that.

Kincaid had just said good-night to Dylan, who’d gone off to bed. They’d stayed up later than usual, Dylan too excited about moving into his own place to settle down, so they’d watched a movie and half of another before he yawned and headed to his room.

Kincaid couldn’t settle down, either. Seeing Shana in his house, in his personal space, had been disconcerting. He’d thought since Dylan had been living there for a couple of months, and Kincaid had gotten accustomed to having someone around, that it wouldn’t be difficult to have Shana and Emma move in.

Wrong. He’d hadn’t foreseen how much time he’d be spending alone with a woman he found attractive, if not exactly the kind of woman he usually went for, the fun-loving, easygoing women he tended to ask out.

And then there was Emma. Not just busy but rambunctious. Curious.

His phone rang. It was late, too late for a casual call.

Then he saw the caller ID.

He leveled out his voice. “Hello, Dixie.”

“You’re moving her in with you?” she almost shouted.

He winced a little. “You wanted me to help her. I’m helping.”

“I did not ask you to move her into your house, Kincaid. I asked you to give her a job.”

“You asked, and I quote, ‘Can you please help her in some way?’”

“As in give her a job.”

“I did that. Several jobs, actually, because I can’t give her enough work for one full-time job, so I needed to improvise. I decided I could use a housekeeper more than anything. She won’t have to pay rent, and she’ll have money left over at the end of the week. Now, what’s your objection?”

“If she finds out I had anything to do with this—”

“I already promised you she wouldn’t. What else?” Because he knew there was more. He was just waiting for her to say it.

“You can’t sleep with her, Kincaid.”

“For the sake of argument, why not?” Because the idea wasn’t as impossible as he’d thought a couple of days ago.

“Because you’re not the marrying kind, and she needs a marrying kind.”

“I think that’s up to her, don’t you? Anyway, that’s not on my agenda. I thought you’d be happy. She’ll be in a safe place with plenty to do, and leisure time, as well. No more commuting to Sacramento. A backyard for Emma. I think I hit the ball out of the park for you.”

“I’ll be keeping close tabs. I’ll call her a lot.”

“I’m sure she’ll like that.” He found himself grinning. Dixie could be almost as stubborn as Shana.

“So, I should just say thank you?”

“That would be nice. I’ve disrupted my life a lot for you.”
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